Английская Википедия:Endorsements in the 2020 Italian constitutional referendum

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Шаблон:Cite web This page lists individuals and organisations who publicly expressed an opinion regarding the 2020 Italian constitutional referendum.


Members of the government and institutions

Presidents of the Senate


Presidents of the Chamber of Deputies


Prime Ministers




Members of local governments

Presidents of Regions


Mayors of main cities


Members of the Parliament

Members of the Chamber of Deputies

Шаблон:Columns-list Шаблон:Small

Members of the Senate of the Republic


Шаблон:Small Шаблон:Columns-list

International figures

Members of the European Parliament


From other European Union member states

Notable individuals

Journalists, commentators, and political satirists

University and academic figures

Constitutional judges and lawyer



Actors and film directors

Singers and producers

Writers and artists



Logo Campaign Slogan Spokesperson Website
Yes of the Liberties Il sì delle Libertà Silvia Ferrara and Pietro Paganini www.ilsidelleliberta.it

Main political parties

Parties Political orientation Leader Ref
style="background-color: Шаблон:Party color" | League (Lega) Right-wing populism Matteo Salvini [25]
style="background-color: Шаблон:Party color" | Democratic Party (PD) Social democracy Nicola Zingaretti [26]
style="background-color:Шаблон:Party color"| Five Star Movement (M5S) Populism Vito Crimi [27]
style="background-color:Шаблон:Party color"| Forza Italia (FI) Liberal conservatism Silvio Berlusconi [28]
style="background-color:Шаблон:Party color"| Brothers of Italy (FdI) National conservatism Giorgia Meloni [29]
Style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Article One (Art. 1) Social democracy Roberto Speranza [30]
style="background-color:Шаблон:Party color"| South Tyrolean People's Party (SVP) Regionalism Arno Kompatscher [31]
Style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Cambiamo! (C!) Liberal conservatism Giovanni Toti [32]

Minor parties

European political parties

Trade unions and business organisations


Newspapers Political and cultural orientation
Il Fatto Quotidiano[33] Populism, Anti-establishment
La Notizia[34] Populism
Il Foglio[35] Liberal conservatism


Other organisations


Members of the government and institutions

Presidents of the Senate


Presidents of the Chamber of Deputies


Prime Ministers




Members of local governments

Presidents of Regions


Mayors of main cities

Members of the Parliament

Members of the Chamber of Deputies

Шаблон:Small Шаблон:Columns-list Шаблон:Small Шаблон:Columns-list

Members of the Senate of the Republic


Шаблон:Small Шаблон:Columns-list

International figures

Members of the European Parliament


From other European Union member states

Notable individuals

Journalists, commentators, and political satirists

University and academic figures

Constitutional judges and lawyers



Actors and film directors

Singers and producers

Writers and artists




Logo Campaign Slogan Spokesperson Website
(N)Ours! NOstra! Jacopo Ricci www.comitatonostra.it
We NO Noi NO Andrea Pruiti Ciarello noino.eu
Democrats for the No Democratici per il No Giovanni Lattanzi democraticiperilno.it Шаблон:Webarchive
Solidary Network in defense of the Constitution Rete Solidale in difesa della Costituzione Marina Calamo Specchia Шаблон:N/A
Popular Committee for the No to the parliamentary cut Comitato popolare per il No al taglio dei parlamentari Piero Pirovano iovotono.eu Шаблон:Webarchive
3 Reasons for the No 3 motivi per il No Stefano D'Andrea 3-motivi-per-il-no0.webnode.it
Committee for the NO on changes to the Constitution to reduce the number of parliamentarians Comitato per il NO sulle modifiche alla Costituzione per la riduzione del numero dei Parlamentari Massimo Villone coordinamentodemocraziacostituzionale.it
noaltagliodelparlamento.it Шаблон:Webarchive
Committee for the NO to the Counter-reform Comitato per il No alla Controriforma Massimiliano Iervolino radicali.it/campagne/no-alla-controriforma/ Шаблон:Webarchive
LET'S START WITH NO – Committee for the NO to the referendum on the cut of parliamentarians COMINCIAMO DAL NO – Comitato per il NO al referendum sul taglio dei parlamentari Simona Viola piueuropa.eu/2020/02/22/comitatodelno/

