Английская Википедия:German units of measurement

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The units of measurement of German-speaking countries consist of a variety of units, with varying local standard definitions. While many were made redundant with the introduction of the metric system, some of these units are still used in everyday speech and even in stores and on street markets as shorthand for similar amounts in the metric system. For example, some customers ask for one pound (ein Pfund) of something when they want 500 grams.

The metric system became compulsory on 1 January 1872, in Germany and on 1 January 1876, in Austria.[1]

Some obsolete German units have names similar to units that were traditionally used in other countries, and that are still used in a limited number of cases in the United Kingdom (imperial units) and fully in the United States (United States customary units).

German system

Before the introduction of the metric system in German, almost every town had its own definitions of the units shown below. Often towns posted local definitions on a wall of the city hall. For example, the front wall of the old city hall of Rudolstadt (still standing) has two marks which show the “Rudolstädter Elle”, the proper length of the Elle in that city. Supposedly by 1810 there were 112 different standards for the Elle around Germany. Шаблон:Citation needed

“...the measure of cloth, for example, was elle which in each region stood for a different length. An elle of textile material brought in Frankfurt would get you 54.7 cm of cloth, in Mainz 55.1 cm, in Nuremberg 65.6 cm, in Freiburg 53.5 cm...”


Meile (mile)

A German geographic mile (geographische Meile) is defined as Шаблон:Frac equatorial degrees, equal to Шаблон:Convert. A common German mile, land mile, or post mile (Gemeine deutsche Meile, Landmeile, Postmeile) was defined in various ways at different places and different times. After the introduction of the metric system in the 19th century, the Landmeile was generally fixed at Шаблон:Convert (the Reichsmeile), but before then there were many local and regional variants (of which some are shown below):

Some kinds of Meile
Place Distance
in metres (feet)
Breslau (Wrocław) Шаблон:Convert Used in all Silesia[2][3]
Bavaria (Bayern) Шаблон:Convert Connected to a Шаблон:Frac equatorial degree as 25,406 Bavarian feet.
Württemberg Шаблон:Convert
Reichsmeile Шаблон:Convert
'imperial mile' – New mile when the metric system was introduced. Prohibited by law in 1908.
Anhalt Шаблон:Convert
Denmark, Prussia Шаблон:Convert 24,000 Prussian feet. Also known as "(Dänische/Preußische) Landmeile". In 1816, king Frederick William III of Prussia adopted the Danish mile at Шаблон:Convert, or 24,000 Prussian feet.
Saxony (Sachsen) Шаблон:Convert In the 17th–18th century or so, Шаблон:Convert = 32,000 (Saxon) feet; later Шаблон:Convert (as in Prussia and the rest of Germany).
Schleswig-Holstein Шаблон:Convert
Baden Шаблон:Convert 8889 m before 1810, Шаблон:Convert before 1871
Hesse-Kassel Шаблон:Convert
Lippe-Detmold Шаблон:Convert
Saxony (Sachsen) Шаблон:Convert 32,000 (Saxon) feet (in the 19th century Шаблон:Convert see above).
Westfalia (Westfalen) Шаблон:Convert but also Шаблон:Convert
Oldenburg Шаблон:Convert
Rhineland (Rheinland) Шаблон:Convert
Palatinate (Pfalz) Шаблон:Convert
Osnabrück/France Шаблон:Convert
Wiesbaden Шаблон:Convert


One hour's travel, used up to the 19th century. In Germany Шаблон:Frac Meile or Шаблон:Convert. After 1722 in Saxony Шаблон:Frac post mile = 1000 Dresden rods = 4531 m.[4] In Switzerland Шаблон:Convert.

Fuß (foot)

The Fuß or German foot varied widely from place to place in the German-speaking world, and also with time. In some places, more than one type of Fuß was in use. One source from 1830[5] gives the following values:

