Английская Википедия:Foreskin restoration

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Шаблон:Short description

Файл:Dual Tension Restorer (DTR) applied.jpg
Dual tension restorer applied to a circumcised penis for non-surgical foreskin restoration

Foreskin restoration is the process of expanding the skin on the penis to reconstruct an organ similar to the foreskin, which has been removed by circumcision or injury. Foreskin restoration is primarily accomplished by stretching the residual skin of the penis, but surgical methods also exist. Restoration creates a facsimile of the foreskin, but specialized tissues removed during circumcision cannot be reclaimed. Actual regeneration of the foreskin is experimental at this time. Some forms of restoration involve only partial regeneration in instances of a high-cut wherein the circumcisee feels that the circumciser removed too much skin and that there is not enough skin for erections to be comfortable.[1]


In the Greco-Roman world intact genitals, including the foreskin, were considered a sign of beauty, civility, and masculinity.[2] In Classical Greek and Roman societies (8th century BC to 6th century AD), exposure of the glans was considered disgusting and improper, and did not conform to the Hellenistic ideal of gymnastic nudity.[2] Men with short foreskins would wear the kynodesme to prevent exposure.[3] As a consequence of this social stigma, an early form of foreskin restoration known as epispasm was practiced among some Jews in Ancient Rome (8th century BC to 5th century AD).[4]

Foreskin restoration is of ancient origin and dates back to the reign of the Roman Emperor Tiberius (AD 14–37), when surgical means were taken to lengthen the foreskin of individuals born with either a short foreskin that did not cover the glans completely[2] or a completely exposed glans as a result of circumcision.[5] Again, during World War II some European Jews sought foreskin restoration to avoid Nazi persecution.[6]

Non-surgical techniques

Tissue expansion

Non-surgical foreskin restoration, accomplished through tissue expansion, is the more commonly used method.[7]

Tissue expansion has long been known to stimulate mitosis, and research shows that regenerated human tissues have the attributes of the original tissue.[8]

Methods and devices

Application of a typical restoration device, the TugAhoy, called a 'Chinese puzzle' by its inventor

During restoration via tissue expansion, the remaining penile skin is pulled forward over the glans, and tension is maintained either manually or through the aid of a foreskin restoration device.[9]

Файл:T-tape with a leg strap.jpg
T-tape with a leg strap

Surgical techniques

Foreskin reconstruction

Surgical methods of foreskin restoration, known as foreskin reconstruction, usually involve a method of grafting skin onto the distal portion of the penile shaft. The grafted skin is typically taken from the scrotum, which contains the same smooth muscle (known as dartos fascia) as does the skin of the penis. One method involves a four-stage procedure in which the penile shaft is buried in the scrotum for a period of time.[10]


Файл:Foreskin Restoration in general.jpg
Stages of non-surgical restoration

Physical aspects

A partially restored foreskin after four years of non-surgical restoration

Restoration creates a facsimile of the prepuce, but specialized tissues removed during circumcision cannot be reclaimed.Шаблон:Medical citation needed Surgical procedures exist to reduce the size of the opening once restoration is complete (as depicted in the image above),[11] or it can be alleviated through a longer commitment to the skin expansion regime to allow more skin to collect at the tip.[12]

The natural foreskin is composed of smooth dartos muscle tissue (called the peripenic muscle[13]), large blood vessels, extensive innervation, outer skin, and inner mucosa.[14]

The process of foreskin restoration seeks to regenerate some of the tissue removed by circumcision, as well as provide coverage of the glans. According to research, the foreskin comprises over half of the skin and mucosa of the human penis.[15]


Various groups have been founded since the late 20th century, especially in North America where circumcision has been routinely performed on infants. In 1989, the National Organization of Restoring Men (NORM) was founded as a non-profit support group for men undertaking foreskin restoration. In 1991, the group UNCircumcising Information and Resource Centers (UNCIRC) was formed,[16] which was incorporated into NORM in 1994.[17] NORM chapters have been founded throughout the United States, as well as in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Germany. In France, there are two associations about this. The "Association contre la Mutilation des Enfants" AME (association against child mutilation), and more recently "Droit au Corps" (right to the body).[18]

See also



Further reading



Шаблон:Male genital procedures