Year |
Recipients[1] |
Darlene M. Tangel
Benita A. Blachman
“Effect of Phoneme Awareness Instruction on the Invented Spelling of First-Grade Children: A One-Year Follow-Up”, Journal of Reading Behavior (vol. 27, no. 2)
Peter J. Hatcher
Charles Hulme
Andrew W. Ellis
“Ameliorating Early Reading Failure by Integrating the Teaching of Reading and Phonological Skills: The Phonological Linkage Hypothesis”, Child Development (vol. 65, no. 1)
William E. Tunmer
James W. Chapman
“A Longitudinal Study of Beginning Reading Achievement and Reading Self-Concept”, British Journal of Educational Psychology (vol. 67, no. 3)
Jill Fitzgerald
George W. Noblit
“About Hopes, Aspirations, and Uncertainty: First-Grade English-Language Learners’ Emergent Reading”, Journal of Literacy Research (vol. 31, no. 2)
Susan B. Neuman
“Books Make a Difference: A Study of Access to Literacy”, Reading Research Quarterly (vol. 34, no. 3)[2]
Nell K. Duke
“3.6 Minutes Per Day: The Scarcity of Informational Texts in First Grade”, Reading Research Quarterly (vol. 35, no. 2)[3]
Barbara A. Wasik
Mary Alice Bond
“Beyond the Pages of a Book: Interactive Book Reading and Language Development in Preschool Classrooms”, Journal of Educational Psychology (vol. 93, no. 2)
Anne McGill Franzen
Ellen Adams
Cynthia Lanford
“Learning to be Literate: A Comparison of Five Urban Early Childhood Programs”, Journal of Educational Psychology (vol. 94, no. 3)
Darrell Morris
Janet W. Bloodgood
Richard G. Lomax
Jan Perney
“Developmental Steps in Learning to Read: A Longitudinal Study in Kindergarten and First Grade”, Reading Research Quarterly (vol. 38, no. 3)[4]
Carol McDonald Connor
Frederick J. Morrison
Leslie E. Katch
“Beyond the Reading Wars: Exploring the Effect of Child-Instruction Interactions on Growth in Early Reading”, Scientific Studies of Reading (vol. 8, no. 4))
Terrence Tivnanto
Lowry Hemphill
“Comparing Four Literacy Reform Models in High-Poverty Stricken Schools: Patterns of First-Grade Achievement”, The Elementary School Journal (vol. 105, no. 5)
Pia Rebello Britto
Jeanne Brooks-Gunn
Terri M. Griffin
“Maternal Reading and Teaching Patterns: Associations With School Readiness in Low-Income African American Families”, Reading Research Quarterly (vol. 41, no. 1)[5]
Catherine F. Compton-Lilly
“The Complexities of Reading Capital in Two Puerto Rican Families”, Reading Research Quarterly (vol. 42, no. 1)[6]
Deborah Wells Rowe
"The Social Construction of Intentionality: Two-Year-Olds’ and Adults’ Participation at a Preschool Writing Center", Research in the Teaching of English (vol. 42, no. 4)
Lisa Hammett Price
Anne van Kleec
Carl J. Huberty
"Talk During Book Sharing Between Parents and Preschool Children: A Comparison Between Storybook and Expository Book Conditions", Reading Research Quarterly (Vol. 44, No 2)
Sheila W. Valencia
Antony T. Smith
Anne M. Reece
Min Li
Karen K. Wixson
Heather Newman
"Oral Reading Fluency Assessment: Issues of Construct, Criterion, and Consequential Validity", Reading Research Quarterly (Vol. 4)
Michael J. Kieffer
"Converging Trajectories: Reading Growth in Language Minority Learners and Their Classmates, Kindergarten to Grade 8", American Educational Research Journal (Vol. 48 No. 5)
Shayne B. Piasta
Yaacov Petscher
Laura Justice
"How many letters should preschoolers in public programs know? The diagnostic efficiency of various preschool letter-naming benchmarks for predicting first-grade literacy achievement", Journal of Educational Psychology (Vol. 104 No. 4)
Lori E. Skibbe
Samantha W. Bindman
Annemarie H. Hindman
Dorit Aram
Frederick J. Morrison
"Longitudinal relations between parental writing support and preschoolers' language and literacy skills", Reading Research Quarterly (Vol. 48 No. 4)
Susan Hopewell
Kathy Escamilla
"Struggling Reader or Emerging Biliterate Student? Reevaluating the Criteria for Labeling Emerging Bilingual Students as Low Achieving", Journal of Literacy Research (Vol. 46 No. 1)
Lea M. McGee
Hwewon Kim
Kathryn S. Nelson
Mary D. Fried
"Change Over Time in First Graders' Strategic Use of Information at Point of Difficulty in Reading", Reading Research Quarterly (Vol. 50 No. 3)
Maren Aukerman
Lorien Chambers Schuldt
"The Pictures Can Say More Things: Change Across Time in Young Children’s References to Images and Words During Text Discussion", Reading Research Quarterly (Vol. 51 No. 3)
Dani Kachorsky
Lindsey Moses
Frank Serafini
Megan Hoelting
"Meaning Making With Picturebooks: Young Children's Use of Semiotic Resources", Literacy Research and Instruction (Vol. 56 No. 3)
Seung-Hee Claire Son
Kirsten R. Butcher
Lauren Aimonette Liang
"The Influence of Interactive Features in Storybook Apps on Children’s Reading Comprehension and Story Enjoyment", The Elementary School Journal (Vol. 120 No. 3)
Mary-Claire Ball
Erin Curran
Fabrice Tanoh
Hermann Akpé
Shakhlo Nematova
Kaja K. Jasińska
"Learning to Read in Environments With High Risk of Illiteracy: The Role of Bilingualism and Bilingual Education in Supporting Reading", Journal of Educational Psychology (Vol. 114 No. 5)
Marianne Rice
Florina Erbeli
Christopher G. Thompson
Mary Rose Sallese
Melissa Fogarty
"Phonemic Awareness: A Meta-Analysis for Planning Effective Instruction", Reading Research Quarterly (Vol. 57 No. 4)