Английская Википедия:Cadet Org

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Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:Use mdy dates The Cadet Org is a subdivision of the Church of Scientology for the children of members of the Sea Org (SO), an internal Scientology grouping of the organization's most dedicated members. It operated for about thirty years between the early 1970s and the early 2000s in a number of locations in the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia. Some of its facilities reportedly housed as many as 400 children who were aged between a few months and sixteen years old.

Children in the Cadet Org were divided into two or three different categories reflecting their age and level of proficiency in Scientology. They were typically housed in dorms under the supervision of a small number of adults. Conditions at Cadet Org facilities were reportedly often dirty and unsafe, which resulted in at least two prosecutions by public authorities. The children were granted only infrequent contact with their parents and reportedly had very little time off or playtime.

The Cadet Org was said to have been severely under-resourced, leading to a lack of basic provisions such as toilet paper, food and clothing at various times and places. The Church of Scientology itself reported that the Cadet Org was often treated as a dumping ground for adult staff who had failed elsewhere in the Sea Org, leading to unsuitable people, including pedophiles, working in Cadet Org facilities. Internal church documents and the accounts of ex-members have highlighted recurrent problems with physical and sexual abuse of children in the Cadet Org.

Like the adult Sea Org, the Cadet Org was run on quasi-military lines with a strict daily routine, timed to the minute, that ran from at least 6:30Шаблон:Nbspam to 9:30Шаблон:Nbsppm. Children were given posts and were assigned responsibility for managing various aspects of their facilities, including discipline. They were required to do hard physical labor, sometimes without protective equipment and at very young ages.

The Cadet Org was eventually dissolved around the start of the 21st century after Sea Org members were forbidden to have children, as they were regarded as too great a burden. This reportedly resulted in many female Sea Org members having abortions to avoid being punished by the Church for contravening the ban.

Origins and policies

The Cadet Org was defined by Scientology's founder L. Ron Hubbard as being


Hubbard's attitude towards children was to treat them as what he termed "assets". In 1972 he wrote:


He told Scientologists in 1973:


In Scientology doctrine, children are regarded as being "adults in small bodies". According to L. Ron Hubbard, their bodies house ancient and immortal thetans or spirits who are capable of carrying out the same responsibilities as any adult. Because their spirits are regarded as ageless, their status as children is irrelevant.Шаблон:R Scientologists working as staff members believe that their most important purpose is saving the world and everything else is secondary. Vicki Aznaran, a former church official, explains: "Scientology comes first, and everything else is off-purpose. Parents who want to spend time with their children are looked down on. It's not socially acceptable."[1]

During the late 1960s, when Hubbard founded the Sea Org to accompany him aboard the ships Apollo, Athena, Diana, and Excalibur, caring for children presented a significant problem for Sea Org members. A post of "Governess" was established in 1968 to look after Sea Org children. The difficulty of looking after children aboard a ship is hinted at by Hubbard's instruction that if a child was "found in Hold 1 or any hidden compartment of the ship they are to be locked up."[2]

By the early 1970s, Sea Org members were being based ashore and new arrangements were needed. In 1972, the newly-established Cadet Org was divided into three subgroups: Cadets, who were Sea Org members on the payroll with posts of their own; children, aged 6 and above, who were not on the payroll, and babies or small children, who were under 6 years of age. Children and Cadets were permitted to attend public or state schools in their area, but had to undertake Scientology study in the evenings to "handle any confusions" caused by what they had covered in school. Sea Org parents were allowed to form Parents' Committees to oversea the living conditions and upbringing of Sea Org children.[3] However, parents' contact with their children was restricted; communications "to a child or about a child" were required to go through the Cadets' Commanding Officer "who may alter or cut it if off [program]."[4]

