Английская Википедия:Breathing Games

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Шаблон:Multiple issues

Шаблон:Infobox organization Breathing Games is an open access health commons that aims to promote respiratory health through games for health and open source hardware released under copyleft licences.[1][2] Breathing Games leads collaborations with hospitals and universities in Canada, France,[3] Switzerland, Italy and South Korea, and is a member of the Global Alliance against chronic Respiratory Diseases.[4]

The commons builds on open collaboration and peer production[5][6] to design and develop education and treatment games and hardware for asthma,[7] cystic fibrosis,[8][9] and COPD.[10]

In 2020, Breathing Games organized a joint event between the Geneva Health Forum and Open Geneva to promote open-source health technologies.[11]

In the media

Breathing Games is presented through its collaboration with the peer to peer network Sensorica in the documentary A new Economy, directed by Trevor Meier.[12]

In March 2019, the Swiss Television reports on an event organized by Breathing Games during the OpenGeneva festival.[13]


Breathing Games is funded by public research funds (Canadian Institutes of Health Research,[14] French Hospitals Federation – Fonds FHF,[15] European Union OpenCare[16]) and by a private foundation.


In 2019, Breathing Games was a Citypreneurs finalist, a contest hosted by the City of Seoul and United Nations agencies to find solutions to the global goals.[17]

See also



External links

Шаблон:Authority control