Some kinds of Fuß
Place Name Local equivalent Metric (Imperial/US) equivalents
Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle) Feldmaßfuß Шаблон:Frac Klafter Шаблон:Convert
Aachen Baufuß Шаблон:Frac Ruthe Шаблон:Convert
Aargau, Canton of Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Aichstadt, Bavaria old Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Altona, Holstein Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Anspach, Bavaria Werkfuß Шаблон:Convert
Appenzell, Canton of Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Aschaffenberg, Bavaria Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Augsburg, Bavaria Werkschuh Шаблон:Convert
Baden Reichsfuß 10 Zoll, Шаблон:Frac Ruthe Шаблон:Convert
Baireuth, Bavaria Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Bamberg, Bavaria Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Basel, Canton of Stadtschuh Шаблон:Convert
Bavaria Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Bergamo, Austria Fuß Шаблон:Frac Cavezzo Шаблон:Convert
Berlin Prussian Reichsfuß Шаблон:Convert[6]
Bern, Canton of gewöhnlicher Fuß 12 Zoll Шаблон:Convert
Bern, Canton of Steinbrecherfuß 13 Zoll Шаблон:Convert
Bohemia Fuß or Stopa Шаблон:Convert
Bozen, Austria Tyroler-Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Braunschweig (Brunswick) Fuß Шаблон:Frac Ruthe Шаблон:Convert
Bremen Fuß Шаблон:Frac Ruthe Шаблон:Convert
Breslau old Silesian Fuß Шаблон:Frac Ruthe Шаблон:Convert
Bünden, Canton of churischer Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Calenberg Land Fuß Шаблон:Frac Ruthe Шаблон:Convert
Carlsruhe (as Baden) Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Cassel, Hessen Fuß Шаблон:Frac Ruthe Шаблон:Convert
Cleve, Prussia Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Cöln am Rhein (Cologne), Prussia Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Cremona, Austria old Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Danzig, Prussia old Fuß Шаблон:Frac Elle Шаблон:Convert
Darmstadt Hessian Reichsfuß 10 Zoll Шаблон:Convert
Darmstadt old Darmstadt Fuß 12 Zoll Шаблон:Convert
Dordrecht, Netherlands Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Dresden, Saxony Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Duderstadt, Hanover Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Durlach (as Baden) Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Durlach old Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Emden, Hanover Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Erfurt, Prussia old Fuß Шаблон:Frac Feldruthe, Шаблон:Frac Bauruthe Шаблон:Convert
Frankfurt am Main Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Freiburg, Canton of Werkfuß 12 Zoll, Шаблон:Frac Werkklafter Шаблон:Convert
Friedberg in der Wetterau, Oberhessen Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Friedrichsstadt, Denmark Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Fulda, Kurhessen Werkfuß Шаблон:Frac Elle Шаблон:Convert
Genf (Geneva), Canton of Fuß Шаблон:Frac Ruthe Шаблон:Convert
Gießen, Oberhessen Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Glarus, Canton of Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Glatz, Prussia Werkfuß Шаблон:Convert
Göttingen, Hanover Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Gotha, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Halle an der Saale, Prussia Werkfuß Шаблон:Convert
Halle an der Saale, Prussia Feldfuß Шаблон:Convert
Hamburg Fuß Шаблон:Frac Klafter, Шаблон:Frac Geestruthe Шаблон:Convert
Hanau, Hessen Fuß Шаблон:Frac Ruthe Шаблон:Convert
Hanover, capital of the Kingdom Fuß Шаблон:Frac Elle, Шаблон:Frac Ruthe Шаблон:Convert
Heidelberg, Baden Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Heilbronn, Württemberg Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Heiligenstadt, Prussia old Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Herford, Prussia old Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Hildesheim, Hanover Fuß Шаблон:Frac Ruthe Шаблон:Convert
Holstein Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Innsbruck, Austria Tyroler-Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Königsberg, Prussia old Fuß Шаблон:Frac Ruthe Шаблон:Convert
Krakau Fuß or Stopa Шаблон:Convert
Lausanne, Canton of Waadt Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Leipzig, Saxony gewöhnlicher Fuß Шаблон:Frac Elle, Шаблон:Frac Klafter Шаблон:Frac Ruthe Шаблон:Convert
Lemberg, Austria Galizian Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Lemgo, Lippe Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Lindau, Bavaria Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Lindau, Bavaria Feldmeßschuh, Bauschuh Шаблон:Convert
Linz, Austria Fuß Klafter Шаблон:Convert
Lübeck Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Lucern, Canton of Fuß (for wood measure) Шаблон:Convert
Lucern, Canton of Zimmerwerkschuh Шаблон:Convert
Lucern, Canton of Bau- and Feldmeßschuh Шаблон:Convert
Milan, Austria old Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Mainz, Hessen Werkfuß Шаблон:Convert
Mainz, Hessen Kameralfuß (for firewood) Шаблон:Convert
Mannheim, Baden Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Mecklenburg Fuß Шаблон:Frac Elle, Шаблон:Frac Ruthe Шаблон:Convert
Metz, France old Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Mühlhausen, Prussia Fuß Шаблон:Frac Ruthe Шаблон:Convert
Neufchatel, Principality of Werkfuß Шаблон:Convert
Neufchatel, Principality of Feldmeßfuß Шаблон:Convert
Nordhausen, Prussia old Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Nuremberg, Bavaria Stadtfuß Шаблон:Frac Ruthe Шаблон:Convert
Nuremberg, Bavaria Artillery Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Oldenburg Fuß Шаблон:Frac Ruthe Шаблон:Convert
Osnabrück, Hanover Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Padua, Austria Fuß Шаблон:Frac Cavezzo Шаблон:Convert
Prague, Austria Bohemian Fuß or Česká stopa Шаблон:Convert
Prussia, Rheinland Reichsfuß Шаблон:Convert[6]
Ratzeburg, Mecklenburg-Schwerin Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Regensburg, Bavaria Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Rheinbaiern Fuß 12 Zoll, Шаблон:Frac metre Шаблон:Convert
Rheinland Rheinländischer Fuß Шаблон:Convert[6]
Rostock, Mecklenburg-Schwerin Fuß Шаблон:Frac Elle, Шаблон:Frac Ruthe Шаблон:Convert
Sanct Gallen, Canton of Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Schaffhausen, Canton of Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Silesia (Austrian part) Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Solothurn, Canton of Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Stade, Hanover Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Stettin, Prussia old Pomeranian Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Stralsund, Prussia old Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Strassburg, France Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Stuttgart Reichsfuß Шаблон:Frac Elle, Шаблон:Frac Ruthe Шаблон:Convert
Tessin, Canton of Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Thorn, Prussia old Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Trento, Austria Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Trier, Prussia Land- and Werkfuß Шаблон:Convert
Trier, Prussia Waldfuß Шаблон:Convert
Trier, Prussia Zimmermannsfuß Шаблон:Convert
Tyrol, Austria Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Udine, Austria Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Ulm, Württemberg Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Venice, Austria Fuß Шаблон:Frac Passo Шаблон:Convert
Verden, Hanover Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Verona, Austria Fuß Шаблон:Frac Cavezzo Шаблон:Convert
Vienna, Austria Fuß Шаблон:Frac Klafter Шаблон:Convert
Waadt, Canton of Fuß 10 Zoll, Шаблон:Frac Ruthe Шаблон:Convert
Wallis, Canton of Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Weimar Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Wesel, Prussia old Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Wetzlar, Prussia old Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Wiesbaden, Nassau Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Wismar, Mecklenburg-Schwerin Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Wittenberg, Prussia old Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Worbis, Prussia old Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Württemberg Reichsfuß Шаблон:Frac Elle, Шаблон:Frac Ruthe Шаблон:Convert
Würzburg, Bavaria Fuß Шаблон:Frac Elle Шаблон:Convert
Zug, Canton of Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Zug, Canton of Steinfuß Шаблон:Convert
Zürich, Canton of Fuß Шаблон:Frac Klafter, Шаблон:Frac Ruthe Шаблон:Convert
Except where noted, based on Niemann (1830).[5] The values of the other local units mentioned also varied widely.

