Английская Википедия:Boston Brahmin

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Файл:1768 BostonCommon byChristianRemick.png
Boston Common in Colonial Boston in 1768

The Boston Brahmins or Boston elite are members of Boston's traditional upper class.[1] They are often associated with a cultivated New England or Mid-Atlantic dialect and accent,[2] Harvard University,[3] Anglicanism,[4] and traditional British American customs and clothing. Descendants of the earliest English colonists are typically considered to be the most representative of the Boston Brahmins.[5][6] They are considered White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs).[7][8][9]

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The phrase "Brahmin Caste of New England" was first coined by Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr., a physician and writer, in an 1860 article in The Atlantic Monthly.[10] The term Brahmin refers to the priestly caste within the four castes in the Hindu caste system. By extension, it was applied in the United States to the old wealthy New England families of British Protestant origin that became influential in the development of American institutions and culture. The influence of the old American gentry has been reduced in modern times, but some vestiges remain, primarily in the institutions and the ideals that they championed in their heyday.[11]


Файл:Benjamin Crowninshield (captain).jpg
Typical dress of the Boston elite, dated Шаблон:Circa
Файл:Beacon Hill and Massachusetts State House P1010887.jpg
Beacon Hill, a preeminent Boston Brahmin neighborhood in the vicinity of the Massachusetts State House[12]

The nature of the Brahmins is referenced in the doggerel "Boston Toast" by Holy Cross alumnus John Collins Bossidy:


Many 19th-century Brahmin families of large fortune were of common origin; fewer were of an aristocratic origin. The new families were often the first to seek, in typically British fashion, suitable marriage alliances with those old aristocratic New England families that were descended from landowners in England to elevate and cement their social standing. The Winthrops, Dudleys, Saltonstalls, Winslows, and Lymans (descended from English magistrates, gentry, and aristocracy) were, by and large, happy with this arrangement. All of Boston's "Brahmin elite", therefore, maintained the received culture of the old English gentry, including cultivating the personal excellence that they imagined maintained the distinction between gentlemen and freemen, and between ladies and women. They saw it as their duty to maintain what they defined as high standards of excellence, duty, and restraint. Cultivated, urbane, and dignified, a Boston Brahmin was supposed to be the very essence of enlightened aristocracy.[13][14] The ideal Brahmin was not only wealthy, but displayed what was considered suitable personal virtues and character traits.

The Brahmin was expected to maintain the customary English reserve in his dress, manner, and deportment, cultivate the arts, support charities such as hospitals and colleges, and assume the role of community leader.[15]Шаблон:Rp Although the ideal called on him to transcend commonplace business values, in practice many found the thrill of economic success quite attractive. The Brahmins warned each other against avarice and insisted upon personal responsibility. Scandal and divorce were unacceptable. This culture was buttressed by the strong extended family ties present in Boston society. Young men attended the same prep schools, colleges, and private clubs,[16] and heirs married heiresses. Family not only served as an economic asset, but also as a means of moral restraint.

Most belonged to the Unitarian or Episcopal churches,[17] although some were Congregationalists or Methodists.[18] Politically, they were successively Federalists, Whigs, and Republicans. They were marked by their manners and once distinctive elocution. Their distinctive Anglo-American manner of dress has been much imitated and is the foundation of the style now informally known as preppy. Many of the Brahmin families trace their ancestry back to the original 17th- and 18th-century colonial ruling class consisting of Massachusetts governors and magistrates, Harvard presidents, distinguished clergy, and fellows of the Royal Society of London (a leading scientific body), while others entered New England aristocratic society during the 19th century with their profits from commerce and trade, often marrying into established Brahmin families.[19]

