Английская Википедия:Czech phonology

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Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:Self reference Шаблон:More footnotes Шаблон:IPA notice Шаблон:Inline audio This article discusses the phonological system of the Czech language.


Consonant chart

The following chart shows a complete list of the consonant phonemes of Czech:

Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal Шаблон:IPAlink Шаблон:IPAlink Шаблон:IPAlink
Plosive Шаблон:Small Шаблон:IPAlink Шаблон:IPAlink Шаблон:IPAlink Шаблон:IPAlink
Шаблон:Small Шаблон:IPAlink Шаблон:IPAlink Шаблон:IPAlink Шаблон:IPAlink
Affricate Шаблон:Small Шаблон:IPAlink Шаблон:IPAlink
Шаблон:Small (Шаблон:IPAlink) Шаблон:IPAlink
Fricative Шаблон:Small Шаблон:IPAlink Шаблон:IPAlink Шаблон:IPAlink Шаблон:IPAlink
Шаблон:Small Шаблон:IPAlink Шаблон:IPAlink Шаблон:IPAlink Шаблон:IPAlink
Trill Шаблон:Small Шаблон:IPAlink
Шаблон:Small Шаблон:IPAlink
Approximant Шаблон:IPAlink Шаблон:IPAlink

Phonetic notes:[1]

Glottal stop

The glottal stop is not a separate phoneme. Its use is optional and it may appear as the onset of an otherwise vowel-initial syllable. The pronunciation with or without the glottal stop does not affect the meaning and is not distinctive.

The glottal stop has two functions in Czech:

In the standard pronunciation, the glottal stop is never inserted between two vowels in words of foreign origin, e.g. in the word Шаблон:Lang.

Marginal consonant phonemes

The phonemes Шаблон:IPA, Шаблон:IPA, Шаблон:IPA and Шаблон:IPA usually occur in words of foreign origin (Germanic, Romance or Greek) or dialects only. As for /f/, however, the number of words where it occurs is still significant and many of them are commonplace, e.g. fialový ('violet'), fronta ('queue' as a noun), fotit ('take photos'), doufat ('hope' as a verb). It is also used in common first names (František, Filip) and surnames (Fiala, Fišer). The phoneme /g/, though rarer than /f/, appears in frequently used words as well, e.g. graf ('graph'), gram ('gram'), grep ('grapefruit'), regulace ('regulation'). The occurrence of Шаблон:IPA is uncommon and typically signals that the word is of English origin (e.g. džíny ← jeans), but not always (e.g. džbán ← older čbán 'jug'). The phoneme Шаблон:IPA is quite marginal, used mostly by dialects spoken near the border with Slovakia (see Slovak phonology).

Nevertheless, as phonemic realizations [f], [g], Шаблон:IPA and Шаблон:IPA all four consonants also occur as allophones of /v/, /k/, /t͡ʃ/ and /t͡s/ respectively due to assimilation of voice. Moreover, affricates can phonetically occur at morpheme boundaries (see consonant merging below).

Consonants in the script

Other consonants are represented by the same characters (letters) as in the IPA.

IPA Czech alphabet
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang

Consonant assimilation

Realizations of consonant phonemes are influenced by their surroundings. The position of phonemes in words can modify their phonetic realizations without a change of the meaning.

Assimilation of the place of articulation

The former assimilation is optional while the latter is obligatory. Realization of the former as Шаблон:IPA is thus possible, especially in more prestigious registers, whereas realization of the latter as Шаблон:IPA is considered hypercorrect, and hence incorrect.

Assimilation of voice

Assimilation of voice is an important feature of Czech pronunciation. Voiced obstruents are, in certain circumstances, realized voiceless and vice versa. It is not represented in orthography, where more etymological principles are applied. Assimilation of voice applies in these circumstances:

Voiced and voiceless obstruents form pairs in which the assimilation of voice applies (see table):

Voiceless Voiced
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA

Sonorants (Шаблон:IPA, Шаблон:IPA, Шаблон:IPA, Шаблон:IPA, Шаблон:IPA and Шаблон:IPA) have no voiceless counterparts and are never devoiced. They do not cause the voicing of voiceless consonants in standard pronunciation, e.g. Шаблон:Lang Шаблон:IPA ('to watch').

