Английская Википедия:Eero Lehti

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Eero Lehti (2009)

Eero Heikki Lehti (born 23 August 1944 in Tuusula, Finland) is a Finnish businessman, the chairman of the city council of Kerava, and was a member of the Finnish parliament since 2007 until 2019.[1] He is the founder of Taloustutkimus Oy and also the chairman of the company's board of directors as well as the chairman of the Federation of Finnish Enterprises since 2002. Lehti is a member of the National Coalition Party.

Eero Lehti was married to Ulpu Lehti until her death in 2019.[2] They have one daughter. Lehti collects art and Jaguar cars.[3]

Lehti founded and owned Suomen lehtiyhtymä until its sale in 2013. The company publishes several local newspapers: Aamuposti, Helsingin Uutiset, Iltalohja, Imatralainen Jyväskylän kaupunkilehti, Karkkilalainen, Keski-Uusimaa, Kuopion Kaupunkilehti, Lappeenrannan Uutiset Länsi-Uusimaa, Länsiväylä, Mäntsälän Viikkouutiset, Nurmijärven Uutiset, Seinäjoen Sanomat, Sipoon Sanomat, Tamperelainen, Turkulainen, Uusimaa, Vantaan Sanomat, Vihdin Uutiset, Viikkouutiset ja Työ ja tekijät.[4]

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