List of families

Файл:J S Copley - Samuel Adams.jpg
Samuel Adams, American statesman, Massachusetts governor, and Founding Father of the United States
Файл:SamuelAppleton BostonAthenaeum14.png
Samuel Appleton, American merchant
John Amory Lowell, banking merchant
Файл:Robert L Bacon.jpg
Robert L. Bacon, U.S. Congressman and attorney
Файл:Benjamin E Bates founder of Bates College.jpg
Benjamin Bates, philanthropist, business magnate, and namesake of Bates College
Файл:The history of the Civil War in America; comprising a full and impartial account of the origin and progress of the rebellion, of the various naval and military engagements, of the heroic deeds (14760322754).jpg
William Alfred Buckingham, American politician, Connecticut governor, and U.S. senator
Файл:William Gardner Choate (Federal judge from New York).jpg
William Gardner Choate, federal judge and founder of Choate Rosemary Hall
Файл:COOLIDGE, JOHN LCCN2016860932.jpg
John Coolidge, railroad executive and son of U.S. President Calvin Coolidge
Samuel Cooper, Congregational minister
Benjamin Williams Crowninshield, colonist
Файл:Thomas Cushing, Member of Continental Congress.jpg
Thomas Cushing, Massachusetts colonial speaker of the house
Файл:Joseph Dudley attributed to Peter Lely.jpg
Joseph Dudley, Royal Governor of Massachusetts
Файл:Rev. William Emerson (Polyanthos, May 1812).jpg
William Emerson, Massachusetts minister
Файл:Antonio Mancini - Portrait of John Lowell Gardner.jpg
John Lowell Gardner, American businessman and art collector
Файл:PT Jackson.jpg
Patrick Tracy Jackson, Boston manufacturer
Файл:Abbott Lawrence.jpg
Abbott Lawrence, politician and founder of Lawrence, Massachusetts
Henry Cabot Lodge, American statesmen and congressman
Файл:JamesOtisJr by Blackburn.jpg
James Otis, colonial lawyer
George Peabody, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and founder of the House of Morgan and the Peabody Institute
Файл:Charles Callahan Perkins.png
Charles C. Perkins, art historian, philanthropist, and founder of the Museum of Fine Arts
Файл:Portrait of John Phillips.jpeg
John Phillips, educator and founder of Phillips Exeter Academy
Файл:George P.A. Healy - John Quincy Adams - Google Art Project.jpg
John Quincy Adams, sixth President of the United States
Sylvanus Thayer, the father of West Point
Файл:John G. Palfrey I, Founder of Havard Divinity School.jpg
John G. Palfrey I, leader in founding Harvard Divinity School, U.S. Congressman, and Unitarian minister
Файл:David Sears.jpg
David Sears, businessman and philanthropist
Файл:Gov. Thomas Dudley.jpg
Thomas Dudley, first Massachusetts Bay Colony governor
Joseph Warren, Major general and physician


Adams Family


Amory Family


Appleton Family

Patrilineal line:[20]

Other notable relatives:[21][22][23]


Bacon Family


Bates family

Originally from Boston and Britain:


Boylston Family


Bradlee Family

Direct line:[24][25][26]

  • Nathan Bradley I, earliest known member born in America, in Dorchester, Boston, Massachusetts, in 1631
  • Samuel Bradlee, constable of Dorchester, Massachusetts
    • Nathaniel Bradlee, Boston Tea Party participant, member of Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association
    • Josiah Bradlee I, Boston Tea Party participant; m. Hannah Putnam
    • Joseph Putnam Bradlee (1783–1838), Commander of the New England Guards, chairman of the State Central Committee, Director and then President of the Boston City Council
    • Samuel Bradlee Jr., lieutenant colonel during the American Revolutionary War
    • Thomas Bradlee, Boston Tea Party participant; member of Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics Association; Member of the St. Andrews Lodge of Freemasons
    • David Bradlee, Boston Tea Party participant; Captain in the Continental Army, member of the St. Andrews Lodge of Freemasons
    • Sarah Bradlee, "Mother of the Boston Tea Party"


Brinley Family of Boston, Newport, and Shelter Island, NY

  • Francis Brinley, Esq. (1632–1719), arrived from England in 1651 after the English Civil War, with his two sisters, children of Thomas Brinley, auditor to King Charles I&II, his original home became Newport's White Horse Tavern, Judge, book collector, landowner (RI, MA, NJ), Governor's assistant, m: Hannah Carr (niece of RI Gov. Caleb Carr). Boston estate at Hanover and Elm, current site of Government Center.
    • William Brinley, Esq. (1656–1704), first son of Francis, Judge in Newport, co-founder of Trinity Church, Newport, first Anglican church in RI, disinherited by father after marriage
      • William Brinley, Esq. (1677–1753), only child of Wm. Brinley, Judge in Monmouth, NJ, passed over for younger cousin Francis Brinley
        • John Brinley (1713–1775), Brinley grist mill owner in Oakhurst, NJ
          • William Brinley (1754–1840), Major in Revolutionary War
            • Sylvester C. Brinley (1816–1905), founded Brinley, Ohio (a.k.a. Brinley Station) in 1855.
    • Thomas Brinley (1661–1693), second son of Francis, Boston/London merchant, co-founder of King's Chapel, Boston, first Anglican church in colonial New England.
  • Anne Brinley Coddington (1628–1708), third wife of Governor William Coddington, who arrived with the Winthrop fleet in 1630 and became an early MA magistrate, the first Governor of Rhode Island/founder of Portsmouth and Newport, RI, and mother and grandmother of subsequent Governors.
  • Grisell Brinley Sylvester (1635–1687), wife of Nathaniel Sylvester, together they became the first white settlers and owners of all of Shelter Island, NY. She is credited with bringing boxwoods to the colonies.


