Английская Википедия:Cay Sal Bank

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Шаблон:Infobox settlement

Файл:Cay Sal.png
Cay Sal Island with Lavanderas Rocks below right center
Old drawing of the British-built lighthouse. Although known as 'Cay Sal Lighthouse', it was located on Elbow Cay and not Cay Sal Island.
Файл:1949D03NothEndAnguilaIsCaySalBank DxO.jpg
North end, Anguilla Cay, Cay Sal Bank, 1949

Cay Sal Bank (Шаблон:Lang-es)[1] is the third largest (after Great Bahama Bank and Little Bahama Bank) and the westernmost of the Bahama Banks. It is located between 23º27'N - 24º10'N and 079º25'W – 080º35'W. In a geographical sense, it is separate from the Bahamas proper as it is much closer to Cuba (from which it is separated by Nicholas Channel, at a distance of Шаблон:Convert) than to the closest Bahamian island. It is separated by Santaren Channel from the Great Bahama Bank, the western rim of which is Шаблон:Convert to the east. The Straits of Florida separate it from the United States mainland and the Florida Keys (Key Largo is Шаблон:Convert to the north).

Administratively, the bank and its islands are part of Bimini district of The Bahamas, the main islands of which are Шаблон:Convert to the north. The closest point of any other named Bahamian land to the bank is Orange Cay (Шаблон:Coord), the southernmost island of the Bimini Chain. The distance between Orange Cay and the nearest dry land of Cay Sal Bank, the Dog Rocks, is Шаблон:Convert.[2] The westernmost tip of Andros is the second closest point of land, approximately Шаблон:Convert east of Cay Sal Bank.


Шаблон:See also Cay Sal Bank is an atoll of roughly triangular shape, with a base along the south rim of Шаблон:Convert, and a width of Шаблон:Convert north-south. With a surface of Шаблон:Convert it is one of the largest atolls of the world. Among the atolls with some land area (i.e. disregarding totally submerged atoll structures), Cay Sal Bank is second only to Great Chagos Bank. The lagoonal surface has a depth of Шаблон:Convert. The individual islands (i.e. islets or cays) are 96 in number.[3]

Cay Sal Bank has numerous islets along its rim, except along the south side facing Nicholas Channel, where it has only rocky coral heads. It has a total of 96 islands, islets and rocks awash, with a total land area of Шаблон:Convert.


The islands, rocks and reefs along the rim of the atoll are listed clockwise from southwest to southeast. There are also a number of smaller, unnamed cays or rocks. Some of the historical Spanish language names of the features of the bank were replaced by English names when the Bahamas became a British Crown colony in the 18th century.

  1. Lavenderas Rocks (Шаблон:Lang-es), Шаблон:Coord. It is a submerged reef to the ESE of Cay Sal Island.[4]
  2. Cay Sal (Шаблон:Lang-es), Шаблон:Coord. Cay Sal, the main island in the southwest, is Шаблон:Convert, Шаблон:Convert in area, and is no longer inhabited. In its interior is a large salt pond commonly replenished by heavy wind-driven seas that broach the islet along its southwest side. It is covered with stunted palm trees and marked by several dilapidated buildings standing on its west side. This cay gives the name to the whole bank in the English language.
  3. Rompidas Ledge, Шаблон:Coord (submerged). Rompidas Ledge is a submerged coral head Шаблон:Convert northwest of Cay Sal, about Шаблон:Convert in extension and only Шаблон:Convert deep. The cargo ship M/V Cork ran aground there in 1983, and position is marked by its wreck.
  4. The compact group formed by Elbow Cays, Crenula Cay, Double Headed Shot Cays, Water Cays and Marion Rock is known in Spanish as Los Roques. These northwestern cays gave their name to the whole bank in the Spanish language.[5]
    1. Elbow Cays, Шаблон:Coord are the westernmost group, running southwest to northeast along the Straits of Florida. The southernmost cays of the group consist of unnamed islets and rocks. Northeast of these are South Elbow Cay (the westernmost named cay of Cay Sal Bank) and North Elbow Cay, sometimes known just as Elbow Cay (Шаблон:Lang-es).[6] North Elbow Cay, which is the largest and highest of the cays, is marked by a disused conical stone lighthouse, which is Шаблон:Convert high.
    2. Crenula Cay Шаблон:Coord
    3. Double Headed Shot Cays, Шаблон:Coord. The Double Headed Shot Cays are a group of elongated cays that extend northeastward from the Elbow Cays, incorporating the Water Cays and all islets and reefs up to the Deadman Cays.[2] They are in a position on the northwest side of Cay Sal Bank where the Florida Current, in its course east and north through the Straits of Florida, usually sets close offshore at full strength.
    4. Water Cays (Шаблон:Lang-es) (West Water Cay and East Water Cay), Шаблон:Coord. These cays were mentioned by Alexander Von Humboldt.[7]
    5. Marion Rock, Шаблон:Coord (submerged). Located of the northern coast of the 'Los Roques' reef.
  5. Deadman Cays, Шаблон:Coord
  6. Muertos Cays (Шаблон:Lang-es), Шаблон:Coord, located between the 'Los Roques' and the Dog Rocks.
  7. Dog Rocks, (Шаблон:Lang-es), Шаблон:Coord the northeasternmost island/reef group.
  8. Damas Cays (Шаблон:Lang-es), Шаблон:Coord Located on the approximate centre of the eastern side of the bank.
  9. Dangerous Shoals or 'Dangerous Rocks' (Шаблон:Lang-es)
    1. Файл:1949D01AnguilaIslandLanding DxO.jpg
      Anguilla Cay landing, 1949
      North Dangerous Shoals, Шаблон:Coord
    2. South Dangerous Shoal, Шаблон:Coord
  10. Bellows Cay, Шаблон:Coord
  11. Anguilla Cays, Шаблон:Coord. Anguilla Cays, near the southeast extremity of Cay Sal Bank, consist of several elongated, scrub-covered, sandy islands which are swampy near their southern end, and are marked here and there by stunted palm trees. The northern end of Anguilla Cays is marked by a beacon, 5 m high. Anguilla Cay is the name of the northern and second largest of the Anguilla Cays. Cotton Cay (sometimes just South Anguilla Cay)[6] is the largest and southernmost of the Anguilla Cays. Between the two is the much smaller Middle Cay. In early 2021 three Cubans were stranded on one of the Anguilla Cays for 33 days after their boat was capsized by a storm. The three survived on coconuts, conches and rats for more than a month until their rescue by the US Coast Guard on February 9, after being spotted waving a makeshift flag by a routine patrol flight the day before.[8][9]