There are some exceptions to the rules described above:

Consonant merging

Two identical consonant phonemes (or allophones) can meet in morpheme boundaries during word formation. In many cases, especially in suffixes, two identical consonant sounds merge into one sound in pronunciation, e.g. Шаблон:Lang Шаблон:Audio-IPA ('valuable'), Шаблон:Lang Шаблон:Audio-IPA ('soft').

In prefixes and composite words, lengthened or doubled pronunciation (gemination) is obvious. It is necessary in cases of different words: Шаблон:Lang Шаблон:IPA ('the clearest') vs. Шаблон:Lang Шаблон:IPA ('more unclear'). Doubled pronunciation is perceived as hypercorrect in cases like Шаблон:IPA or Шаблон:IPA.

Combinations of stops (Шаблон:IPA) and fricatives (Шаблон:IPA) usually produce affricates (Шаблон:IPA): Шаблон:Lang Шаблон:IPA ("children's"). Both phonemes are pronounced separately in careful pronunciation: Шаблон:IPA.


There are 10 monophthongal and 3 diphthongal vowel phonemes in Czech: Шаблон:IPA. Czech is a quantity language: it differentiates five vowel qualities that occur as both phonologically short and long. The short and long counterparts generally do not differ in their quality, although long vowels may be more peripheral than short vowels.[4]

As for the high front vowel pair Шаблон:IPA, there are dialectal differences with respect to phonetic realisation of the contrast: in the Bohemian variety of Czech, the two vowels are differentiated by both quality and duration, while in the Eastern Moravian variety of Czech the primary difference is that of duration. Therefore, in the Bohemian variety, the transcription Шаблон:IPA more accurately reflects the tradeoff between the qualitative and the durational difference in these vowels, while in the Eastern Moravian variety of Czech, the transcription Шаблон:IPA captures the primary durational difference.[5]

Besides length, Czech differentiates three degrees of height and threeШаблон:Fix degrees of backness.[4]

Vowel length and quality is independent of the stress.

Файл:Czech vowel chart.png
Czech vowel chart, based on Шаблон:Harvcoltxt

Short vowels

Шаблон:IPA is spelled Шаблон:Lang and Шаблон:Lang
Шаблон:IPA is spelled Шаблон:Lang and Шаблон:Lang
Шаблон:IPA is spelled Шаблон:Lang
Шаблон:IPA is spelled Шаблон:Lang
Шаблон:IPA is spelled Шаблон:Lang

Long vowels

Long vowels are indicated by an acute accent (Шаблон:Lang) or a ring (Шаблон:Lang).

Шаблон:IPA is spelled Шаблон:Lang and Шаблон:Lang
Шаблон:IPA is spelled Шаблон:Lang
Шаблон:IPA is spelled Шаблон:Lang
Шаблон:IPA is spelled Шаблон:Lang (this phoneme occurs almost exclusively in words of foreign origin)
Шаблон:IPA is spelled Шаблон:Lang and Шаблон:Lang with the former only used when it is the first letter of an unbound morpheme, as well as in loanwords and onomatopoeia.


Шаблон:IPA is spelled Шаблон:Lang (occurs almost exclusively in words of foreign origin)
Шаблон:IPA is spelled Шаблон:Lang (occurs in words of foreign origin only)
Шаблон:IPA is spelled Шаблон:Lang

The phonemes Шаблон:IPA and Шаблон:IPA are sometimes transcribed Шаблон:IPA and Шаблон:IPA. This transcription describes the pronunciation in Central Bohemia and Prague, which is more open. The standard pronunciation is something between Шаблон:IPA and Шаблон:IPA, i.e. mid back vowel.

The letter Шаблон:Lang is not a separate vowel. It denotes Шаблон:IPA after a palatal stop or palatal nasal (e.g. Шаблон:Lang Шаблон:IPA), Шаблон:IPA after /m/ (e.g. Шаблон:Lang Шаблон:IPA), and Шаблон:IPA after other labial consonants (e.g. Шаблон:Lang Шаблон:IPA).[6]

The vowel sequences Шаблон:Lang, and Шаблон:Lang in foreign words are not diphthongs. They are pronounced with an epenthetic Шаблон:IPA between the vowels: Шаблон:IPA.



