Английская Википедия:Berry and Dolly

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Berry and Dolly (Шаблон:Lang-hu, Шаблон:IPA-hu) is a Hungarian animated series for children based on the book series of the same name by Шаблон:Interlanguage link.[1] All four current series are produced and directed by Géza M. Tóth through the Шаблон:Interlanguage link animation studio.[1]

The series consists of five-minute episodes and each individual series is released as a compiled film. In 2010, the first film became the third most watched film in Hungary.Шаблон:Citation needed The series has been translated into English, Slovenian, Serbian, Romanian, and Czech. It has enjoyed success through its televisation on the channel Minimax.

Recognition and Awards

In 2011, the KEDD animation studio won the Best Short Film award at the Jiangyin 11th International Children's Film Festival for the episode Alfonzo's Fiddle (Hungarian: Tücsök hegedűje).[2]

In 2012, Berry and Dolly was shown at the Tokyo International Anime Fair.[2][3]

In 2013, the film won a "Cartoon Kids" award at the Cartoon Club Animation festival in Italy.[2]

In 2013, the film also won the audience choice award at the Kecskemét animation film festival.[2]

In 2017, the film won the judges' choice award at the 6th international animation festival in Xi'an, China.[2]

Berry and Dolly has also been a part of other film festivals such as the Zlín Film Festival, the Basauri-Bizkaia International Animated Film Festival, and AniFest ROZAFA.Шаблон:Citation needed


Series 1

This series was released as the film Berry and Dolly - Friends (original title: Bogyó és Babóca - Barátok)[4] in 2010.[2]

Episode Title[5] Original Title[6]
1 Friends A barátság
2 Earache A fülgyulladás
3 The Rainbow A szivárvány
4 The Kite A papírsárkány
5 Santa Télapó
6 The Big Spider A barlangi pók
7 Christmas Karácsony
8 Witches Boszorkányok
9 Kindergarten Egy nap az óvodában
10 The Little Bumblebee Dongólany
11 The Snowman Hóember
12 Sea Adventure Tengeri kaland
13 Alfonzo's Fiddle Tücsök hegedűje

Series 2

This series was released as the film Berry and Dolly - Gingerbread (original title: Bogyó és Babóca 2. - Mézeskalács)[7] in 2011.[2]

Episode Title[8] Original Title[9]
1 The Yellow Ladybird A sárga katica
2 The Water Snail A vízicsiga
3 The Missing Nuts Az elveszett mogyoró
4 Stanley Skates Vendel korcsolyázik
5 Harry Hedgehog's Birthday Sün Soma születésnapja
6 The Bicycle A bicikli
7 The Carnival Jelmezbál
8 Spring Sport Day Erdei tornaverseny
9 The Canary Chicks A kanárifiókák
10 The Sandcastle A homokvár
11 Blueberries Áfonyaszedés
12 Gingerbread Mézeskalácsok
13 Hot Air Balloon Léggömb

Series 3

This series was released as the film Berry and Dolly - Playmates (original title: Bogyó és Babóca 3. - Játszótársak)[10] in 2012.[2]

Episode Title[11] Original Title[9]
1 Sunflowers Napraforgók
2 Pebbles Kavicsok
3 Flutter Goes Skiing Pihe síel
4 The Puppet Show Bábszínház
5 The Scooter Roller
6 Bubble's Tower Gömbi tornya
7 The Mushroom's Cap A gomba kalapja
8 The Football Match Focimeccs
9 Easter Eggs Hímestojások
10 Bad Dream Rossz álom
11 Dumplings Gombócok
12 The Star House Csillagház
13 The Board Game Társasjáték

Series 4

This series was released as the film Berry and Dolly - Fairy Cards[12] (original title: Bogyó és Babóca 4. - Tündérkártyák[13]) in 2013[13] which contained 14 of the 17 episodes (leaving out Doctor Owl Gets Sick, Starship, and Bubble Has Hiccups) due to its runtime.[13]

Episode Title[14] Original Title[13] Alternate Episode Numbers[14]
1 Dolly's Flowers Babóca virága 4
2 The Robot Robot 10
3 The Ant Choir A hangyák kórusa 5
4 Seashells Kagylók 9
5 Little Kids And Big Kids Kicsik és nagyok 12
6 Berry's Picture Bogyó rajza 3
7 The Windmill Szélmalom 8
8 The Moon Beetle Holdbogár 13
9 Butterfly Girls Lepkelányok 15
10 Bubbles Buborékok 2
11 Lanterns Lámpások 14
12 Fairy Cards Tündérkártya 1
13 The Big Wheel Óriáskerék 16
14 Four Seasons Évszakmanók 17
15 Doctor Owl Gets Sick Bagolydoktor beteg 11
16 Starship Csillaghajó 6
17 Bubble Has Hiccups Gömbi csuklik 7

Series 5

Episode Title Original Title[13] Alternate Episode Numbers
1 Bullying Erőszakos 6
2 Fishing Dinner Horgászvacsora 15
3 Flutter Junior Ifj. Pihe 4
4 Art Művészet 12
5 Diet Coke Diétás koksz 10
6 Flutter's New House Pihe új hiúzája 9
7 Meat Hús 1
8 Submarine Tengeralattjáró 11
9 Tree Fa 16
10 Zahra And The Rain Jasőka És az eső 2
11 The climbing frame A mászókeret 17
12 Thanksgiving Hálaadás 19
13 The Little Stag Beetle A kis szarvasbogár 3
14 Patches Javítás 18
15 The Hammock A függőágy 5
16 The Sun Beetle A napbogár 7
17 Back To Kingergarten Vissza az óvodába 13
18 Surfing Hullámlovaglás 8
19 What A Big Birthday Party Micsoda nagy meglepetésbuli 14

Series 6

This series was released as the film Berry and Dolly - Farming (original title: Bogyó és Babóca - Mezőgazdasági)[4] in 2015.[2]

Episode Title[15] Original Title[9]
1 Potato Farm Burgonyafarm
2 Breakfast Reggeli
3 Space Adventure Ürutazás
4 Flutter's Barbacue Pihe's Barbacuja
5 Making Chips Hasábburgonya készítése
6 Sleepover Elalvás
7 Honeymoon Nászút
8 Tea Party Zsúr
9 The Eighth Niece A nyolcadik unokahúg
10 Sled With Auntie Szánkó a nénivel



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