Английская Википедия:Enterogastric reflex

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Шаблон:Medref The enterogastric reflex is one of the three extrinsic reflexes of the gastrointestinal tract, the other two being the gastroileal reflex and the gastrocolic reflex.[1] The enterogastric reflex is stimulated by duodenal distension.[2] It can also be stimulated by a pH of 3-4 in the duodenum and by a pH of 1.5 in the stomach. Upon initiation of the reflex, the release of gastrin by G-cells in the antrum of the stomach is shut off. This in turn inhibits gastric motility and the secretion of gastric acid (HCl).[1]

Emptying inhibitory factors

The stomach's contents are inhibited from emptying into the small intestine by:

Emptying stimulatory factors

The stomach's contents empty through the pylorus, allowing digestion to proceed, when there is:

