The British Society for Special Care Dentistry, formerly known as the British Society for Disability and Oral Health (until 2022) and the British Society of Dentistry for the Handicapped, is an association devoted to bringing together those interested in the oral care of people with disabilities.[1] The society holds two scientific meetings each year. The winter meeting is held in London in December; the spring meeting is held at various locations throughout the UK. Meeting programmes cover a wide range of topics, behavioural and social as well as clinical. BSDH has group membership of the International Association for Disability and Oral Health (IADH), meaning that BSDH members automatically join IADH.
Society objectives
To promote the oral health of disabled people of all ages.
To promote links with organisations representing disabled people
To consult with disability groups to identify their needs and demands
To study the barriers relating to the provision of oral health care for disabled people
To develop Undergraduate and Postgraduate teaching in the subject
To encourage research in the field of oral health for disabled people