Children who transgressed were to be punished "by placing that child in the [Rehabilitation Project Force] under severe restrictions".[4] The RPF is a program for Sea Org members who are regarded as having violated expectations or policies, and has been characterized by critics as a forced labor and re-indoctrination program. A version for children was established by order of L. Ron Hubbard. It appears to have fallen into abeyance for a while, but a 1989 minute by a Cadet Org staff member recommended its reinstitution. The author wrote that she had "several Cadets and blown [escaped] Cadets who need to go to the children's RPF ... A very small percentage are enturbulative [troublesome] sources and are sabotaging efforts to set the scene right. They need to be moved off the line per Forcing In The Ideal Scene." One particular child, who was named in the document, was recommended to be "moved off everyone's lines and put into the Children's RPF. [He] recently took a razor blade and cut X's in his skin up and down both his arms. He is pychotic [sic] in PT [present time] and needs close supervision."[5]

Life in the Cadet Org


Los Angeles

Sea Org children based in Los Angeles, California, lived in a number of facilities including a building on Fountain Avenue, another on Melrose Avenue and two three-story buildings at 811 Beacon Street. One of them, Tonja Burden, spent three months at Beacon Street in 1973 at the age of 13. She later testified that at the facility, which housed 400 children,


By the Church's own admission, the Fountain Avenue facility was illegal, as it flouted local child safety regulations. It violated several building codes – it was not the right type of construction for group care of children, children under five were cared for above the first floor, and the children's rooms did not all have exits directly to the outside of the building. The illegalities were discovered by the Los Angeles County and State authorities following a hepatitis outbreak in February 1979. The church was tipped off that it would be raided by California state agents. This gave it time to move the children into an annex building that was hurriedly made to confirm with legal requirements. By the time the raid took place, a church official reported, "there was nothing they could do to us."[6]

One of the nannies, Sheila Huber, said that at the age of sixteen she was put in charge of around thirty children aged under three, all housed in a single one-bedroom apartment: "I couldn't believe it. It was wall-to-wall cribs. There were just under 30 children and they were under my sole care. I had no training."[7] Perhaps not surprisingly, the children had very restricted lives, according to Huber. She later recalled:


PAC Ranch

Some of the children of Scientologists working at the Church's Pacific Area Command (PAC) base in Los Angeles were housed at Canyon Oaks Ranch near Santa Clarita, California, north-west of the city. According to former Scientologists Saina Kamula and Mirriam Francis, who lived at the PAC Ranch in the mid-1990s, it was a "military-esque" facility that operated "like Lord of the Flies".[8] Francis described it as "a bunch of trailers plopped down on a few acres in desert SoCal area and that's where we studied more Scientology and worked and lived amongst each other."[9] Kamula and Francis say that children were punished by being made to eat lunch behind maggot-infested dumpsters. Similar to other Cadet Org facilities, the children living at the PAC Ranch were made to carry out hard physical labor including demolish possibly asbestos-laced walls or laying bricks on L. Ron Hubbard Way in Los Angeles. Kamula says that she was made to work for 60 hours a week as an underage teen and suffered severe stress as a result, which led to her being placed on a suicide watch on several occasions. The facility was shut down in 2007.[8]

Int Ranch

In the 1990s, the children of Sea Org members working at Scientology's Gold Base in California were housed in a facility called the "Int[ernational] Ranch". This was located on five hundred acres of land in the San Jacinto Hills in Riverside County, adjacent to the Soboba Indian Reservation about 20 miles from Gold Base. A cluster of buildings called the Motels occupied the center of the site, with six or seven other buildings scattered around nearby.Шаблон:R When Jenna Miscavige Hill was sent there at the age of six in March 1990, she was one of fifteen other children of senior Scientology executives who lived at the site – a figure that eventually grew to around 80.Шаблон:R

The site was dilapidated, overgrown and presented fire risks, so the children were put to work renovating it. Although electrical and plumbing work was carried out by adults, virtually all of the other renovation work was carried out by the children.Шаблон:R The children were divided into three groups: Children, Precadets and Cadets. The grouping was determined by both age and how advanced they were in their Scientology training. The youngest, the Children, were generally under six years old, Precadets were seven to nine and Cadets nine to sixteen. It was possible for particularly advanced younger children to be Cadets, or for older children who were behind with their studies to still be Precadets. It was also possible for children to be demoted to a lower group as a punishment.Шаблон:R