The stress is nearly always fixed to the first syllable of a word. Exceptions:

Long words can have the secondary stress which is mostly placed on every odd syllable, e.g. ˈШаблон:LangШаблон:Lang ('the most beautiful'). However, in some cases it can be placed on the fourth syllable, e.g. ˈШаблон:LangШаблон:Lang ('the greenest').

The stress has no lexical or phonological function; it denotes boundaries between words but does not distinguish word meanings. It has also no influence on the quality or quantity of vowels, i.e. the vowels are not reduced in unstressed syllables and can be both short and long regardless of the stress. Thus, the Czech rhythm can be considered as isosyllabic.


Czech is not a tonal language. Tones or melodies are not lexical distinctive features. However, intonation is a distinctive feature on the level of sentences. Tone can differentiate questions from simple messages, as it need not necessarily be indicated by the word order:

Шаблон:Lang ('he did it')
Шаблон:Lang ('did he do it?')
Шаблон:Lang ('he did it?!')

All these sentences have the same lexical and grammatical structure. The differences are in their intonation.


Open syllables of type CV are the most abundant in Czech texts. It is supposed that all syllables were open in the Proto-Slavic language. Syllables without consonant onset occur with a relatively little frequency. The usage of the glottal stop as an onset in such syllables confirms this tendency in the pronunciation of Bohemian speakers. In Common Czech, the most widespread Czech interdialect, prothetic Шаблон:Lang is added to all words beginning with Шаблон:Lang in standard Czech, e.g. Шаблон:Lang instead of Шаблон:Lang (eye).

The general structure of Czech syllables is:

C – consonant
V – vowel or syllabic consonant

Thus, Czech word can have up to five consonants in the initial group (e.g. vzkvět)[7] and three consonants in the final group (not including syllabic consonants). The syllabic nucleus is usually formed by vowels or diphthongs, but in some cases syllabic sonorants (Шаблон:IPA and Шаблон:IPA, rarely also Шаблон:IPA and Шаблон:IPA) can be found in the nucleus, e.g. Шаблон:Lang Шаблон:IPA ('wolf'), Шаблон:Lang Шаблон:IPA ('neck'), Шаблон:Lang Шаблон:IPA ('eight').

Vowel groups can occur in the morpheme boundaries. They cannot include more than two vowels. Both vowels in the groups are separate syllabic nuclei and do not form diphthongs.


Phoneme alternations in morphophonemes (changes which do not affect morpheme meaning) are frequently applied in inflections and derivations. They are divided into vowel and consonant alternations. Both types can be combined in a single morpheme:

Vowel alternations

The most important alternations are those of short and long phonemes. Some of these alternations are correlative, i.e. the phonemes in pairs differ in their length only. Due to historical changes in some phonemes (Шаблон:IPAШаблон:IPA, Шаблон:IPAШаблон:IPA, similar to the Great Vowel Shift in English), some alternations are disjunctive, i.e. the phonemes in pairs are different in more features. These alternations occur in word roots during inflections and derivations, and they also affect prefixes in derivations.

Short phoneme Long phoneme Examples, notes
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Audio-lang ('founder') – Шаблон:Audio-lang ('to found')
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang ('airplane') – Шаблон:Lang ('to fly')
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang ('to be sorry') – Шаблон:Lang ('regret')
Шаблон:Lang ('to perform') – Шаблон:Lang ('performance')
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang ('horses') – Шаблон:Audio-lang ('horse')
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang ('to comb') – Шаблон:Lang ('hair style')
(in initial positions in morphemes only)
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang ('buy!') – Шаблон:Lang ('to buy')
(in other positions)

Some other disjunctive vowel alternations occur in word roots during derivations (rarely also during inflections):

Emergence/disappearance alternations also take place, i.e. vowels alternate with null phonemes. In some allomorphs, Шаблон:IPA is inserted between consonants as a result of Havlík's law:

It also occurs in some prepositions which have vocalised positional variants: Шаблон:Lang – ('in a house') – Шаблон:Lang ('in water'); Шаблон:Lang ('with you') – Шаблон:Lang ('with me'), etc.

