Английская Википедия:Degree-Rips bifiltration

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Шаблон:Short description

The degree-Rips bifiltration is a simplicial filtration used in topological data analysis for analyzing the shape of point cloud data. It is a multiparameter extension of the Vietoris–Rips filtration that possesses greater stability to data outliers than single-parameter filtrations, and which is more amenable to practical computation than other multiparameter constructions. Introduced in 2015 by Lesnick and Wright, the degree-Rips bifiltration is a parameter-free and density-sensitive vehicle for performing persistent homology computations on point cloud data.[1]


It is standard practice in topological data analysis (TDA) to associate a sequence of nested simplicial complexes to a finite data set in order to detect the persistence of topological features over a range of scale parameters. One way to do this is by considering the sequence of Vietoris–Rips complexes of a finite set in a metric space indexed over all scale parameters.

If <math>X</math> is a finite set in a metric space, then this construction is known as the Vietoris–Rips (or simply "Rips") filtration on <math>X</math>, commonly denoted <math>\text{Rips}(X)</math> or <math>\mathcal R (X)</math>.[2][3][4] The Rips filtration can be expressed as a functor <math>\text{Rips}(X): \mathbb R \to \mathbf{Simp}</math> from the real numbers (viewed as a poset category) to the category of simplicial complexes and simplicial maps, a subcategory of the category <math>\mathbf{Top}</math> of topological spaces and continuous maps via the geometric realization functor.[5]

The Rips filtration is indexed over a single parameter, but we can capture more information (e.g., density) about the underlying data set by considering multiparameter filtrations. A filtration indexed by the product of two totally-ordered sets is known as a bifiltration, first introduced by Gunnar Carlsson and Afra Zomorodian in 2009.[6]

The degree-Rips bifiltration filters each simplicial complex in the Rips filtration by the degree of each vertex in the graph isomorphic to the 1-skeleton at each index. More formally, let <math>(a,b)</math> be an element of <math>\mathbb R^2</math> and define <math>G_{a,b}</math> to be the subgraph of the 1-skeleton of <math>\text{Rips}(X)_b</math> containing all vertices whose degree is at least <math>a</math>. Subsequently building the maximal simplicial complex possible on this 1-skeleton, we obtain a complex <math>\text{D-Rips}(X)_{a,b}</math>. By doing this for all possible vertex degrees, and across all scale parameters in the Rips filtration, we extend the Rips construction to a bifiltration <math>\{ \text{D-Rips}(X)_{a,b}\}_{(a,b) \in \mathbb R^2}</math>.[1]

Note that since the size of each complex will decrease as <math>a</math> increases, we should identify the indexing set <math>\mathbb R^2</math> with <math>\mathbb R^{\text{op}}\times \mathbb R</math>, where <math>\mathbb R^{\text{op}}</math> is the opposite poset category of <math>\mathbb R</math>. Therefore the degree-Rips bifiltration can be viewed as a functor <math>\text{D-Rips}(X): \mathbb R^{\operatorname{op}}\times \mathbb R \to \mathbf{Simp}</math>.[7]

The idea behind the degree-Rips bifiltration is that vertices of higher degree will correspond to higher density regions of the underlying data set. However, since degree-Rips does not depend on an arbitrary choice of a parameter (such as a pre-selected density parameter, which is a priori difficult to determine), it is a convenient tool for analyzing data.[8]

Applications to data analysis

The degree-Rips bifiltration possesses several properties that make it a useful tool in data analysis. For example, each of its skeleta has polynomial size; the k-dimensional skeleton of <math>\text{D-Rips}(X)</math> has <math>O(|X|^{k+2})</math> simplices, where <math>O</math> denotes an asymptotic upper bound.[7] Moreover, it has been shown that the degree-Rips bifiltration possesses reasonably strong stability properties with respect to perturbations of the underlying data set.[7] Further work has also been done examining the stable components and homotopy types of degree-Rips complexes.[9][10][11]

The software RIVET was created in order to visualize several multiparameter invariants (i.e., data structures that attempt to capture underlying geometric information of the data) of 2-parameter persistence modules, including the persistent homology modules of the degree-Rips bifiltration. These invariants include the Hilbert function, rank invariant, and fibered barcode.[1]

As a follow-up to the introduction of degree-Rips in their original 2015 paper, Lesnick and Wright showed in 2022 that a primary component of persistent homology computations (namely, computing minimal presentations and bigraded Betti numbers) can be achieved efficiently in a way that outperforms other persistent homology software.[12] Methods of improving algorithmic efficiency of multiparameter persistent homology have also been explored that suggest the possibility of substantial speed increases for data analysis tools such as RIVET.[13]

The degree-Rips bifiltration has been used for data analysis on random point clouds,[14] as well as for analyzing data clusters with respect to variations in density.[15][16][17] There has been some preliminary experimental analysis of the performance of degree-Rips with respect to outliers in particular, but this is an ongoing area of research as of February 2023.[18]

