Английская Википедия:Glossary of Brazil investigative terms
This glossary contains Brazilian terms related to criminal or corruption investigations, and supporting concepts from politics, the law, government, criminology, and law enforcement.
This glossary is not a general or indiscriminate list of terms from Brazilian Portuguese, and is limited in scope. Because this is a specialized glossary, the first meaning(s) listed for a term will be the one(s) related to topics within the scope of this glossary, even if that is not the most common meaning in the spoken or written language for the term in a more general context.
Words which present no particular issues of translation or understanding, such as Шаблон:Lang ("governor"), Шаблон:Lang ("investigation"), Шаблон:Lang ("operation") are generally not included. Words which may appear to be obvious on the surface, but which have specialized meanings in certain contexts, are included (e.g., Шаблон:Gli: not just "prison", but also "arrest"; or Шаблон:Gli: not just "resource", but also "appeal", "appellate"). Common expressions for governmental agencies or positions are included for convenience (Шаблон:Gli), even if the translations are straightforward, as they come up frequently in definitions of less obvious terms.
There is one alphabetical list, with headwords in Portuguese or English, and aliases, translations, or explanations given as appropriate. This glossary concerns meaning and usage in Brazilian Portuguese. To avoid constant repetition, where the word Portuguese appears alone, it means Brazilian Portuguese.
Шаблон:Glossary of Brazil investigative terms Compact TOC
Шаблон:Term Шаблон:Defn Шаблон:Defn Шаблон:Defn
Шаблон:Term Шаблон:Defn Шаблон:Defn Шаблон:Defn
Шаблон:Glossary end Шаблон:Anchor
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Шаблон:TermШаблон:Defn Шаблон:Defn Шаблон:Defn
Шаблон:Term Шаблон:Defn Шаблон:Defn Шаблон:Defn Шаблон:Defn
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Шаблон:Term Шаблон:Defn Шаблон:Defn Шаблон:Defn Шаблон:Defn
See also
Шаблон:Portal Шаблон:Wikisource
- Glossary of French criminal law
- Offshoots of Operation Car Wash
- Phases of Operation Car Wash
- pt:Categoria:CrimesШаблон:Snd"Crime" category on pt-wiki
- pt:Categoria:Direito penalШаблон:SndCriminal law
- pt:Categoria:Governo do BrasilШаблон:SndGovernment of Brazil
- pt:Categoria:Operação Lava JatoШаблон:SndOperation Car Wash
- pt:Categoria:Política do BrasilШаблон:SndPolitics of Brazil
- All links below are articles in Portuguese, from pt-wiki
- Crime acessório
- Crime à distância
- Crime ambiental
- Crime autônomo
- Crime comissivo
- Crime complexo
- Crime comum
- Crime consumado
- Crime continuado
- Crime contra a humanidade
- Crime culposo
- Crime de dano
- Crime de fato permanente
- Crime de guerra
- Crime de lesa-majestade
- Crime de mão própria
- Crime de responsabilidade
- Crime doloso
- Crime eleitoral
- Crime formal
- Crime funcional
- Crime habitual
- Crime hediondo
- Crime impossível
- Crime instantâneo
- Crime material
- Crime organizado
- Crime passional
- Crime perfeito
- Crime permanente
- Crime plurissubsistente
- Crime político
- Crime preterdoloso
- Crime preterintencional
- Crime próprio
- Crime provocado
- Crime putativo
- Crime qualificado
- Crime sexual
- Crime simples
- Crime tentado
- Crime unissubsistente
- Crime vago
- Criminoso
- DelinquênciaШаблон:Div col end
- Notes
Шаблон:Notelist Шаблон:Notelist
- Citations
External links
- Legislação brasileira traduzida para o InglêsШаблон:Sndofficial English translations of the Constitution, and dozens of other Brazilian laws
- Glossary of the Banco Central
- About pt:Condução coercitiva:
- Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil; Шаблон:In lang pdf; 432 pages
- Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil Шаблон:In lang
- Michaelis dictionariesШаблон:Snda set of bilingual, online Brazilian dictionaries
- Operation Car Wash glossaryШаблон:Sndsomewhat light-hearted, but has serious information about terms; by Gabriela Goulart, editor at O Globo.
Шаблон:Law enforcement in Brazil Шаблон:Justice in Brazil Шаблон:Operation Car Wash Шаблон:Corruption Шаблон:Brazil topics Шаблон:Brazilian political parties