Английская Википедия:Emil Benčík
Шаблон:Infobox writer Emil Benčík (born 20 January 1933, in Zlatno) is a Slovak writer, journalist and translator.[1] He established the feature radio documentary in Slovakia and created the first family radio series in the country called Čo nového, Bielikovci, which during its 17 years run established itself as one of the most popular programs in Slovakia's history with almost 1 in 2 Slovaks tuning in regularly.
In the 1950s he was a member of the notable journalistic generation centered on the newspaper Smena. From 1971 until 1990 he was the Chief editor of the Main desk of literary and drama broadcasting of the Czechoslovak radio in Bratislava.
For his journalistic and literary work, Emil Benčík has received numerous awards including the international Prize of Egon Erwin Kisch for his book Králi Ducha (Kings of the spirit). He is the first and only author to receive the Prize of Vojtech Zamarovský for radio broadcasting.
Benčík was born on 20 January 1933 in Zlatno near Zlaté Moravce. He studied Slovak language and Russian language at Pedagogical faculty of the Comenius University in Bratislava. Later he worked as a teacher at elementary school in Lokca and at pedagogic gymnasium in Krupina. A long-time editor of the Slovak Radio in Bratislava, he has written many literary, biographical, dramatic and radio documentaries (features), series and cycles.
Literary work
- 1971 – Шаблон:Lang, spolu s K. Kowaliszyn. (The home and the world – with K. Kowaliszyn)
- 2003 – Шаблон:Lang (The first man of Czechoslovak spring)
- 2007 – Шаблон:Lang (What the wind did not blow away)
- 2008 – Шаблон:Lang (A ladder to the heaven)
- 2010 – Шаблон:Lang (Kings of the spirit)
- 2011 – Шаблон:Lang (Wealthy harvest of Andrej Chudoba)
- 2014 - Шаблон:Lang (Zlatno hugged by the mountains)
Literary translations
- 1960 – Dawid Rubinowicz: Шаблон:Lang (Davids´ notebook)
- 1962 – Włodzimierz Jaroszyński: Шаблон:Lang (The secret front)
- 1972 – Alojzy Twardecki: Шаблон:Lang (School of the traitors)
Radio cycles
- 1997–2004 – Шаблон:Lang (People, facts, affairs)
- 2003–2008 – Шаблон:Lang (Solo for...)
- 2008–2011 – Шаблон:Lang (Such are the radio workers)
Radio features
- 1972 – Шаблон:Lang, Шаблон:Lang, Шаблон:Lang, Шаблон:Lang (Quiet hands, Nest in the hands, Let the trees grow, At the bottom of the summer)
- 1975 – Шаблон:Lang (Dramas of love and without love)
- 1979 – Шаблон:Lang (To plant a tree)
- 1978 – Шаблон:Lang (Eclipse of the Earth)
- 1989 – Шаблон:Lang (Your majesty, money)
- 1990 – Шаблон:Lang (Slovak bread)
- 1990 – Шаблон:Lang (Every gypsy sings for himself)
- 1991 – Шаблон:Lang (The bell Andrej)
- 1991 – Шаблон:Lang (Life and death with the David´s star)
- 1993 – Шаблон:Lang (We are, who we are)
- 1993 – Шаблон:Lang (The first man of the Prague Spring)
- 1994 – Шаблон:Lang (Day of the truth)
- 1994 – Шаблон:Lang (Starry heaven above Jerusalem)
- 1995 – Шаблон:Lang (The big book address all)
- 1995 – Шаблон:Lang (The last day of war, the first day of peace)
- 1996 – Шаблон:Lang (The Tehran conference, Yalta conference and Potsdam conference)
- 1996 – Шаблон:Lang (The Nuremberg trial)
- 1996 – Шаблон:Lang (After a good life, good death)
- 1997 – Шаблон:Lang (According to heart)
- 1997 – Шаблон:Lang (Operation Overlord)
- 1997 – Шаблон:Lang
- 1998 – Шаблон:Lang (Black days on air)
- 1999 – Шаблон:Lang (Long night in Kremlin)
- 2000 – Шаблон:Lang (What did the 20th century give us and what did it take away from us)
- 2002 – Шаблон:Lang (With the head against the wall)
- 2003 – Шаблон:Lang (Dancing above the gorge)
- 2003 – Шаблон:Lang (Before the gate of hell)
- 2004 – Шаблон:Lang (Pilot lights of hope)
- 2005 – Шаблон:Lang (There was once a Velvet Revolution)
- 2006 – Шаблон:Lang (Inglorious departure of the powerful)
Radio drama translations
- Henryk Bardijevski: Koperník (Copernicus)
- Józef Gruda: Poľská suita, Albert, Kapela (Polish suite, Albert, The band)
- Andrzej Mularczyk: Z hlbín vôd, Balkón na Hlavnej ulici, Prespať zimu, Kuchynský vchod (From deep waters, Balcony on the broadway, Be asleep all winter, Kichen entrance)
- Marian Grzesczak: Poľská symfónia (Polish symphony)
- 1998 – Golden medal of Alexander Dubček
- 2001 – Prize of Vojtech Zamarovský
- 2011 - Prize of Egon Erwin Kisch
Emil Benčík is also the holder of numerous other awards and prizes.
Monographies and studies
Life and work of Emil Benčik is the subject of the following monographies, studies and scientific papers:
- Encyclopedia of Slovakia, Volume I. Encyclopedic office of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava : Osveta, 1977. Page 177.
- Encyclopedia of Slovak dramatic arts, Volume I. Veda – publishing house of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, 1989. Page 103.
- Matovcik, A. et al.: Dictionary of Slovak writers of the 20th century. Publishing house SSS and SNK, Bratislava – Martin, 2001. Page 33.
- Dictionary of the Club of Czech and Slovak writers of non-fiction literature. Prague, 2003. Page 268.
- Kačala, J.: Language in Emil Benčík's book about three Slovak kings of spirit, Kultúra slova, volume 46, Bratislava, 2012.
- Herceg, M.: Emil Benčík – Ambidextrous journalistic personality. Dissertation, School of Journalism at the Faculty of Philosophy, Commenius University, Bratislava, 2006.
- Nemečková, L.: Radio document in the Slovak Radio - Emil Benčík, key personality of the founding generation, dissertation, Faculty of Mass Media at the Paneuropean University, evidence number FM-24684-7985, Bratislava, 2014.
- Chapters of history of the radio (Príspevky k dejinám rozhlasu). Slovak Radio, Bratislava, 2006.
- What was (and wasn't) on air (Čo bolo (i nebolo) v éteri). Slovak Radio, Bratislava, 2003.
See also
External links