Английская Википедия:Clutterers Anonymous

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Шаблон:Short description Clutterers Anonymous (CLA) is a twelve-step program for people who share a common problem with accumulation of clutter. CLA says that it focuses on the underlying issues made manifest by unnecessary physical and emotional clutter, rather than hints, tips and lectures.[1] CLA had active meetings in about 70 cities in 24 states in the US, and several in England, Germany, and Iceland, as of 2011.[2][3] CLA Tradition 3 states, "The only requirement for CLA membership is a desire to stop cluttering."[2][4] Clutterers Anonymous replaces "powerless over alcohol" in the First Step of the Twelve Steps originally developed by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) with "powerless over our clutter."[5] CLA was founded in May 1989 in Simi Valley, California.[4] Some members of CLA describe the inability to let go of objects as a consequence of spiritual emptiness.[4]

CLA-approved literature

The CLA-approved literature includes the two fundamental texts of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Alcoholics Anonymous[6] (the so-called "Big Book") and the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions[7] eight CLA-specific leaflets, and a 28-page booklet, "Is CLA for You? A Newcomer's Guide to Recovery.[8] At some meetings, CLA members read directly from both books and may replace the word "alcoholic" with "clutterer."[9]

Clutterers Anonymous is not associated with Messies Anonymous, a support group founded by Sandra Felton, which uses her copyrighted publications.[10]

See also



External links