Английская Википедия:Convex space

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In mathematics, a convex space (or barycentric algebra) is a space in which it is possible to take convex combinations of any sets of points.[1][2]

Formal Definition

A convex space can be defined as a set <math>X</math> equipped with a binary convex combination operation <math>c_\lambda : X \times X \rightarrow X</math> for each <math>\lambda \in [0,1]</math> satisfying:

  • <math>c_0(x,y)=x</math>
  • <math>c_1(x,y)=y</math>
  • <math>c_\lambda(x,x)=x</math>
  • <math>c_\lambda(x,y)=c_{1-\lambda}(y,x)</math>
  • <math>c_\lambda(x,c_\mu(y,z))=c_{\lambda\mu}\left(c_{\frac{\lambda(1-\mu)}{1-\lambda\mu}}(x,y),z\right)</math> (for <math>\lambda\mu\neq 1</math>)

From this, it is possible to define an n-ary convex combination operation, parametrised by an n-tuple <math>(\lambda_1, \dots, \lambda_n)</math>, where <math>\sum_i\lambda_i = 1</math>.


Any real affine space is a convex space. More generally, any convex subset of a real affine space is a convex space.


Convex spaces have been independently invented many times and given different names, dating back at least to Stone (1949).[3] They were also studied by Neumann (1970)[4] and Świrszcz (1974),[5] among others.