Main political parties

Parties Political orientation Leader Ref
style="background-color:Шаблон:Party color"| Action (Azione) Social liberalism Carlo Calenda [71]
style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Italian Left (SI) Democratic socialism Nicola Fratoianni [72]
style="background-color:Шаблон:Party color"| More Europe (+Eu) Liberalism Benedetto Della Vedova [73]
style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Federation of the Greens (FdV) Green politics collective leadership [74]
style="background-color: Шаблон:Party color" | Italia in Comune (IiC) Progressivism Federico Pizzarotti [75]
bgcolor="Шаблон:Party color" | Power to the People (PaP) Communism Viola Carofalo [76]
style="background-color: Шаблон:Party color" | Italian Socialist Party (PSI) Social democracy Enzo Maraio [77]
style="background-color: Шаблон:Party color" | Associative Movement Italians Abroad (MAIE) Italians abroad's interests Ricardo Antonio Merlo [78]
style="background-color: Шаблон:Party color" | South American Union Italian Emigrants (USEI) Italians abroad's interests Eugenio Sangregorio [79]
style="background-color: Шаблон:Party color" | Communist Refoundation Party (PRC) Communism Maurizio Acerbo [80]

Minor parties

Parties Political orientation Leader Ref
style="background-color:Шаблон:Party color"| Energies for Italy (EpI) Liberalism Stefano Parisi [81]
style="background:Шаблон:Party color" | Volt Italia Pro-Europeanism Federica Vinci [82]
Liberal Democratic Alliance for Italy Classic liberalism Franco Turco [83]
style="background-color: Шаблон:Party color" | Democratic Centre (CD) Christian left Bruno Tabacci [84]
Christian Democracy (DC) Christian democracy Renato Grassi [85]
style="background-color: Шаблон:Party color" | Italian Communist Party (PCI) Communism Mauro Alboresi [86]
Pact for Autonomy (PpA) Autonomism Massimo Moretuzzo [87]
style="background-color: Шаблон:Party color" | The People of Family (PdF) Social conservatism Mario Adinolfi [88]
style="background-color: Шаблон:Party color" | Workers' Communist Party (PCL) Communism Marco Ferrando [89]
Italian Marxist–Leninist Party (PMLI) Maoism Giovanni Scuderi [90]

European political parties

Trade unions and business organisations


Newspapers Political and cultural orientation
la Repubblica[91] Centrism, Liberalism
La Stampa[92] Social liberalism
il manifesto[93] Communism
Domani[94] Social democracy, Cultural liberalism
HuffPost Italia[95] Centrism
Il Riformista[96] Liberalism, Reformism
Linkiesta[97] Centrism, Liberalism
Avanti![98] Social democracy (official newspaper of the Italian Socialist Party)


Periodicals Political and cultural orientation
L'Espresso[99] Progressivism
Left[100] Democratic socialism

Other organisations

Organisations Political and cultural orientation Leaders
Fondazione Luigi Einaudi (FLE)[101] Giuseppe Benedetto
Consiglio Generale degli Italiani all’Estero (CGIE)[102] Michele Schiavone
National Association of the Italian Partisans (ANPI)[103] Anti-fascism Carla Nespolo
Italian Ricreative and Cultural Association (ARCI)[104] Non-profit association Francesca Chiavacci
Freedom and Justice (LeG)[105] Non-profit association Paul Ginsborg

Officially endorse neither side

Members of the government and institutions

Notable individuals

Constitutional judges and lawyer


Main political parties

Parties Political orientation Leader Ref
Style="background:Шаблон:Party color"| Italia Viva (IV) Liberalism Matteo Renzi [107]



  1. Fico: "Se passa il Sì al Referendum servono riforme per riequilibrare il taglio dei parlamentari" Шаблон:Webarchive, YouTube
  2. Шаблон:Cite news
  3. Referendum, Letta: “Voterò Sì convintamente. Tutte le nostre proposte di riforma prevedevano lo stesso taglio. 630 deputati? Ne bastano 400” Шаблон:Webarchive, Il Fatto Quotidiano
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