Rute (rod)

A standard at the City Hall in Münster, Germany from 1816; the bar shown is one "Prussian half rod" long.

The Rute or Ruthe is of Carolingian origin,Шаблон:Citation needed and was used as a land measure. Many different kinds of Ruthe were used at various times in various parts of the German-speaking world. They were subdivided into differing numbers of local Fuß, and were of many different lengths. One source from 1830[5] lists the following:

Some kinds of Ruthe
Place Name Local equivalent Metric (Imperial/US) equivalents
Aachen (Aix-la-Capelle) Feldmeßruthe 16 Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Baden Ruthe 10 Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Basel, Canton of Ruthe 16 Fuss Шаблон:Convert
Bern, Canton of Ruthe 10 Fuss Шаблон:Convert
Braunschweig (Brunswick) Ruthe 16 Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Bremen Ruthe 8 Ellen or 16 Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Calenberg Ruthe 16 Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Cassel, Hessen Ruthe 14 Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Hamburg Geestruthe 16 Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Hamburg Marschruthe 14 Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Hannover Ruthe 16 Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Lever, Oldenburg Ruthe 20 Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Mecklenburg Ruthe 16 Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Nuremberg, Bavaria Ruthe 16 Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Oldenburg Ruthe 20 Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Prussia, Rheinland Ruthe 12 Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Saxony Ruthe 16 Leipziger Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Württemberg Reichsruthe 10 Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Württemberg old Ruthe 16 Fuß Шаблон:Convert
Zürich, Canton of Ruthe 10 Fuss Шаблон:Convert
Except where noted, based on Niemann (1830).[5] The value of the local Fuß also varied widely.


Шаблон:Main Originally 6 feet, after introduction of the metric system 10 feet.Шаблон:Dubious Regional variants from Шаблон:Convert in Baden to Шаблон:Convert in Switzerland.


Шаблон:Main The Lachter was the most common unit of length used in mining in German-speaking areas. Its exact length varied from place to place but was roughly between Шаблон:Convert.

Elle (ell)

Distance between elbow and fingertip. In the North, often 2 feet, In Prussia Шаблон:Frac feet, in the South variable, often Шаблон:Frac feet. The smallest known German Elle is Шаблон:Convert, the longest Шаблон:Convert.

