Английская Википедия:EPODE International Network

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Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:Multiple issues

Шаблон:Infobox organization EPODE International Network (EIN) is a not for profit, non-governmental organisation that seeks to support childhood obesity-prevention programmes across the world, via best practice sharing and capacity building.

The name EPODE comes from ‘Ensemble Prévenons l'ObésitéDes Enfants’[1] Together Let's Prevent Childhood Obesity[2]

The EPODE International Network (EIN), is a Nonprofit organization, and is a contribution to the response to the need and demand from the global community in the fight against childhood obesity and Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), through sustainable and large-sale Community Based Programmes (CBPs) for childhood obesity prevention.

In light of the encouraging experiences and results of the EPODE methodology[3] (Towns in Belgium that implemented the program saw a 22 per cent decrease in overweight children[4]), the EPODE International Network, was created in 2011 as a response to the global demand for action concerning the increasing international prevalence of overweight and obesity and the related non-communicable diseases. The EPODE International Network works to promote and enhance the global movement to prevent childhood obesity by supporting Community Based Programmes (CBPs) for childhood obesity prevention through sustainable and large-sale strategies that mobilise a multi-stakeholder dynamic.[5]

General Organisation of EPODE International Network

The EPODE International Network is an NGO, a network of community-based and school-based childhood obesity-prevention programmes as well as healthy active initiatives aimed at preventing childhood adiposity & overweight in children. This NGO facilitates the sharing of experiences, best practices and tools at the global level for continuous improvement and strengthening of its members. EIN also endeavours to ensure the sustainability of CBPs, SBPs & HAIs over time, contributing to the global movement to reduce and prevent childhood overweight and obesity.

The network is coordinated by a dedicated unit and is supported by 3 platforms, gathering a broad diversity of actors:

  • A Scientific Board and Platform, with 18 internationally recognized experts in the fields of nutrition and physical activity to provide scientific guidance for the implementation and evaluation processes to prevent childhood obesity.[6]
  • A Ministers’ Club, gathering Ministers, State Secretaries, members of Parliament and Mayors to raise awareness on the childhood obesity issue and to advocate for a strong and sustainable political involvement in the development of CBPs, SBPs & HAIs around the world.[7]
  • A Public-Private Partnership Platform, linking representatives of the civil society, corporate sector, NGOs and institutions to stimulate multistakeholder, concerted and coordinated partnerships supporting the implementation of CBPs around the world.[8]

In addition, the EPODE International Network holds regional and global forums which represent a call for global perspectives, solutions and commitments to solve the obesity and NCDs crisis worldwide.[9]


EPODE International Network’s overall objective is to build international capacity and capability for multipartner community-based childhood obesity-prevention programmes (CBPs) in countries by:

  1. Facilitating best practice sharing between EIN member childhood obesity-prevention programmes
  2. Providing EIN members visibility at global level
  3. Gathering leading political representatives to place and maintain childhood obesity prevention at the top of agendas
  4. Gathering the leading global experts to build greater scientific and field evidence in preventing obesity in children and overweight kids
  5. Forging links for greater dialogue between all stakeholders from Public, Civic and Private Sectors (civil society, corporate sector, institutions)

The EPODE International Network has more than 30 childhood obesity-prevention programme members in over 20 countries. By 2015 EPODE International Network will involve more than 400,000,000 people worldwide.


In order to support its member childhood obesity-prevention programmes, the EIN organises regional and global meetings in order to facilitate best practice sharing and hold capacity building workshops, specific to the needs of its members. The EIN Scientific Advisory Board is also active in providing key support to members of the network in numerous ways, and notably providing valuable evaluation support and assisting programme members with the publication of their results.[9]

Some activities include attempts to curb fast-food outlets near schools.[10]

In France, Fleurbaix-Laventie Ville Santé (FLVS),[11] a food and nutrition project, were taken up by 10 mid-sized French towns as part of a wider pilot scheme, EPODE, aimed at preventing obesity among five to 12-year-olds.[12]

Network members

The following countries around the world are members of the EPODE International Network:[13]

An EPODE Umbria Region Obesity Intervention Study reveals the Umbria region has now reached the alarming prevalence of 36% obesity in children [14]

EPODE Ministers' Club

The EIN Ministers’ Club facilitates personal relationships between elected representatives from EPODE Programmes and existing community-based programmes from international regions or countries interested in developing obesity-prevention strategies. Members of the Ministers’ Club includes elected representatives such as ministers and secretaries (health, sports, urbanism, education, agriculture…), members of parliaments, governors, and mayors of cities involved in community-based childhood obesity-prevention programs.[7]

EPODE Ministers' Club leadership

See also




External links