Английская Википедия:Far-right social centre

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Шаблон:Short description

CasaPound building in Rome

A far-right social centre is a space inspired by neo-fascist and Third Position ideas, typically in the 21st century.


In Italy, a social centre called Il Bartolo was squatted in Rome, and was burnt down after one year.[1] In 1998, Italian neo-fascists squatted in another building in Rome at Castrense 48 and called it PortAperta.[1] In 2002 neo-fascists squatted in a building and created social centre called CasaMontag.[2] In 2003 Italian neo-fascists squatted in a building in Rome and created the Foro 753 non-conforming centre.[3][4][5] In 2017 members of the far-right Forza Nuova squatted commercial premises in Rome[6] and created a food kitchen only for Italian nationals, in breach of the Constitution of Italy.[7]


In 2003, Italian neo-fascists squatted in a building on Via Napoleone III on the Esquiline Hill and founded the CasaPound (the Ezra Pound's home) social centre.[8] In June 2008 CasaPound constituted an "association of social promotion" and assumed the name CasaPound Italia.[9][10][11] Other CasaPound squats are in Latina (Lazio region) (legalised)[12][13] and Area 19 at via dei Monti della Farnesina 80 in Rome (evicted 2015).[14]


Social Bastion was a French neo-fascist political movement that used squatting as a tactic before being banned as a far-right organization in 2019 by the French Government.[15] Members of the student association GUD, squatted a building at 18 rue Port-du-Temps in Lyon, in May 2017. They planned it to help only poor French nationals.[16] The mayor of Lyon Gérard Collomb immediately condemned the occupation and pledged to evict it.[17] It was evicted by 100 police officers after two weeks.[18]

In 2018 local identitarians squatted house in Angers[19] and created social centre L’Alvarium.[20] In 2020 court ordered to evict it.[21][22]


In 1990 in the territories of former GDR there were located some far-right social centres. One of them was Weilingstraße 122. The centre played the role as a political HQ, a living community and party space for young nationalists.[23] In the 21st century german nationalists, inspired by CasaPound trying again to create their own social centres.[24] In 2019 political party The Third Path owned the building in Plauen[25] and created legal social centre P130.[26][27]


In Spain, Hogar Social Madrid, also known as Hogar Social Ramiro Ledesma (the Ramiro Ledesma Social Home) was squatted in the Tetuán district in Madrid in August 2014.[28] It was quickly evicted the next month and the group then occupied a building in Chamberí.[29] Some members of the group then split off and attacked the second building, which was also evicted.[30][31]


In 2014, during the Revolution of Dignity Ukrainian nationalists occupied a building in Kyiv city centre and used it as the headquarters of the Azov Battalion and later Cossack House (Шаблон:Lang-uk).[32]




  • Domenico Di Tullio, Centri sociali di destra. Occupazioni e culture non conformi, Roma, Castelvecchi, 2006. Шаблон:ISBN.
  • Daniele Di Nunzio ed Emanuele Toscano, Dentro e fuori Casapound. Capire il fascismo del Terzo Millennio, Roma, Armando Editore, 2011. Шаблон:ISBN
  • Nicola Rao, La Fiamma e la Celtica. Sessant'anni di neofascismo da Salò ai centri sociali di destra, Roma, Sperling & Kupfer, 2006. Шаблон:ISBN
  • Warnecke, Jakob, Failed takeover: The phenomenon of right-wing squatting. In Grashoff, Udo (eds.) Comparative Approaches to Informal Housing Around the Globe, London, UCL.Press, 2020. pp. 223-237. Шаблон:ISBN

See also

  1. 1,0 1,1 Шаблон:Cite web
  2. Шаблон:Cite web
  3. Шаблон:Cite web
  4. Morra e Salvini alla corte (segreta) dell'estrema destra
  5. Il centro sociale? Anche di Destra Ecco le Occupazioni Non Conformi
  6. Roma, Forza Nuova occupa edifici Ater a San Giovanni. "Mensa per soli italiani"
  7. Roma, sull’Appia via il Centro sociale ma rimane lo spazio occupato da Forza Nuova
  8. Шаблон:Cite web
  9. Il doppio volto di CasaPound Italia in bilico tra solidarietà e violenza
  10. Latina, dall’8 al 10 settembre la festa nazionale di CasaPound
  11. Ovvero le Frequently Asked Questions, “domande poste frequentemente” sul nostro movimento.
  12. Latina, deputati Pd: «Casapound con sede abusiva». La replica dei militanti
  13. Interpellanza parlamentare contro CasaPound a Latina
  14. Monte Mario, sgomberata la stazione Farneto: era occupata da 'Area 19'
  15. Шаблон:Cite news
  16. Lyon: le Gud squatte un immeuble pour venir en aide aux Français dans le besoin
  17. À Lyon, le GUD réquisitionne un bâtiment pour aider les Français
  18. A Lyon, le GUD expulsé de son squat
  19. «Préférence nationale au logement». Des jeunes identitaires d’Angers (L’Alvarium) occupent un immeuble
  20. Occupation non conforme
  21. [https://www.breizh-info.com/2020/09/16/150519/alvarium-angers-anjou-squat/ Occupation d’un bâtiment par l’Alvarium à Angers. «La lutte à mort nous rend joyeux» L'Àgora
  22. Angers : un squat identitaire devant la justice
  23. Warnecke, Jakob, "Failed takeover: The phenomenon of right-wing squatting". In Grashoff, Udo (eds.) Comparative Approaches to Informal Housing Around the Globe. pp. 223-237
  24. Шаблон:Cite web
  25. Eine Nazipartei macht sich in Plauen breit
  26. T-Hemd – Nationalrevolutionäres Zentrum „P 130“
  27. Eva Grigori, "Jugend im Sturm" oder viel heiße Luft? Zur Jugendarbeit der extremen Rechten
  28. Шаблон:Cite web
  29. Шаблон:Cite web
  30. Шаблон:Cite web
  31. Шаблон:Cite web
  32. Шаблон:Cite web