Английская Википедия:Dadiah

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Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:Infobox prepared food

Dadiah (Minangkabau) or dadih (Indonesian) a traditional fermented milk popular among people of West Sumatra, Indonesia, is made by pouring fresh, raw, unheated, buffalo milk into a bamboo tube capped with a banana leaf and allowing it to ferment spontaneously at room temperature for two days.

The milk is fermented by indigenous lactic bacteria found in the buffalo milk. Its natural fermentation provides different strains of lactic acid bacteria involved in each fermentation.[1] The natural, indigenous, lactic acid bacteria found in dadiah could be derived from the bamboo tubes, buffalo milk, or banana leaves.

Dadiah is usually eaten for breakfast, mixed together with ampiang (traditional glutinous rice krispies) and palm sugar. Dadiah can also be eaten with hot rice and sambal.[2]

Some studies on the probiotic properties of indigenous strains isolated from dadiah were found to exhibit antimutagenic and antipathogenic properties, as well as acid and bile tolerance.[3][4] Natural, wild strains isolated from dadiah show inhibitory, competitive, and displacing properties against pathogens, and they are promising candidates for future probiotics.[5][6] Lactobacillus plantarum strains from dadiah play important roles in removing microcystin-LR, cyanobacterial toxin. This wild strain of Lactobacillus plantarum from dadiah has the highest removal abilities when compared to other commercial probiotic strains. This finding offers new and economical tools for decontaminating microcystin containing water.[7][8][9][10]

See also




Online articles

Шаблон:Yogurts Шаблон:Indonesian cuisine

  1. Akuzawa R, Surono IS. 2002. Fermented milks of Asia. In: Encyclopaedia of dairy science. London: Academic Press. p 1045–1048
  2. Шаблон:Cite web
  3. Surono IS, Hosono A. 1996. Antimutagenicity of milk cultured with lactic acid bacteria from dadiah against mutagenic terasi.Milchwissenschaft 51:493–497
  4. Surono IS. 2003. In vitro probiotic properties of indigenous dadiah lactic acid bacteria. Asian-Aus J Anim Sci 16:726–31
  5. Collado, M. Carmen, Ingrid Surono, Jussi Meriluoto and Seppo Salminen. Potential probiotic characteristics of Lactobacillus and Enterococcus strains isolated from traditional dadiah fermented milk against pathogen intestinal colonization. Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 70, No. 3, 2007, 700–705
  6. M. Carmen Collado, Ingrid Surono, Jussi Meriluoto and Seppo Salminen. Indigenous dadiah Lactic Acid Bacteria: Cell-surface Properties and Interactions with Pathogens.Journal of Food Science, Vol. 72, No. 3, 2007, M89-M93
  7. Surono IS, M. C. Collado, Seppo Salminen and Jussi Meriluoto. Effect of glucose and incubation temperature on metabolically active Lactobacillus plantarum from dadiah in removing microcystin-LR (Food and Chemical Toxicology Volume 46, Issue 2, February 2008, Pages 502-507)
  8. Nybom, Sonja M. K., M. Carmen Collado, Ingrid S. Surono, Seppo J. Salminen, and Jussi A. O. Meriluoto. Effect of glucose in removal of microcystin-LR by viable commercial probiotic strains and strains isolated from dadiah fermented milk. (Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, Vol 56, No 10, 2008)
  9. Ingrid S. Surono, Toshiaki Nishigaki, Anang Endaryanto and Priyo Waspodo. Indonesian biodiversities, from microbes to herbal plants as potential functional foods. (Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Shinshu University Vol.44 No.1. 2, 2008)
  10. Ingrid S. Surono, Usman Pato, Koesnandar and Akiyoshi Hosono. In vivo Antimutagenicity of Dadiah Probiotic Bacteria towards Trp-P1. (Asian-Aust. J. Animal Sci., Vol 22, No 1 : 119 – 123, 2009)