Later in 1990 an increasingly regimented regime was put in place in which the children's activities were scheduled down to the minute. It became more like a military boot camp in which children were made to do what Miscavige Hill describes as "grueling drills, endless musters, exhaustive inspections, and arduous physical labor that no child should have to do."Шаблон:R A rigorous system of punishments and internal surveillance was implemented to keep the children in line. Any infractions resulted in being issued a chit, a kind of written demerit, which was kept on record. The children were instructed to report on each other's activities and speak up if they saw any infractions, otherwise they would be considered an accessory to the offense and would receive the same punishment as the offender. This, Miscavige Hill says, "made it difficult for anyone to trust anyone else".Шаблон:R

Life for a Cadet or Precadet followed a set, and lengthy, daily routine, overseen by the children themselves in accordance with L. Ron Hubbard's instructions. They wore uniforms consisting of khaki shorts with a red t-shirt or polo shirt with the Sea Org emblem embroidered on it. They also had sweat pants, dress pants and a vest but were not permitted to wear any of their own clothes, with the exception of pajamas.[10]

They were roused at 6:30Шаблон:Nbspam and given half an hour to carry out cleaning assignments. At 7Шаблон:Nbspam they were formed up into seven different Divisions, each under a Division Head, for a morning muster in front of the Commanding Officer Cadet – a fellow Cadet. The children stood to attention with the Division Heads saluting while the Master-at-Arms, another child, read out a military-style report on each Division's status. Uniforms were inspected and the personal hygiene of each child was checked, with their breath and armpits smell-tested and their hair inspected for lice.Шаблон:R

Punishments were imposed for lateness or failing inspections. Lateness was particularly harshly punished, ranging from being issued with a chit to having a bucket of ice water poured over the offender's head. Failing a berthing inspection would result at the very least in receiving a chit. An offender might alternatively be ordered to white-glove the room (cleaning it so well that a person wearing white gloves could run their hands over the surfaces without getting them dirty) or in extremis being ordered to sleep overnight in Pig's Berthing, an old mattress in a rat- and bat-infested derelict building on the site.Шаблон:R Zoe Woodcraft, who was there at the same time as Miscavige Hill, wrote that she recalled "two girls about nine years old who were forced to spend the night there and in the middle of the night they ran screaming and crying from the building. One of the girls afterward told me that they had been terrified by the bats and couldn't stand it anymore."[10]

After the morning muster, a period of Scientology training was followed by work on the children's assigned posts. Miscavige Hill was made a groundsman at the age of six, responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of part of the grounds, which involved physical labor. A few months later, when she was seven, she was made the Medical Liaison Officer – in effect the site doctor – with responsibility for identifying and treating any medical conditions reported by the children. She was also responsible for doling out vitamins and formulas as specified by Hubbard, which every child was required to ingest daily.Шаблон:R No matter how sick a child was, no drugs were allowed other than antibiotics, but visits from real doctors were rare. In the entire time that Miscavige Hill was at the Int Ranch, she did not go to a doctor once despite several periods of sickness.Шаблон:R

Breakfast took place between 8:30 and 9Шаблон:Nbspam. A "table captain" was assigned for each table to supervise the delivery of food.[10] This followed by fifteen minutes for the children to clean the dishes and dining room, and then a second muster. Between 9:15Шаблон:Nbspam and 12:45Шаблон:Nbsppm, Monday through Friday, and all day Saturday, the children went to decks or labor-intensive projects. Deck time formally lasted 25 hours per week but work more realistically lasted for at least 35 hours per week for all the Precadets and Cadets, from ages six upwards. They were divided into labor units which were assigned to specific projects, many involving hard physical labor. There was some lighter work such as doing the laundry or cleaning the swimming pool, but the children were also responsible for rock hauling, weeding, planting trees, digging irrigation trenches, landscaping the site and renovating buildings. On Saturdays the children had to carry out intensive cleaning of their berthings and the buildings. The adults at the Int Ranch issued project orders and inspected the results to make sure they were satisfactory, but only rarely intervened to help out the children. The work took place in all weathers, ranging from rain and hail to temperatures upwards of 100 °F (30 °C), with only occasional five-minute breaks permitted. There was no protective equipment and the children often had to wear inappropriate clothing, such as shorts in the winter, as there was no funding for new clothes.Шаблон:R

Scientology put forward a number of justifications for making the children do such work. They were told that the labor was an exchange for being able to live on the Ranch, earning their way rather than getting things for free, which was something that only criminals sought. The hard labor was said to be a way to train the children to take pride in their work, face tough situations and handle MEST (the physical world), which would make them better Scientologists. If their work or conduct was repeatedly deemed unsatisfactory they would be sent to the HMU, the Heavy MEST Work Unit, where they would be required to do the hardest forms of physical labor such as deep trench digging. Offenders were also physically isolated from the rest of the children.Шаблон:R

Miscavige Hill notes that "we were a group of children who devoted hours of every day to doing the kind of physical labor that no child should have to do." The work was physically taxing:


Deck time ended at 12:45Шаблон:Nbsppm and was followed by clean-up and lunch. An hour later at 1:45Шаблон:Nbsppm, schooling began in a range of typical academic topics, which the children taught themselves using textbooks and checksheets.Шаблон:R There was no teacher but the children were instead overseen by a course supervisor who tested them on an E-meter to see if they had misunderstood anything. This continued until 6Шаблон:Nbsppm, with a fifteen-minute break and a snack. Dinner and another clean-up took place from 6 to 6:45Шаблон:Nbsppm, followed by Scientology training until 9Шаблон:Nbsppm.Шаблон:R

Finally, the children were required to fill out Student Point Slips, a kind of progress report for the day, in which various activities were assigned point scores for completion. This was used for the "management by statistics" system implemented by Hubbard across Scientology: the points were tabulated and marked on a graph, which had to show an up-trend each day. Each day ended with an adulation period for L. Ron Hubbard, whose portrait was displayed on the wall of the course room. The children would face his picture, chant "Hip! Hip! Hooray", and applaud the portrait for a couple of minutes. After a short period to get ready for bed, lights-out came at 9:30Шаблон:Nbsppm sharp, ending a thirteen-hour day.Шаблон:R

The children had no free or play time,[10] but there were three breaks to the routine during the week. On Thursday afternoons, the children were required to spend two hours tallying up their daily statistics to determine their status in accordance with Scientology ethics and justice codes. Depending on the outcome of the graphing, the children would have to take particular steps to improve or maintain their statistics. If the trend was down, potentially negative consequences would follow, such as having privileges revoked or being given only rice and beans to eat. The children were also given weekly E-meter checks to determine whether they were concealing secrets or transgressions, and had to write weekly reports to their parents. On Friday evenings a graduation ceremony was held for course completions and Scientology media presentations were shown, followed by the disbursement of a five-dollar weekly allowance.Шаблон:R

Contact with parents was extremely limited. Jenna Miscavige Hill's father visited once a week for twenty minutes during his lunch break, and was unusual for being one of only a few parents to do so.Шаблон:R At 10Шаблон:Nbsppm on Saturday nights, she was allowed to go to her parents' apartment to stay with them overnight.Шаблон:R She was also given two or three days off over Christmas.Шаблон:R Letters to and from parents were monitored to ensure that nothing negative was said. Any complaints would be treated as "nattering" and punished.Шаблон:R Weekly phone calls were also permitted.Шаблон:R The children were occasionally let out to attend special events, when Miscavige Hill says they were "dressed up in cute outfits in front of our parents and Int crew to make it seem as though Scientology were creating a normal and joyful childhood, when in fact we were all being robbed of it."Шаблон:R Zoe Woodcraft, by contrast, spent over a year there but, she says, "we never went into town for a field trip; never went to a movie, shopping or anything. We were totally isolated. The only time I ever left was when I was allowed once to take a leave of absence to visit my father at Christmas."[10]

In the absence of parental support, Miscavige Hill writes,


Apollo Training Academy

Some children were sent to the Apollo Training Academy (ATA), located on Fountain Street opposite the offices of Scientology publishing house Bridge Publications. Mike Rinder, a former high-ranking Scientology official, describes it as "a cinder block building, with a double-wide trailer in the front, six-foot fence around it with a top on it so outside people couldn't see".[9] It was originally run by a Scientology entity called the Cadets Estate Organization, which was later separated from the Cadet Org. Woodcraft was sent there after returning from a stay in New York in 1992, when she was nine years old, as there was no more room for children at the ranch. She later wrote that the conditions there were the worst that she ever encountered as a child:


The ATA operated as a Scientology school for about two hundred children. They studied a mixed Scientology and mainstream curriculum comprising L. Ron Hubbard's works plus math, reading and spelling. Unlike the ranch, there was no strict regimentation and the children were able to go to the beach or the park on Mondays. According to Woodcraft, they "would often go to a park and spend the whole day there, also. They would also take us to a fifty-cent swimming pool, however a lot of the kids did not have the money to swim so we just sat around all day. If we asked the teacher for money, she said no and told us it was too bad for us we had no money."[10]

Although the location did not allow for the kind of hard outdoor labor performed at the ranch, the children were nonetheless put to work cleaning the building. Woodcraft recalled being assigned to an activity they called "chicken picking" the carpet. She wrote:


There were also problems with the staff at the ATA. Saina Kamula, a former member of the Sea Org, has said that an older member of staff at the ATA repeatedly sexually abused her during her stay there in the 1990s. When she reported the abuse to a teacher, she says, she was punished for being "counter-intention" – acting against the interests of Scientology. The abuser was never punished and remained an "active and respected member of the Church" as of August 2017.[8]


During the 1990s a Cadet Org facility operated near Scientology's "Mecca", the city of Clearwater, Florida. It was situated in a former Quality Inn, which the Scientologists called the QI, at 16432 U.S. Highway 19 in Largo, Florida. Woodcraft's entire family of five was initially housed there in 1986 in a single room which was "very small, approximately 12' by 20'. It was one room and one bath; very shabby, infested with cockroaches and smelling of mold. All five of us were in this room so it was very cramped and nearly unlivable." She returned to the QI for a while in 1993 and then for a longer stay from 1994 to 2000, living in a Cadet Org dorm in the building.[10] When 12-year-old Scientology cadet Kristi Erlich flew from Los Angeles to visit her 13-year-old sister Beth at the QI, her first reaction to the sight of her room was one of horror: "Oh my god, I couldn't even believe that Beth lived in a place like that. There were bugs everywhere.... We were always scared of having bugs run across our feet and face and stuff while we were sleeping."[1]

After escaping from Scientology at the end of 2000, Woodcraft wrote a detailed account of life at the QI. She described it as "overall depressing and dreary", and the Cadets and Precadets were kept "always on a boring and strict schedule." The Precadets were never allowed to leave the premises, rarely went on outings and could only play in the parking lot. Woodcraft worked every afternoon and all day on Sundays, which was designated as "renos" (renovations) day where the children worked to repair and refurbish the building. Saturday afternoons could also be designated as "renos", after parental visits earlier in the day. On one "reno" assignment, she was told to demolish the walls of a room in the QI:


On Saturday nights the children could watch a movie, selected by the building's governess. Woodcraft recalled that for a while, the governess "was in love with a move called "White Knight" and we had to watch that movie over and over again for weeks. This was not a children's movie and it was unbelievably boring."[10]

Strict censorship was applied to the children's listening and reading materials. Woodcraft wrote:


Woodcraft rose through the ranks and took on various jobs, "one of which was to make sure all the pictures of Ron Hubbard looked nice, so I was always cleaning cockroach feces out of the frames and the cardboard backing." In another post, as the Hubbard Communications Office Area Secretary (HAS) and Director of Inspections and Reports, she managed disciplinary affairs: "I had to read the "overt write ups" of the other cadets. This would include the reports written up about masturbation and other sexual activity between the cadets. I also participated in courts of ethics and committees of evidence for children. These are disciplinary actions per church policies."[10]

When she was eleven, she was promoted to the rank of Cadet. This enabled her to move to better accommodation within the building and she was given more freedom of movement. If their statistics were on a rising trend they were allowed to go bowling (always in pairs; they were never allowed to go by themselves) and if they were awarded "Cadet of the Week" status they were given ice cream.[10]