Some other alternations of this type occur, but they are not so frequent:

Consonant alternation

Alternations of hard and soft consonants represent the most abundant type. They occur regularly in word-stem final consonants before certain suffixes (in derivations) and endings (in inflections). Hard consonants are softened if followed by soft Шаблон:IPA (written Шаблон:Angle bracket), Шаблон:IPA, or Шаблон:IPA (written Шаблон:Angle bracket and Шаблон:Angle bracket, not Шаблон:Angle bracket and Шаблон:Angle bracket). These changes also occur before some other suffixes (e.g. Шаблон:Lang). Softening can be both correlative and disjunctive.

Hard Soft Examples, notes
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Audio-lang (young – masc. sg.) – Шаблон:Audio-lang ('young' masc. anim. pl.)
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang ('wages') – Шаблон:Lang ('to pay')
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang ('woman') – Шаблон:Lang ('woman' dat.)
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Audio-lang ('good') – Шаблон:Audio-lang ('well')
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang ('to comb') – Шаблон:Lang ('I will comb')
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang ('to show') – Шаблон:Lang ('I will show')
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang ('sheep') – Шаблон:Lang ('shepherd')
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang ('Riga') – Шаблон:Lang ('from Riga')
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang ('in Riga')
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang ('Prague') – Шаблон:Lang ('Prague citizen')
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang ('in Prague')
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang ('dust') – Шаблон:Lang ('to raise dust')
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang ('to mix') – Шаблон:Lang ('mixture')
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Audio-lang ('wolf') – Шаблон:Lang ('little wolf')
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang ('wolves')
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang ('British' – masc. sg.) – Шаблон:Lang ('British' – masc. anim. pl.)
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang ('English') – Шаблон:Lang ('English language')
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang ('vessel') – Шаблон:Lang ('in a vessel')
Шаблон:Lang ('white') – Шаблон:Lang ('cabbage white butterfly')
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang ('to sing') – Шаблон:Lang ('singer')
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang ('grass') – Шаблон:Lang ('on the grass')
Шаблон:Lang ('I know') – Шаблон:Lang ('to know')
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang ('harp') – Шаблон:Lang ('on the harp')
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:Lang ('house') – Шаблон:Lang ('in a house')
Шаблон:Lang ('laughter') – Шаблон:Lang ('laughable')

The last five examples are emergence alternations. A phoneme (Шаблон:IPA or Шаблон:IPA) is inserted in the pronunciation, but for the historical reasons, these changes are indicated by Шаблон:Angle bracket in the orthography (see the orthographic notes below). These alternations are analogical with softening alternations, therefore they are mentioned here. They also occur in word roots together with vowel alternations (usually |Шаблон:IPA|).

Some other alternations occur but they are not so frequent. They are often less evident:

Orthographic notes

In some letter groups, phonological principles of the Czech orthography are brokenШаблон:Clarify:

Voiced plosive Voiceless plosive Nasal
dy Шаблон:IPA ty Шаблон:IPA ny Шаблон:IPA
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA
di Шаблон:IPA ti Шаблон:IPA ni Шаблон:IPA
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA
Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA Шаблон:IPA


The sample text is a reading of the first sentence of The North Wind and the Sun by a native speaker of Common Czech, who is from Prague.[8]

Phonemic transcription


Phonetic transcription


Orthographic version

Severák a Slunce se hádali, kdo z nich je silnější.[9]

See also






External links

Шаблон:Language phonologies

  1. Шаблон:Harvcoltxt
  2. According to Silke Hamann, it cannot be clearly determined whether Czech has a retroflex fricative or not, as the articulations differ too much. – Шаблон:Cite web
  3. Шаблон:Cite web
  4. 4,0 4,1 Шаблон:Harvcoltxt
  5. Шаблон:Harvcoltxt
  6. Шаблон:Cite book
  7. Шаблон:Cite web
  8. Шаблон:Harvcoltxt
  9. 9,0 9,1 Шаблон:Harvcoltxt