Spanish navigators visited the area plotting it for the first time on a map in 1511 as Los Roques and it was mapped by subsequent cartographers often with its adjacent Placer. The atoll was subsequently claimed for the Spanish crown by Juan Ponce de León.[10] The bank was under the Spanish rule for about two centuries until 1718 when the Bahamas became a Crown colony of the British Empire. In 1825 Alexander Von Humboldt highlighted that the 'Salt Cays' were a danger for navigation, but that the waters had been previously well charted by Francisco de Seixas in 1692: Шаблон:Quote

Cay Sal Lighthouse, a tall stone lighthouse was built by the British on the island of North Elbow Cay in 1839 along with some small buildings.[10] It marked the southern entrance to the Florida Straits from the Gulf of Mexico and was active until the 1940s.[10] The abandoned lighthouse was briefly reactivated during the 1970s, when the Royal Bahamas Defence Force set up a post on nearby Cay Sal Island to watch for drug smugglers. The small outpost on Cay Sal island included the only airstrip on Cay Sal Bank and was kept from the 1960s to late 1970s.[10][11]

Currently Cay Sal Bank is known for its many scuba diving spots,[10] but good weather is needed in order to approach the reefs without danger.[12]


Ancient maps and nautical charts show Los Roques or Elbow Cays with or without the Placer or Pracel to the east. In the older maps the size of the cays and their adjacent bank was often exaggerated and merged with the Great Bahama Bank.

Файл:Los Roques-1696 Danckerts Map of Florida, the West Indies, and the Caribbean - Geographicus - WestIndies-dankerts-1696.jpg
Los Roques with the Placer in a 1696 Danckerts map.
Файл:Le Pracel - 1708 De L'Isle Map of North America (Covens and Mortier ed.) - Geographicus - AmeriqueSeptentrionale-covensmortier-1708.jpg
"Le Pracel" in a 1708 De L'Isle map.
Файл:Placer de los Roques-1854.jpg
1854 Spanish map of the Placer de los Roques (Banco de Cayo Sal).

See also



External links

Шаблон:Authority control Шаблон:Coord

  1. Derrotero de las islas Antillas, de las costas Tierra-Firme, y las del Seno Mejicano, Dirección de Hidrografía, España, Madrid, Imprenta Nacional, 1837. p. 24 and p. 278
  2. 2,0 2,1 NOAA Navigational Chart #11013, Atlantic Coast: Straits of Florida and Approaches. 48th Edition, corrected though Feb-12. Available as a NOAA Raster Navigational Chart at the NOAA Office of Coast Survey RNC Downloads website.
  3. Cay Sal Bank
  4. Las Bahamas : Recursos Orográficos
  5. Derrotero de las islas Antillas, de las costas Tierra-Firme, y las del Seno Mejicano, Dirección de Hidrografía, España, Madrid, Imprenta Nacional, 1837. p. 265
  6. 6,0 6,1 NGA Navigational Chart #27087, Cay Sal Bank. 3rd Edition, corrected through Mar-01.
  7. Alexander Von Humboldt, Political Essay on the Island of Cuba: A Critical Edition, ed. and transl. by Vera M. Kutzinski and Ottmar Ette, University of Chicago Press, p. 61
  8. Шаблон:Cite news
  9. Шаблон:Cite news
  10. 10,0 10,1 10,2 10,3 10,4 Cay Sal Bank Lighthouse: A Stately Ruin
  11. Шаблон:Cite rowlett
  12. IOTA-DXpedition to Cay Sal Bank NA219, Bahamas