She moved on to the Cadet Technical Training Corps at age twelve or thirteen, studying the works of L. Ron Hubbard for eleven hours a day from Mondays to Saturdays. Conventional schooling was limited to ten hours on Sunday. There was little free time and no days off other than the Scientology "holiday" of Sea Org Day, plus Christmas Day. On one occasion she was allowed to go on a two-week trip. She left the Cadet Org when she was fourteen to join the Sea Org proper, and fled Scientology two years later.[10]

The QI facility came to the attention of the Pinellas County police, who visited it. According to the county Sheriff, Greg Tita, the police "determined that there were signs of child neglect and abuse. They wrote up a report and the case was forwarded to the juvenile office. However, Scientology lodged a complaint against the publication of the report in the press and won. It is still sealed today. I don't think that it has to do with a dispute over the investigation, they just wanted to make sure no information got to the public." According to Tita, runaway cadets were sent by the church to "the children's prison camp", the Rehabilitation Project Force.[11]


A Cadet Org facility existed at Stonelands, a mansion located in the southern English county of West Sussex near the village of West Hoathly. It housed the children of Sea Org members working at Scientology's UK headquarters a few miles away at Saint Hill Manor in East Sussex.

Claire Headley was four years old when she was placed there as one of about forty Scientologist children, with a single adult female Scientologist looking after all of them. Her mother, a single parent, worked at Saint Hill Manor but was allowed very little time to interact with her daughter: an hour a day at dinnertime and three hours on Saturdays. Children were allowed to join the church's permanent staff at the age of eight, but there was no provision for schooling at the facility.[12] Headley later recalled: Шаблон:Quote

Headley says that, like cadets in a number of other Cadet Org facilities, she experienced various forms of abuse: "My experiences were by no means extreme. Physical and verbal abuse, sexual abuse, molestation and extreme neglect were very common experiences for cadets. I’ve often found it difficult to share my experiences, because I resent the idea of being considered a science project. At age 7, an older male staff member tried to lure my friend and I to his office to molest us. I refused to go with him and urged my friend not to go with him. My friend chose to go and he molested her. This was never reported to the police."[13] Another former Cadet Org member, Melissa Paris, says that the Sea Org governesses regularly hit the children, who also ganged up on each other. On one occasion, she writes, she was thrown down the stairs by one governess, which led to a rare intervention from her father.[14]

Paris lived at Stonelands between the ages of four and twelve. She recalled that her day started around 7Шаблон:Nbspam, when "we'd muster – we'd all stand in a line, according to divisions. Then we had to breakfast on time, because if you missed it, you didn't eat. Then some would go to Saint Hill and do their jobs. Others would stay at Stonelands and had to clean the house. There wasn't much free time, maybe an hour or two. When I was younger there had been something called Family Time, an hour or two in the evening when you saw your parents". Family Time was abolished when she was about six or seven, meaning that she no longer saw her father during the day.[14]

According to Paris, the mansion was in a run-down state and she experienced grim conditions. Her sister Valeska, who was also at Stonelands, says that "we had no toilet paper 90 percent of the time in the Cadet Org. We either had to use pages from books in the library to wipe ourselves or our hands and wipe it on the wall. I know it's gross but it's true. The toilet had shit all over the wall." Not surprisingly, personal hygiene suffered: "We were Stonelands kids. Dirty. We had lice."[14]

Conditions at Stonelands were still poor a decade later. In 1993, Mid-Sussex District Council prosecuted the Church of Scientology for breaches of fire safety regulations after another Scientology property in the area burned down. Although the Church had declared that 50 people were living there, an internal Scientology document inspection listed more than 190 residents. At least 24 children were living in dormitories of which a Scientology official noted, "Smell[s] of wet beds and bleach ... smell of wet beds needs to be handled."[15]


In 1982, former Scientologist Scott Mayer testified in a public hearing in Clearwater, Florida that he had been responsible for maintaining a Cadet Org facility in Mexico for the children of Los Angeles-based Scientologists. They were kept there rather than in the United States as it was said to be cheaper. According to Mayer, "Children were routinely transported from Los Angeles to the Mexican base and berthed and housed there...so that their mothers and fathers could get on with their business within the Church." However, the Mexican base was unsafe: it was raided at night by thieves who would come in and steal items from the property. Mayer was ordered to procure a rifle with an infrared sniper scope to deal with the thieves. However, it was not needed as the woman who ran the base shot one of the bandits and deterred them from returning.[16]

The physical conditions at the base were also extremely hazardous. The property was thickly covered with brush, which grew right up to the ranch house, and there were poisonous scorpions, snakes and spiders in the area. No money or personnel were initially available to deal with these problems. Mayer eventually resolved the situation by taking a jar of scorpions to his superior and telling him that a child's death would cause bad public relations for Scientology.[16]


Sea Org members living in Australia sent children to a Cadet Org facility located in a Sydney townhouse in the 1990s. Scarlett Hanna, who lived there for several years, described it as "an incredibly lonely childhood. I had no-one to talk to or to look after to me or to ask me how I was after school or, you know, any of those things that most of us take for granted." She said that she and the other children did not receive adequate food or medical care.[7]

According to Hanna, the Sea Org successfully managed to conceal the children's living conditions from the city's Community Services department when the facility was inspected on two occasions. She said that the furniture was dismantled and the children were sent out for the day to make it appear that the facility was not overcrowded.[7]

Decline and fall of the Cadet Org

The management of its child members was a long-running source of difficulties for the Church of Scientology. In 1974, only a year after Hubbard announced the creation of the Cadet Org, it was sued for running an illegal child care facility and was put on probation. Five years later, it had a narrow escape when the Los Angeles County authorities discovered that the church was running another illegal child care facility in the Cadet Org's building on Fountain Avenue, Los Angeles. The church was able to escape indictment after being tipped off that a raid was imminent and moved the children into another, legally compliant, building.[6]

Serious problems nonetheless persisted in Los Angeles. An "Aides Order" published internally by the Sea Org in August 1981 reported that in the Los Angeles-based Pacific Area Command alone, there were 339 children aged between newborn and 18 in the PAC Sea Org organizations. (In 1974 there had only been 20 parents in the entire PAC Sea Org.) The way they were being managed was causing numerous problems. The minute noted that they were behind their grade level in the public school system and there were numerous reports of unethical and criminal misbehavior by Sea Org children, including theft and sexual misconduct. It stated: "Due to the recent filthy conditions of the [Cadet Estates Organization] and the criminal behavior of the children the area has become a PR and Legal threat to the Church ... the scene is wildly off the rails and the scene has become very degraded. PAC SO children instead of becoming valuable personnel assets are in many cases becoming criminals."[17]

A series of "missions" by Scientology management through the 1970s attempted to resolve these problems but failed, which the 1981 Aides Order attributed to a failure to follow L. Ron Hubbard's dictates. For instance, parents and the children's adult supervisors caused problems "by treating them as "kids" rather than SO members. This was often covert such as parents insisting that their cadet go on libs [spend time] with them even though the cadet's stats were down and he hadn't earned a libs, resulting in degrade of the cadet's post". The order advised that parents should be "re-educated" to regard their children as "resources and real SO members." It commented that "since the destructive cultural pattern of handling children is deeply ingrained in the US this would need to be stripped off as false data" and concluded that the parents "do not view children as a [Present Time] resource worth investing a lot of time or effort in."[17]

Further problems were caused by the quality of the adult personnel assigned to look after the cadets. The Aides Order reported that the Commanding Officer of the Cadet Org "was criminal and sadistic to other Cadets. He was removed mid 77 after he handcuffed another Cadet to an electrical outlet and nearly electrocuted him." A subsequent investigation found that the Cadet Estates Organization "also had a large number of DBs [Degraded Beings], criminals and perverts posted in it. Some of these would slap the cadets around and treat them like "kids"." This was due at least in part to the fact that the Sea Org had "continually put their unwanted or reject staff" into looking after children. To resolve these problems, the Aides Order proposed a series of reforms which would improve the management of the Cadet Org and make the Cadet Estates Org, which looked after their facilities, an entirely separate body exclusively managed by adults. Sea Org members with a history of sexual misconduct were to be removed from Cadet Org and Cadet Estates Org staff.[17]

However, the problems with pedophilia and poor living conditions evidently persisted, as a December 1989 minute from the Commanding Officer of the Cadet Estates Organization (CO CEO) to the Commanding Officer of the Commodore's Messenger Organization Pacific Area Command (CO CMO PAC) made clear: "The school is a disgrace, with could [sic] food fed to the children as there is no way to keep it hot, 90% of all children under grade level, etc."[18] A Sea Org member who was a qualified teacher was removed from his post due to his admission that he was feeling sexual urges towards the children. The teacher's confession was quoted in the minute:


In the end, the Cadet Org was shut down entirely. The first step was taken in 1979 when Sea Org members in Los Angeles were forbidden to have children, and people with children were mostly forbidden to join the Sea Org. An Executive Directive was issued which stated:


As a Church website puts it, "by 1986 it had become apparent that the duties of a member of the Sea Organization were not compatible with raising children."[19] A new Sea Org-wide directive was issued in September 1986 which prohibited Sea Org members from having children as the Sea Org did not have the time, money or resources to look after them. Having children was deemed to undermine the purpose and production of Sea Org members. If they disobeyed the Flag Order they would be sent to a distantly located Scientology organization of the Class V level (a medium-level Scientology organization). They could return to the Sea Org once the unauthorized child was six years old. However, Sea Org members continued having children so the new policy was reissued and strengthened in another Flag Order of April 3, 1991. The penalty for having a child was increased; violators would now be sent to "a small non-expanding Class IV org".[20]

Mary Tabayoyon, who was a Sea Org member for 21 years, wrote that this was regarded as a severe punishment: "In a failing Class IV Org an exiled Sea Org member would have to fend for himself or herself and try and raise a child on the nominal compensation provided to the staff of a failing Class IV Org. In addition, the exiled Sea Org members would be obligated to revive the failing Org or suffer more Ethics [disciplinary] conditions." In addition, any Sea Org colleagues who knew about an unauthorized child or pregnancy but did not take action against the parents would be punished. The result of the new rules was that many female Sea Org members who were desperate to remain in the Sea Org after getting pregnant had abortions instead, allegedly under the pressure of threatened disciplinary action.[21]

As a result of the new rules, the Cadet Org was no longer required and was dissolved in the early 2000s.[7]




  1. 1,0 1,1 Шаблон:Cite news
  2. Hubbard, "Governess". Flag Order 1630, 3 December 1968
  3. Ошибка цитирования Неверный тег <ref>; для сносок FO3167 не указан текст
  4. 4,0 4,1 Crivello, Steve, "Re – Cadet Org". CMO ED 411, 29 August 1979
  5. Шаблон:Cite web
  6. 6,0 6,1 Lamarr, Stephen. "Parent Briefing on Annex and PT Scene". Cadet GO ED #4, 5 May 1979
  7. 7,0 7,1 7,2 7,3 Шаблон:Cite news
  8. 8,0 8,1 8,2 Шаблон:Cite news
  9. 9,0 9,1 Шаблон:Cite news
  10. 10,00 10,01 10,02 10,03 10,04 10,05 10,06 10,07 10,08 10,09 10,10 Шаблон:Cite web
  11. Botros, Mona & Koch, Egmont R. "Gesucht wird...". ARD, Germany. Broadcast on April 2, 1997
  12. Шаблон:Cite book
  13. Шаблон:Cite web
  14. 14,0 14,1 14,2 Шаблон:Cite news
  15. Шаблон:Cite news
  16. 16,0 16,1 Шаблон:Cite book
  17. 17,0 17,1 17,2 Price, Larry. "PAC Cadet Org/Cadet Estates Org Establishment Eval". Aides Order 203–71. 28 August 1981
  18. Ошибка цитирования Неверный тег <ref>; для сносок CO CEO не указан текст
  19. Шаблон:Cite web
  20. Lesevre, Guillaume. "Children, Sea Org Members and Sea Org Orgs Addition". Flag Order 3501-1, 3 April 1991
  21. Affidavit of Mary Tabayoyon. 26 August 1994