Buckingham Family

Originally from Boston and Britain:




Chaffee Family

Originally of Hingham, Massachusetts:[28]

  • Thomas Chaffee (1610–1683), businessman and landowner
  • Jonathon Chaffee (1678–1766), businessman and landowner
  • Matthew Chaffee (1657–1723), Boston landowner
  • Adna Romanza Chaffee (1842–1914), U.S. general
  • Adna R. Chaffee Jr. (1884–1941), U.S. general
  • Zechariah Chafee (1885–1957), philosopher, civil libertarian
  • John Chafee (1922–1999), U.S. senator
  • Lincoln Chafee (born 1953), former U.S. senator, former Rhode Island governor, 2016 U.S. presidential candidate for the Democratic party


Choate Family


Coffin Family

Originally of Newbury and Nantucket:




Crowninshield Family

Descendants by marriage:


Cushing Family

Originally of Hingham, Massachusetts:[29]

Descendant by marriage:


Dana Family


Delano Family


Dudley Family


Dwight Family


Eliot Family


Emerson Family


Endicott Family




Everett Family

Descendants through the marriage of Sarah Preston Everett (1796–1866) and noted journalist Nathan Hale (1784–1863):


Of Marblehead and Salem:[30]

  • William Fabens (1810–1883), lawyer, member of Assembly, Senate[30]
  • Samuel Augustus Fabens (1813–1899), master mariner in the East India and California trade[30]
  • Francis Alfred Fabens (1814–1872), mercantile businessman, San Francisco judge, attorney[30]
  • Joseph Warren Fabens (1821–1875), U.S. Consul at Cayenne, businessman, Envoy Extraordinary of the Dominican Republic[30]
  • George Wilson Fabens (1857–1939), attorney, land commissioner and superintendent of Southern Pacific Railroad, namesake of Fabens, Texas[32]


Forbes Family


Gardner Family

Originally of Essex county:


  • Jonathan Gillett (1609–1677), colonist
  • Edward Bates Gillett (1817–1899), attorney
    • Frederick Huntington Gillett (1851–1935), 37th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives
    • Arthur Lincoln Gillett (1859–1938), clergyman
  • Ezra Hall Gillett (1823-1875), clergyman and author
    • Charles Ripley Gillett (1855-1948), clergyman


Hallowell Family



Holmes Family


Jackson Family


Knowles Family


Lawrence Family

Descendant by marriage: Abbott Lawrence Lowell (1856–1943), president of Harvard University


Lodge Family




  • Theodore Lyman (1753–1839), China trade merchant, commissioned Samuel McIntire to build one of New England's finest country houses, The Vale
  • Theodore Lyman II (1792–1849), brigadier general of militia, Massachusetts state representative, mayor of Boston
  • Theodore Lyman III (1833–1897), natural scientist, aide-de-camp to Major General Meade during the American Civil War, and United States congressman from Massachusetts
  • Theodore Lyman IV (1874–1954), director of Jefferson Physics Lab, Harvard. The Lyman series of spectral lines, the crater Lyman on the far side of the Moon, and the Lyman Physics Building at Harvard are named after him.


Minot Family


Norcross family

Original from Watertown, Massachusetts


Oakes family


Otis family


Paine Family


Palfrey Family


Parkman Family


Peabody Family


Perkins Family


Phillips Family

Other notable relatives:


Putnam Family


Quincy Family


Rice Family

Originally of Sudbury, Massachusetts:


Saltonstall Family



Sears Family


Sedgwick Family





  • James Perkins Sturgis (1791 - 1851), wealthy merchant
  • Nathaniel Russell Sturgis (1779 - 1856), merchant and socialite m. Susannah Thomsen Parkman, daughter of Samuel Parkman, an influential merchant


Thayer Family

  • Brevet Brigadier General Sylvanus Thayer (1785–1872), U.S. general (Army), Father of West Point
  • Nathaniel Thayer (1769–1840), Unitarian minister; father of
    • Nathaniel Thayer Jr. (1808–1883), financier, philanthropist; partner in John E. Thayer and brother firm which he left to clerks Kidder and Peabody after his retirement. One of the most generous citizens of Boston donating Thayer Hall to Harvard University; an overseer of Harvard, 1866–1868, and a fellow, 1868–1875; father of
  • Bayard Thayer (1862–1916), millionaire sportsman, horticulturist
  • Eugene Van Rensselaer Thayer (1855–1907), financier, capitalist; father of
    • Eugene Van Rensselaer Thayer Jr. (1881–1937), Harvard class of 1904; President of Merchants and Chase National Banks; Chairman of Stutz motorcars
  • James Bradley Thayer (1831–1902), American legal writer, educationist
  • Ernest Thayer (1863–1940), American poet, author of "Casey at the Bat", and uncle of Scofield Thayer
  • Scofield Thayer (1889–1982), American poet, publisher
  • Eli Thayer (1819–1899), member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Massachusetts
  • John A. Thayer (1857–1917), member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Massachusetts
  • John R. Thayer (1845–1916), member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Massachusetts
  • Brevet Major General John Milton Thayer (1820–1906), U.S. senator, U.S. Civil War general (Union Army); governor of Nebraska
  • Webster Thayer (1857–1933), judge at the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti
  • William Greenough Thayer (1863–1934), American educator; father of
  • Tommy Thayer (born 1960), lead guitarist for the rock band Kiss


Thorndike Family


Tudor Family



Weld Family




Wigglesworth Family


Winthrop Family

Patrilineal descendants:

Other descendants:


  • Cleveland Amory, The Proper Bostonians, 1947

See also

