Английская Википедия:Fīnau ʻUlukālala

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Fīnau Шаблон:OkinaUlukālala (Hot Headed) was a dynasty of six important hereditary chiefs from [[Vava'u|VavaШаблон:Okinau]] (the TuШаблон:Okinai VavaШаблон:Okinau), currently in the kingdom of Tonga. The dynasty began sometime in the 18th century and died out in 1960. The chief's original estate was [[Tu'anuku|TuШаблон:Okinaanuku]], and his nickname and that of the village is TavakefaiШаблон:Okinaana (a species of tropicbird).

Holders of the title

Файл:Fīnau ʻUlukālala.gif
Fīnau I (or his brother) from Jacques Labillardière, 1793

I (Шаблон:Okinai MaШаблон:Okinaofanga)

Although the first Fīnau (Шаблон:OkinaUlukālala I's grandfather, MataelehaШаблон:Okinaamea), had been a [[Tu'i Kanokupolu|TuШаблон:Okinai Kanokupolu]] (at that time, around 1650, the most powerful royal dynasty of Tongatapu), his father TuШаблон:OkinaituШаблон:OkinaiШаблон:Okinaohu was only a younger brother of MaШаблон:OkinaafuШаблон:OkinaotuШаблон:Okinaitonga, the next TuШаблон:Okinai Kanokupolu. As such TuШаблон:OkinaituШаблон:OkinaiШаблон:Okinaohu tried his luck in [[Vava'u|VavaШаблон:Okinau]], where he started the dynasty of the HaШаблон:Okinaa Ngatatupu.

This first Fīnau died in 1797 in [[Ma'ufanga|MaШаблон:Okinaufanga]], Tongatapu and is therefore also called Fīnau Шаблон:OkinaUlukālala I Шаблон:Okinai MaШаблон:Okinaofanga (the old form of the name of the village). He was succeeded by his eldest son who would die later in Feletoa, VavaШаблон:Okinau, and as such is sometimes known as Fīnau Шаблон:OkinaUlukālala II Шаблон:Okinai Feletoa, or by his second name: Fangupō.


At the end of the 18th century, due to the unpopularity of the then incumbent TuШаблон:Okinai Kanokupolu, TukuШаблон:Okinaaho, who was a cruel and arbitrary person, Fīnau Feletoa (Шаблон:OkinaUlukālala II) was able to extend his authority to [[Ha'apai|HaШаблон:Okinaapai]] as well, which made him the most powerful chief of whole Tonga at that time. Yet it seems not to have been his intention to take Tongatapu too. It was sufficient for him just to keep the chiefs of that island away from interfering with his HaШаблон:Okinaapai and VavaШаблон:Okinau. For that he was the main originator of the plan to murder the TuШаблон:Okinai Kanokupolu. With a triumvirate comprising him, Tupouniua and TupoutoШаблон:Okinaa the act was done in April 1799 during the yearly Шаблон:Okinainasi (first-fruits offering) to the [[Tu'i Tonga|TuШаблон:Okinai Tonga]] in [[Mu'a (Tongatapu)|MuШаблон:Okinaa]].

Unfortunately this did not bring the peace he had hoped for, but started off a civil war in Tonga which would last for the next 50 years or so. Fīnau did not try to conquer Tongatapu, but limited himself to some raids on the island. The most severe one was against Tupoumālohi in his fortress of [[Nukuʻalofa|NukuШаблон:Okinaalofa]] in 1807, in which the cannons he got from the Port au Prince were very useful. The writings of his protégé, William Mariner, go into great detail about these happenings and also the personality of this famous warlord.

He was also infamous, however, for the punishment he inflicted on some of his enemies: they were tied to leaking canoes, which were then set adrift at sea, soon to sink with their victims.

Fīnau Fangupō died in 1809 and was succeeded by his son Fīnau Шаблон:OkinaUlukālala Moengangongo who decided to cut all links with the troublesome Tongatapu and ordered that both HaШаблон:Okinaapai and VavaШаблон:Okinau should pursue an isolationist policy. If it had not been for the coming of TāufaШаблон:Okinaāhau I, perhaps Tonga would have ended up as 3 independent nations. Moengangongo had died 2 years later, which is probably the reason that he has not gone into history as Шаблон:OkinaUlukālala III


Fīnau Шаблон:OkinaUlukālala III, best known in history as Fīnau Шаблон:OkinaUlukālala III Шаблон:Okinai Pouono (the part of Neiafu where he would die), also named Tuapasi. He was the second son of Fīnau Fangupō and became TuШаблон:Okinai VavaШаблон:Okinau (VavaШаблон:Okinau king) in 1811, although it was not until 1820 before he got all the islands under control. When he died in March 1833 he ceded VavaШаблон:Okinau to his rearcousin and son in law [[George Tupou I|TāufaШаблон:Okinaāhau I]], as it was clear by then who was the most powerful person in Tonga. It was, after HaШаблон:Okinaapai, the second island group of Tonga TāufaШаблон:Okinaāhau obtained in his way towards being king of all Tonga. It was therefore still in VavaШаблон:Okinau, in fact at Pouono, on 20 November 1839 that TāufaШаблон:Okinaāhau declared himself king of Tonga and ceded it then to the new Christian god.


Tupou Toutai Nafetalai Matekitonga was the name of Fīnau Шаблон:OkinaUlukālala IV, the only son of his father, born in the same year (1833) that the latter died. He grew up to be a vassal to TāufaШаблон:Okinaāhau, fought, for example, in 1853 with him and Cakobau against another Fijian chief, Mara Kapaiwai and was rewarded with the noble title of Шаблон:OkinaUlukālala when TāufaШаблон:Okinaāhau, by then known as king Siaosi I, proclaimed the constitution in 1875 and abolished all old chiefly titles and subtitles, except for 20, who were elevated to noble status (and another 10 in 1880). From that time on the proper way to refer to these nobles is by their title only with, if needed, an identifying name between parenthesis after it.


His son Siaosi Fīnau Mīsini succeeded him on his death in 1877 as Fīnau Шаблон:OkinaUlukālala V (Mīsini), and he fulfilled positions like governor of VavaШаблон:Okinau, several ministerial posts in the young Tongan government and was even regent. He died in 1938.


Файл:Ata, a Tonga Chief (December 1853, X, p.132).jpg
Ata, a Tonga Chief (December 1853, X, p.132)[1]

The last of the dynasty was Siaosi Tangata-Шаблон:Okinao-HaШаблон:Okinaamea who became Шаблон:OkinaUlukālala VI (HaШаблон:Okinaamea). As his mother's line died out without successors, he also was installed, later, with the noble title of Ata, from Kolovai. Around 1930 he was interested in marrying Fusipala, the half sister of queen Sālote Tupou. However, Sālote and her consort Tungī Mailefihi did not see this as a deference of the VavaШаблон:Okinau noble to the throne, but rather as a plot of him to break away from Tonga and to establish an independent VavaШаблон:Okinau kingdom. They refused. Fusipala died in 1933, unmarried. Siaosi fathered unmarried children and was later married to Amelia Tuna Kaimanu Vaea, they had one adopted daughter, Takukipulotu. The eldest of the unmarried children of 'Ulukalala Ha'amea was a son by the name of Sione Potauaine Kuliha'apai who married twice, his wives named Heu and Mele Liliola who both had issue. One of 'Ulukalala Ha'amea other unmarried children, a daughter by the name 'Eva, who married to noble Ve'ehala, and had issue.


Siaosi died on 12 September 1960 without a married son. The title Шаблон:OkinaUlukālala, and Ata as well, were then taken away from the original heir by king [[Taufa'ahau Tupou IV|TāufaШаблон:Okinaāhau Tupou IV]]. At the end both were given to the king's youngest son [['Aho'eitu 'Unuaki'otonga Tuku'aho|Шаблон:OkinaAhoШаблон:Okinaeitu Шаблон:OkinaUnuakiШаблон:Okinaotonga TukuШаблон:Okinaaho]] (who already had the title Lavaka from Pea, and so ended up with 3 noble titles).

Siaosi Manumataongo

After the death of king TāufaШаблон:Okinaāhau Tupou IV and the accession of Siaosi Tupou V, Шаблон:OkinaAhoШаблон:Okinaeitu became the heir presumptive and had to give up, backdated to 11 September, the title in favour of his son, Siaosi Manumataongo Шаблон:OkinaAlaivahamamaШаблон:Okinao Шаблон:OkinaAhoШаблон:Okinaeitu Konstantin TukuШаблон:Okinaaho, who was officially installed to it on 30 September 2006.[2] In 2012 Шаблон:OkinaAhoШаблон:Okinaeitu became King and Siaosi Manumataongo became Crown Prince 'Ulukalala.[3]



  • J. Martin; An account of the natives of the Tonga islands; 1827; several time reprinted under the subtitle: Mariner's account.
  • N. Rutherford; Friendly islands, a history of Tonga; 1977
  • A. L. Kaeppler, M. Taumoefolau, N. Tukuʻaho, E. Wood-Ellem; Songs and poems of Queen Sālote; 2004; Шаблон:ISBN