Английская Википедия:Esscher transform

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In actuarial science, the Esscher transform Шаблон:Harv is a transform that takes a probability density f(x) and transforms it to a new probability density f(xh) with a parameter h. It was introduced by F. Esscher in 1932 Шаблон:Harv.


Let f(x) be a probability density. Its Esscher transform is defined as

<math>f(x;h)=\frac{e^{hx}f(x)}{\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{hx} f(x) dx}.\,</math>

More generally, if μ is a probability measure, the Esscher transform of μ is a new probability measure Eh(μ) which has density

<math>\frac{e^{hx}}{\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{hx} d\mu(x)} </math>

with respect to μ.

Basic properties

The Esscher transform of an Esscher transform is again an Esscher transform: Eh1 Eh2 = Eh1 + h2.
The inverse of the Esscher transform is the Esscher transform with negative parameter: EШаблон:Su = Eh
Mean move
The effect of the Esscher transform on the normal distribution is moving the mean:
<math>E_h(\mathcal{N}(\mu,\,\sigma^2)) =\mathcal{N}(\mu + h\sigma^2,\,\sigma^2).\,</math>


Distribution Esscher transform
Bernoulli Bernoulli(p)  <math>\,\frac{e^{hk}p^k(1-p)^{1-k}}{1-p+pe^h}</math>
Binomial B(np)  <math>\,\frac{{n\choose k}e^{hk}p^k(1-p)^{n-k}}{(1-p+pe^h)^n}</math>
Normal N(μ, σ2)   <math>\,\frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi \sigma^2}}e^{-\frac{(x-\mu-\sigma^2 h)^2}{2\sigma ^2}}</math>
Poisson Pois(λ)   <math>\,\frac{e^{hk-\lambda e^h}\lambda^k}{k!}</math>

See also
