Файл:Billon stater boar Baiocasses CdM Paris.jpgA stater of the Baiocasses depicting a human profile with a boar set within whirls of pattern that extend from the stylized hair. The Celtic war locks are clearly represented and could justify the etymology Шаблон:Lang
The GaulishethnonymBodiocasses derives from the Proto-Celtic stem *bodyo- ('yellow, blond'; cf. Old Irishbuide 'yellow').Шаблон:SfnШаблон:Sfn The meaning of the second element -casses, attested in other Gaulish ethnonyms such as Durocasses, Sucasses, Tricasses, Veliocasses or Viducasses, has been debated, but it probably signifies '(curly) hair, hairstyle' (cf. Old Irish chass 'curl'), perhaps referring to a particular warrior coiffure. Rudolf Thurneysen has compared the name with the Old Irishbuide-chass ('blond curls'), and suggested to translate Bodiocasses as 'those who have blond curls/braids'.Шаблон:SfnPatrizia de Bernardo Stempel has proposed to interpret the name as 'those with shining helmets'.Шаблон:Sfn
The city of Bayeux, attested ca. 400 AD as civitas Baiocassium ('civitas of the Baiocasses'; Baiocas in 400–410, Baieus in 1155), and the region of Bessin, attested in 840 AD as pagus Baiocassinus ('pagus of the Baiocasses'; Beissin in 1050–66), all stem from the Gallic tribe.Шаблон:Sfn
The Baiocasses dwelled in a region located around modern-day Bayeux in western Normandy.Шаблон:Sfn
The Baiocasses minted base gold, silver and billon (base silver) coins in the denomination of one stater and in the case of gold coins sometimes quarter staters. Most of the coins show a Celtic-style male head with elaborated hair on the obverse, and on the reverse a horse with a chariot rider above or behind, and below usually either a lyre or small boar. A number of these are in existence.[7]
The 4th-century Bordelaise poet Ausonius teases a friend as a Baiocassis who claimed to be of druidic heritage and descended from priests of Belenus.[8]
↑BAIOCASSES - BAIOCASSES - (Région de BAYEUX) - (Ier siècle avant J.-C.) - Statère d'argent fourré - c. 60-50 AC. - VSO 15.
↑Ausonius, Commemoratio professorum Burdigalensium 4.7; Altay Coşkun with Jürgen Zeidler, "'Cover Names' and Nomenclature in Late Roman Gaul: The Evidence of the Bordelaise Poet Ausonius" (2003), pp. 6–7.