Файл:Bettino Craxi XI Legislatura.jpg
Prime Minister
Bettino Craxi
4 August 1983 – 1 August 1986
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Italian Socialist Party
Giuliano Amato (PSI)
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Deputy Prime Minister
Arnaldo Forlani
4 August 1983 – 1 August 1986
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Christian Democracy
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Minister of Foreign Affairs
Giulio Andreotti
4 August 1983 – 1 August 1986
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Christian Democracy
Susanna Agnelli (PRI) Bruno Corti (PSDI) Mario Fioret (DC) Mario Raffaelli (PSI) Francesco Forte (PSI)
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Minister of the Interior
Oscar Luigi Scalfaro
4 August 1983 – 1 August 1986
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Christian Democracy
Paolo Barsacchi (PSI) Adriano Ciaffi (DC) Marino Corder (DC) Raffaele Costa (PLI)
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Minister of Grace and Justice
Mino Martinazzoli
4 August 1983 – 1 August 1986
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Christian Democracy
Luciano Bausi (DC) Antonio Carpino (PSI) Шаблон:Nowrap
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Minister of Budget and Economic Planning
Pietro Longo
4 August 1983 – 13 July 1984
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Italian Democratic Socialist Party
Alberto Aiardi (DC) Carlo Vizzini (PSDI) (until 30 July 1984) Alberto Ciampaglia (PSDI) (since 2 August 1984)
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Bettino Craxi (ad interim)
13 July 1984 – 30 July 1984
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Italian Socialist Party
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Pier Luigi Romita
30 July 1984 – 1 August 1986
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Italian Democratic Socialist Party
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Minister of Finance
Bruno Visentini
4 August 1983 – 1 August 1986
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Italian Republican Party
Franco Bortolani (DC) Giuseppe Caroli (DC) Шаблон:Nowrap Domenico Susi (PSI)
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Minister of Treasury
Giovanni Goria
4 August 1983 – 1 August 1986
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Christian Democracy
Carlo Fracanzani (DC) Manfredo Manfredi (DC) (until 25 February 1984) Eugenio Tarabini (DC) (since 6 April 1984) Giovanni Nonne (PSI) Gianni Ravaglia (PRI)
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Minister of Defence
Giovanni Spadolini
4 August 1983 – 1 August 1986
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Italian Republican Party
Tommaso Bisagno (DC) Bartolomeo Ciccardini (DC) Vittorio Olcese (PRI) Silvano Signori (PSI)
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Minister of Public Education
Franca Falcucci
4 August 1983 – 1 August 1986
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Christian Democracy
Domenico Amalfitano (DC) Mario Dal Castello (DC) Giuseppe Fassino (PLI) Fabio Maravalle (PSI)
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Minister of Public Works
Franco Nicolazzi
4 August 1983 – 1 August 1986
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Italian Democratic Socialist Party
Gaetano Gorgoni (PRI) Mario Tassone (DC)
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Minister of Agriculture and Forests
Filippo Maria Pandolfi
4 August 1983 – 1 August 1986
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Christian Democracy
Giulio Santarelli (PSI) Giuseppe Zurlo (DC)
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Minister of Transport
Claudio Signorile
4 August 1983 – 1 August 1986
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Italian Socialist Party
Niccolò Grassi Bertazzi (DC) Savino Melillo (PLI) Giuseppe Santonastaso (DC)
Minister of Post and Telecommunications
Antonio Gava
4 August 1983 – 1 August 1986
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Christian Democracy
Giuseppe Avellone (DC) Giorgio Bogi (PRI) Giuseppe Reina (PSI)
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Minister of Industry, Commerce and Craftsmanship
Renato Altissimo
4 August 1983 – 1 August 1986
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Italian Liberal Party
Bruno Orsini (DC) Nicola Sanese (DC) Sisinio Zito (PSI)
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Minister of Health
Costante Degan
4 August 1983 – 1 August 1986
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Christian Democracy
Paola Cavigliasso (DC) Francesco De Lorenzo (PLI) Carlo Romei (DC)
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Minister of Foreign Trade
Nicola Capria
4 August 1983 – 1 August 1986
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Italian Socialist Party
Francesco Vittorio Mazzola (DC) Giovanni Prandini (DC)
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Minister of Merchant Navy
Gianuario Carta
4 August 1983 – 1 August 1986
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Christian Democracy
Giuseppe Cerami (DC) Alberto Ciampaglia (PSDI) (until 2 August 1984) Silvano Costi (PSDI) (since 2 August 1984)
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Minister of State Holdings
Clelio Darida
4 August 1983 – 1 August 1986
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Christian Democracy
Delio Giacometti (DC) Delio Meoli (PSI)
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Minister of Labour and Social Security
Gianni De Michelis
4 August 1983 – 1 August 1986
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Italian Socialist Party
Andrea Borruso (DC) Шаблон:Nowrap Pino Leccisi (DC)
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Minister of Cultural and Environmental Heritage
Antonino Pietro Gullotti
4 August 1983 – 1 August 1986
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Christian Democracy
Giuseppe Galasso (PRI)
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Lelio Lagorio
4 August 1983 – 1 August 1986
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Italian Socialist Party
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Шаблон:Nowrap (without portfolio)
Pier Luigi Romita
4 August 1983 – 30 July 1984
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Italian Democratic Socialist Party
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Carlo Vizzini
30 July 1984 – 1 August 1986
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Italian Democratic Socialist Party
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Minister for Coordination of Scientific and Technological Research Initiatives (without portfolio)
Luigi Granelli
4 August 1983 – 1 August 1986
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Christian Democracy
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Minister for the Coordination of Community Policies (without portfolio)
Francesco Forte
4 August 1983 – 9 May 1985
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Italian Socialist Party
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Loris Fortuna
9 May 1985 – 5 December 1985
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Italian Socialist Party
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Minister for Coordination of Civil Protection (without portfolio)
Vincenzo Scotti
4 August 1983 – 26 March 1984
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Christian Democracy
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Giuseppe Zamberletti
26 March 1984 – 1 August 1986
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Christian Democracy
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Minister of Ecology (without portfolio)
Alfredo Biondi
4 August 1983 – 31 July 1985
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Italian Liberal Party
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Valerio Zanone
31 July 1985 – 1 August 1986
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Italian Liberal Party
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Minister of Public Function (without portfolio)
Remo Gaspari
4 August 1983 – 1 August 1986
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Christian Democracy
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Minister for Extraordinary Interventions in the South (without portfolio)
Salverino De Vito
4 August 1983 – 1 August 1986
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Christian Democracy
Pasquale Lamorte (DC) Enrico Quaranta (PSI) (until 16 March 1984) Nicola Trotta (PSI) (since 6 April 1984)
Файл:Oscar Mammì daticamera.jpg
Minister for Parliamentary Relations (without portfolio)
Oscar Mammì
4 August 1983 – 1 August 1986
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Italian Republican Party