Английская Википедия:Distance oracle

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In computing, a distance oracle (DO) is a data structure for calculating distances between vertices in a graph.


Let G(V,E) be an undirected, weighted graph, with n = |V| nodes and m = |E| edges. We would like to answer queries of the form "what is the distance between the nodes s and t?".

One way to do this is just run the Dijkstra algorithm. This takes time <math>O(m + n \log n)</math>, and requires no extra space (besides the graph itself).

In order to answer many queries more efficiently, we can spend some time in pre-processing the graph and creating an auxiliary data structure.

A simple data structure that achieves this goal is a matrix which specifies, for each pair of nodes, the distance between them. This structure allows us to answer queries in constant time <math>O(1)</math>, but requires <math>O(n^2)</math> extra space. It can be initialized in time <math>O(n^3)</math> using an all-pairs shortest paths algorithm, such as the Floyd–Warshall algorithm.

A DO lies between these two extremes. It uses less than <math>O(n^2)</math> space in order to answer queries in less than <math>O(m + n \log n)</math> time. Most DOs have to compromise on accuracy, i.e. they don't return the accurate distance but rather a constant-factor approximation of it.

Approximate DO

Thorup and Zwick[1] describe more than 10 different DOs. They then suggest a new DO that, for every k, requires space <math>O(k n^{1+1/k})</math>, such that any subsequent distance query can be approximately answered in time <math>O(k)</math>. The approximate distance returned is of stretch at most <math>2k-1</math>, that is, the quotient obtained by dividing the estimated distance by the actual distance lies between 1 and <math>2k-1</math>. The initialization time is <math>O(kmn^{1/k})</math>.

Some special cases include:

  • For <math>k=1</math> we get the simple distance matrix.
  • For <math>k=2</math> we get a structure using <math>O(n^{1.5})</math> space which answers each query in constant time and approximation factor at most 3.
  • For <math>k=\lfloor \log n \rfloor</math>, we get a structure using <math>O(n \log n)</math> space, query time <math>O(\log n)</math>, and stretch <math>O(\log n)</math>.

Higher values of k do not improve the space or preprocessing time.

DO for general metric spaces

The oracle is built of a decreasing collection of k+1 sets of vertices:

  • <math>A_0 = V</math>
  • For every <math>i=1,\ldots,k-1</math>: <math>A_i</math> contains each element of <math>A_{i-1}</math>, independently, with probability <math>n^{-1/k}</math>. Note that the expected size of <math>A_i</math> is <math>n^{1-i/k}</math>. The elements of <math>A_i</math> are called i-centers.
  • <math>A_k = \emptyset</math>

For every node v, calculate its distance from each of these sets:

  • For every <math>i=0,\ldots,k-1</math>: <math>d(A_i,v) = \min{(d(w,v)|w\in A_i}</math> and <math>p_i(v) = \arg \min{(d(w,v)|w\in A_i}</math>. I.e., <math>p_i(v)</math> is the i-center nearest to v, and <math>d(A_i,v)</math> is the distance between them. Note that for a fixed v, this distance is weakly increasing with i. Also note that for every v, <math>d(A_0,v)=0</math> and <math>p_0(v)=v</math>.
  • <math>d(A_k,v)=\infty</math>.

For every node v, calculate:

  • For every <math>i=0,\ldots,k-1</math>: <math>B_i(v) = \{w\in A_i\setminus A_{i+1}|d(w,v)<d(A_{i+1},v)\}</math>. <math>B_i(v)</math> contains all vertices in <math>A_i</math> which are strictly closer to v than all vertices in <math>A_{i+1}</math>. The partial unions of <math>B_i</math>s are balls in increasing diameter, that contain vertices with distances up to the first vertex of the next level.

For every v, compute its bunch:

  • <math>B(v) = \bigcup_{i=0}^{k-1}B_i(v).</math>

It is possible to show that the expected size of <math>B(v)</math> is at most <math>kn^{1/k}</math>.

For every bunch <math>B(v)</math>, construct a hash table that holds, for every <math>w\in B(V)</math>, the distance <math>d(w,v)</math>.

The total size of the data structure is <math>O(kn+\Sigma|B(v)|)=O(kn+nkn^{1/k})=O(kn^{1+1/k})</math>

Having this structure initialized, the following algorithm finds the distance between two nodes, u and v:

  • <math>w:=u, i:=0</math>
  • while <math>w\notin B(v)</math>:
    • <math>i:=i+1</math>
    • <math>(u,v):=(v,u)</math> (swap the two input nodes; this does not change the distance between them since the graph is undirected).
    • <math>w := p_i(u)</math>
  • return <math>d(w,u)+d(w,v)</math>

It is possible to show that, in each iteration, the distance <math>d(w,u)</math> grows by at most <math>d(v,u)</math>. Since <math>A_{k-1}\subseteq B(v)</math>, there are at most k-1 iterations, so finally <math>d(w,u)\leq (k-1)d(v,u)</math>. Now by the triangle inequality, <math>d(w,v)\leq d(w,u)+d(u,v)\leq kd(v,u)</math>, so the distance returned is at most <math>(2k-1)d(u,v)</math>.


The above result was later improved by Patrascu and Roditty[2] who suggest a DO of size <math>O(n^{4/3} m^{1/3})</math> which returns a factor 2 approximation.

Reduction from set intersection oracle

If there is a DO with an approximation factor of at most 2, then it is possible to build a set intersection oracle (SIO) with query time <math>O(1)</math> and space requirements <math>O(N+n)</math>, where n is the number of sets and N the sum of their sizes; see set intersection oracle#Reduction to approximate distance oracle.

It is believed that the SIO problem does not have a non-trivial solution. I.e., it requires <math>\Omega(n^2)</math> space to answer queries in time <math>O(1)</math>, e.g. using an n-by-n table with the intersection between each two sets. If this conjecture is true, this implies that there is no DO with an approximation factor of less than 2 and a constant query time.[2]