Zoll (inch)

Usually Шаблон:Frac foot, but also Шаблон:Frac and Шаблон:Frac.


Usually Шаблон:Frac inch, but also Шаблон:Frac.



Being 1/5 of any measure


Is a larger volumen unit of around one large sack of wheat a person could carry. However, the exact volumetric size and weight was locally very different in each feudal state. For more details, see [1].


Шаблон:Main For firewood, Шаблон:Convert


In general, the Nösel (also spelled Össel) was a measure of liquid volume equal to half a Kanne ("jar," "jug," "bottle," "can"). Volume often varied depending on whether it was beer or wine. Its subdivisions were the Halbnösel ("Half-Nösel") and the Viertelnösel ("Quarter-Nösel).

An Ahm was a measure used for wine or beer. An Eimer ("Bucket") was a container that was a fifth of an Ahm. A Viertel ("Fourth") was a fourth of an Eimer. A Stübchen ("Cozy Room") also a Stauf was a measure of wine or beer that was equal to 2 Kannen. It was the approximate amount of wine or beer that could serve an entire room in a tavern. A Kanne was a measure of wine or beer large enough to fill a humpen (tankard) or krug (wine flagon or beer pitcher). A Quartier ("quarter-measure") was a fourth of a Stübchen. A Nösel was a cup or mug of wine or beer.

Actual volumes so measured, however, varied from one state or even one city to another. Within Saxony, for example, the "Dresden jar" held approximately Шаблон:Convert, so a nösel in Dresden was about Шаблон:Convert. The full volume of a "Leipzig jar" measured Шаблон:Convert; the Leipzig nösel was therefore Шаблон:Convert.

Шаблон:Frac Ahm = Шаблон:Frac Eimer = Шаблон:Frac Viertel = Шаблон:Frac Stübchen / Stauf = Шаблон:Frac Kannen = Шаблон:Frac Quartiers = 1 Nösel = 2 Halbnöseln = 4 Viertelnöseln

The nösel was used in minor commerce, as well as in the household to measure meal, grain, and such. These units of measure were officially valid in Saxony until 1868, when the metric system was introduced. Nevertheless, the old measures have continued in private use for decades.

One modification was introduced in Thuringia. There, the nösel was, by extension, also a measure of area; namely, the area of land which could be sown with one nösel of seed — or about Шаблон:Convert


Шаблон:More citations needed




Шаблон:Main Шаблон:Frac Pfund. Equal to Шаблон:Val (Cologne).


Шаблон:Frac of a Pfund. Roughly equal to Шаблон:Val.


Шаблон:Frac of a Pfund, or Шаблон:Frac of a Mark. Equal to Шаблон:Val (Prussia).


Шаблон:Frac of a Pfund. Roughly equal to Шаблон:Val.


Шаблон:Frac of a Pfund. Roughly equal to Шаблон:Val.


Шаблон:Frac of a Pfund. Roughly equal to Шаблон:Val.


Шаблон:Frac of a Pfund. Roughly equal to Шаблон:Val.

See also




  • François Cardarelli: Encyclopedia of Scientific Units, Weights and Measures. Their SI Equivalences and Origins. Springer, Berlin 2003. Шаблон:ISBN
  • Helmut Kahnt, Bernd Knorr: Alte Masse, Münzen und Gewichte. . Bibliographisches Institut Mannheim/Wien/Zürich 1987. (Lizenzausgabe von VEB Bibliographisches Institut Leipzig 1986) Шаблон:In lang
  • Wolfgang Trapp: Kleines Handbuch der Maße, Zahlen Gewichte und der Zeitrechnung. Von . Reclam Stuttgart, 2. Auflage 1996. Шаблон:ISBN Шаблон:In lang
  • Günther Scholz, Klaus Vogelsang: Kleines Lexikon: Einheiten, Formelzeichen. Fachbuchverlag Leipzig 1991 Шаблон:ISBN Шаблон:In lang
  • Johann Christian Nelkenbrechers Taschenbuch eines Banquiers und Kaufmanns: enthaltend eine Erklärung aller ein- und ausländischen Münzen, des Wechsel-Courses, Usos, Respect-Tage und anderer zur Handlung gehörigen Dinge; mit einer genauen Vergleichung des Ellen-Maaßes, Handels-, Gold- und Silber-Gewichts, auch Maaße von Getreide und flüssigen Sachen derer fürnehmsten europäischen Handels-Plätze. Nachdruck der Ausgabe 1769: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Düsseldorf 2004. Шаблон:ISBN Шаблон:In lang
  • Шаблон:Cite book

External links

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  6. 6,0 6,1 6,2 Шаблон:Harvp