Английская Википедия:Bjerrum length

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Шаблон:Short description The Bjerrum length (after Danish chemist Niels Bjerrum 1879–1958 [1]) is the separation at which the electrostatic interaction between two elementary charges is comparable in magnitude to the thermal energy scale, <math>k_\text{B} T</math>, where <math>k_\text{B}</math> is the Boltzmann constant and <math>T</math> is the absolute temperature in kelvins. This length scale arises naturally in discussions of electrostatic, electrodynamic and electrokinetic phenomena in electrolytes, polyelectrolytes and colloidal dispersions. [2]

In standard units, the Bjerrum length is given by <math display="block">\lambda_\text{B} = \frac{e^2}{4\pi \varepsilon_0 \varepsilon_r \ k_\text{B} T},</math> where <math>e</math> is the elementary charge, <math>\varepsilon_r</math> is the relative dielectric constant of the medium and <math>\varepsilon_0</math> is the vacuum permittivity. For water at room temperature Шаблон:Nowrap <math>\varepsilon_r \approx 80</math>, so that Шаблон:Nowrap

In Gaussian units, <math>4\pi\varepsilon_0 = 1</math> and the Bjerrum length has the simpler form

Файл:Bjerrum length in water in nanometers.png
Bjerrum length in water calculated as a function of temperature.

<math display="block">\lambda_\text{B} = \frac{e^2}{\varepsilon_r k_\text{B} T}.</math>

The relative permittivity εr of water decreases so strongly with temperature that the product (εr·T) decreases. Therefore, in spite of the (1/T) relation, the Bjerrum length λB increases with temperature, as shown in the graph.

See also

