Английская Википедия:Battle of Valls

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Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:Use shortened footnotes Шаблон:Infobox military conflict Шаблон:Campaignbox Peninsular War (1809-1812) Шаблон:OSM Location map The Battle of Valls was fought on 25 February 1809, during the Peninsular War, between a French force under Laurent Gouvion Saint-Cyr and a Spanish force under Theodor von Reding. Fought near the town of Valls in Catalonia, Spain, the battle ended in a French victory. General Reding was fatally wounded during a cavalry charge against French cavalry.


The Spanish campaign in early 1809 started with the Battle of Uclés.


During actions on 15 February 1809, Reding's left wing was cut off from reinforcement by a French attack. Reding decided to retrieve this cut-off army, instead of counter striking at Souham. Planning to meet up with his northern units, Reding left Tarragona with only 2,000 men and most of his cavalry. On his way, he successfully met with units standing guard over the pass to Santa Cristina and another unit at Santas Cruces. Having sufficient strength, he continued to the town of Santa Coloma, whereupon he met with his previously cut-off left wing. With the combined left wing and the forces he took with him, Reding then had a total of almost 20,000 troops at his disposal. Deciding to defend Tarragona, he dispatched 4–5,000 of his men to watch Igualada and pressed home with his remaining men. St. Cyr, aware of Reding's movements, moved to block the two direct routes of returning to Tarragona. Reding, aware that Souham had moved and taken position in the town of Valls, still decided to take the route. Committing his forces to a march at night, Reding got his army to a bridge only two miles out of the town before daybreak.

Upon arriving at the bridge, Reding's vanguard was involved in a skirmish with men of Souham's division. Both commanders, realizing that the time for battle had arrived, rushed to get their men into position. Souham brought the rest of his division out of Valls and set them into position north of town. Reding, deciding this division to be insignificant, pushed his advanced line and most of his center across the river, continuing to send more across until the French division finally broke and fell back to Valls. At this point, most of his men and baggage train had crossed the bridge, but he nonetheless decided to give his men a long break. St. Cyr, learning of the attack later in the day, rushed to Valls with the 7th Italian Dragoons, also bringing the Italian division which would be delayed for six hours before joining the French line at Valls. Having seen the French line rallying when St. Cyr arrived with the Italian Cavalry, Reding pulled his forces back across the river in a defensive position. After three hours had passed, the Italian division had finally caught up to St. Cyr, who formed the French line of battle and crossed the river under constant bombardment. The Spanish forces poured fire onto the French attackers but as the columned French grew close to the Spanish line, the Spaniards began to rout. The only point of hand-to-hand combat came when Reding took his staff and cavalry and attacked the left column, only to be met by the Italian dragoons. in the ensuing melee, Reding himself took three fatal wounds.Шаблон:Sfn

French order of battle

VII Corps of General Laurent Gouvion Saint-Cyr on 1 February 1809Шаблон:Sfn
Corps Division Strength Units
VII Corps
General of Division
Laurent Gouvion Saint-Cyr
1st Division
General of Division
Joseph Souham
Файл:Général Joseph Souham.jpg
6,220 Шаблон:Flagicon 1st Light Infantry Regiment, 3 battalions
Шаблон:Flagicon 3rd Light Infantry Regiment, 1 battalion
Шаблон:Flagicon 7th Line Infantry Regiment, 2 battalions
Шаблон:Flagicon 42nd Line Infantry Regiment, 3 battalions
Шаблон:Flagicon 67th Line Infantry Regiment, 1 battalion
2nd Division
General of Division
Joseph Chabran
Файл:Joseph Chabran.jpg
4,037 Шаблон:Flagicon 2nd Line Infantry Regiment, 1 battalion
Шаблон:Flagicon 10th Line Infantry Regiment, 1 battalion
Шаблон:Flagicon 37th Line Infantry Regiment, 1 battalion
Шаблон:Flagicon 56th Line Infantry Regiment, 1 battalion
Шаблон:Flagicon 93rd Line Infantry Regiment, 1 battalion
Шаблон:Flagicon 2nd Swiss Infantry Regiment, 1 battalion
3rd Division
General of Division
Louis François Jean Chabot
Файл:Louis François Jean Chabot.jpg
1,633 Шаблон:Flagicon Chasseurs des Montagnes, 1 battalion
Шаблон:Flagicon 2nd Neapolitan Infantry Regiment, 2 battalions
4th Division
General of Division
Honoré Charles Reille
Файл:Général Honoré Charles Michel Joseph Reille.jpg
3,980 Шаблон:Flagicon 32nd Light Infantry Regiment, 1 battalion
Шаблон:Flagicon 2nd Line Infantry Regiment, 1 battalion
Шаблон:Flagicon 16th Line Infantry Regiment, 1 battalion
Шаблон:Flagicon 56th Line Infantry Regiment, 1 battalion
Шаблон:Flagicon 113th Line Infantry Regiment, 2 battalions
Шаблон:Flagicon Valais Infantry Regiment, 1 battalion
5th Division
General of Division
Domenico Pino
Файл:Domenico Pino.jpg
8,008 Шаблон:Flagicon 1st Italian Light Infantry Regiment, 3 battalions
Шаблон:Flagicon 2nd Italian Light Infantry Regiment, 3 battalions
Шаблон:Flagicon 4th Italian Line Infantry Regiment, 3 battalions
Шаблон:Flagicon 6th Italian Line Infantry Regiment, 3 battalions
Шаблон:Flagicon 7th Italian Line Infantry Regiment, 1 battalion
6th Division
General of Division
Giuseppe Lechi
Файл:Giuseppe Lechi.jpg
3,941 Шаблон:Flagicon 2nd Italian Line Infantry Regiment, 1 battalion
Шаблон:Flagicon 4th Italian Line Infantry Regiment, 1 battalion
Шаблон:Flagicon 5th Italian Line Infantry Regiment, 1 battalion
Шаблон:Flagicon Italian Velites Infantry Regiment, 1 battalion
Шаблон:Flagicon 1st Neapolitan Infantry Regiment, 2 battalions
German Division
General of Brigade
Annet Morio de L'Isle
5,321 Шаблон:Flagicon 1st Westphalian Light Infantry Regiment
Шаблон:Flagicon 2nd Westphalian Line Infantry Regiment
Шаблон:Flagicon 3rd Westphalian Line Infantry Regiment
Шаблон:Flagicon 4th Westphalian Line Infantry Regiment
French Cavalry 1,730 Шаблон:Flagicon 24th Dragoon Regiment
Шаблон:Flagicon 3rd Provisional Cuirassier Regiment
Шаблон:Flagicon 3rd Provisional Chasseur Regiment
Italian Cavalry 1,862 Шаблон:Flagicon Napoleone Dragoon Regiment
Шаблон:Flagicon Royal Chasseur Regiment
Шаблон:Flagicon Prince Royal Chasseur Regiment
Шаблон:Flagicon Neapolitan Chasseur Regiment
French Artillery 2,050 Шаблон:Flagicon Various artillery companies
Italian Artillery 585 Шаблон:Flagicon Various artillery companies
German Artillery 48 Шаблон:Flagicon Artillery company
Corps Total 39,415 Шаблон:Flagicon Шаблон:Flagicon Шаблон:Flagicon Шаблон:Flagicon Шаблон:Flagicon


The Spanish campaign in early 1809 proceeded with the French advance in Catalonia in the Third siege of Girona and the Battle of Alcañiz.

See also




Further reading

External links

Шаблон:Sequence Шаблон:Napoleonic Wars