Английская Википедия:Dorrite

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Шаблон:Infobox mineral

Dorrite is a silicate mineral that is isostructural to the aenigmatite group.[1] It is most chemically similar to the mineral rhönite [Ca2Mg5Ti(Al2Si4)O20], made distinct by a lack of titanium (Ti) and the presence of Fe3+.[1] Dorrite is named for Dr. John (Jack) A. Dorr, a late professor at the University of Michigan that researched in outcrops where dorrite was found in 1982.[2] This mineral is sub-metallic resembling colors of brownish-black, dark brown, to reddish brown.


Dorrite was first reported in 1982 by A. Havette in a basalt-limestone contact on Réunion Island off of the coast of Africa.[1] The second report of dorrite was made by Franklin Foit and his associates while examining a paralava from the Powder River Basin, Wyoming in 1987. Analyses determined that this newly found mineral was surprisingly similar to the mineral rhönite, lacking Ti but presenting dominant Fe3+ in its octahedral sites.[1] Other minerals that coexist with this phase are plagioclase, gehlenite-akermanite, magnetite-magnesioferrite-spinel solid solutions, esseneite, nepheline, wollastonite, Ba-rich feldspar, apatite, ulvöspinel, ferroan sahamalite, and secondary barite, and calcite.[1]


Dorrite can be found in mineral reactions that relate dorrite + magnetite + clinopyroxene, rhönite + magnetite + olivine + clinopyroxene, and aenigmatite + pyroxene + olivine assemblages in nature.[1] These assemblages favor low pressures and high temperatures.[1] Dorrite is stable in strongly oxidizing, high-temperature, low-pressure environments. It occurs in paralava, pyrometamorphic melt rock, formed from the burning of coal beds.[2]


Researchers conclusively determined that dorrite is triclinic-pseudomonoclinic and twinned by a twofold rotation about the pseudomonoclinic b axis. The parameters for dorrite are a=10.505, b=10.897, c=9.019 Å, α=106.26°, β=95.16°, γ=124.75°.[2]

Chemical Composition

Calcium 8.97%
Magnesium 5.44%
Aluminum 6.04%
Iron 37.48%
Silicon 6.28%
Oxygen 35.79%[2]


CaO 12.55%
MgO 9.02%
Al2O3 11.41%
Fe2O3 53.59%
SiO2 13.44%[2]



  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 Ошибка цитирования Неверный тег <ref>; для сносок Cosca не указан текст
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 Ошибка цитирования Неверный тег <ref>; для сносок Dorrite не указан текст