Английская Википедия:Greek letters used in mathematics, science, and engineering

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Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:Greek Alphabet

Greek letters are used in mathematics, science, engineering, and other areas where mathematical notation is used as symbols for constants, special functions, and also conventionally for variables representing certain quantities. In these contexts, the capital letters and the small letters represent distinct and unrelated entities. Those Greek letters which have the same form as Latin letters are rarely used: capital A, B, E, Z, H, I, K, M, N, O, P, T, Y, X. Small ι, ο and υ are also rarely used, since they closely resemble the Latin letters i, o and u. Sometimes, font variants of Greek letters are used as distinct symbols in mathematics, in particular for ε/ϵ and π/ϖ. The archaic letter digamma (Ϝ/ϝ/ϛ) is sometimes used.

The Bayer designation naming scheme for stars typically uses the first Greek letter, α, for the brightest star in each constellation, and runs through the alphabet before switching to Latin letters.

In mathematical finance, the Greeks are the variables denoted by Greek letters used to describe the risk of certain investments.


Some common conventions:

The Greek letter forms used in mathematics are often different from those used in Greek-language text: they are designed to be used in isolation, not connected to other letters, and some use variant forms which are not normally used in current Greek typography.

The OpenType font format has the feature tag "mgrk" ("Mathematical Greek") to identify a glyph as representing a Greek letter to be used in mathematical (as opposed to Greek language) contexts.

The table below shows a comparison of Greek letters rendered in TeX and HTML. The font used in the TeX rendering is an italic style. This is in line with the convention that variables should be italicized. As Greek letters are more often than not used as variables in mathematical formulas, a Greek letter appearing similar to the TeX rendering is more likely to be encountered in works involving mathematics.

Greek letters in HTML and TeX (α–μ)
Alpha <math>\Alpha \, \alpha</math> Α α
Beta <math>\Beta \, \beta</math> Β β
Gamma <math>\Gamma \, \gamma</math> Γ γ
Delta <math>\Delta \, \delta</math> Δ δ
Epsilon <math>\Epsilon \, \epsilon \, \varepsilon</math> Ε ϵ ε
Digamma <math>\Digamma \, \digamma</math> Ϝ ϝ
Zeta <math>\Zeta \, \zeta</math> Ζ ζ
Eta <math>\Eta \, \eta</math> Η η
Theta <math>\Theta \, \theta \, \vartheta</math> Шаблон:Not a typo
Iota <math>\Iota \, \iota</math> Ι ι
Kappa <math>\Kappa \, \kappa \, \varkappa</math> Шаблон:Not a typo
Lambda <math>\Lambda \, \lambda</math> Λ λ
Mu <math>\Mu \, \mu</math> Μ μ
Greek letters in HTML and TeX (ν–ω)
Nu <math>\Nu \, \nu</math> Ν ν
Xi <math>\Xi \, \xi</math> Ξ ξ
Omicron <math>\mathrm{\Omicron} \, o</math> Ο ο
Pi <math>\Pi \, \pi \, \varpi</math> Π π ϖ
Rho <math>\Rho \, \rho \, \varrho</math> Ρ ρ Шаблон:Not a typo
Sigma <math>\Sigma \, \sigma \, \varsigma</math> Σ σ ς
Tau <math>\Tau \, \tau</math> Τ τ
Upsilon <math>\Upsilon \, \upsilon</math> Υ υ
Phi <math>\Phi \, \phi \, \varphi</math> Шаблон:Not a typo
Chi <math>\Chi \, \chi</math> Χ χ
Psi <math>\Psi \, \psi</math> Ψ ψ
Omega <math>\Omega \, \omega</math> Ω ω
Greek letters with typographical variations
Name Greek Letter Bold Italic Bold Italic Sans-Serif Bold Sans-Serif Bold Italic APL Double struck bold Unicode variants or similar
Alpha Α α 𝚨 𝛂 𝛢 𝛼 𝜜 𝜶 𝝖 𝝰 𝞐 𝞪 ⍺ ⍶
Beta Β β Шаблон:Not a typo ᵝ ᵦ 𝚩 𝛃 𝛣 𝛽 𝜝 𝜷 𝝗 𝝱 𝞑 𝞫
Gamma Γ γ ᴦ ᵞ ᵧ 𝚪 𝛄 𝛤 𝛾 𝜞 𝜸 𝝘 𝝲 𝞒 𝞬 Шаблон:Not a typo
Delta Δ δ ᵟ 𝚫 𝛅 𝛥 𝛿 𝜟 𝜹 𝝙 𝝳 𝞓 𝞭 Шаблон:Unichar, Шаблон:Unichar
Epsilon Ε ε ϵ ϶ 𝚬 𝛆 𝛜 𝛦 𝜀 𝜖 𝜠 𝜺 𝝐 𝝚 𝝴 𝞊 𝞔 𝞮 𝟄 Шаблон:UnicharШаблон:Unichar
Zeta Ζ ζ 𝚭 𝛇 𝛧 𝜁 𝜡 𝜻 𝝛 𝝵 𝞕 𝞯
Eta Η η Ͱ ͱ 𝚮 𝛈 𝛨 𝜂 𝜢 𝜼 𝝜 𝝶 𝞖 𝞰
Theta Шаблон:Not a typo Шаблон:Not a typo Шаблон:Not a typo Шаблон:Not a typo Шаблон:Not a typo Шаблон:Not a typo
Iota Ι ι ᶥ ℩ 𝚰 𝛊 𝛪 𝜄 𝜤 𝜾 𝝞 𝝸 𝞘 𝞲 ⍳ ⍸
Kappa Шаблон:Not a typo Шаблон:Not a typo Шаблон:Not a typo Шаблон:Not a typo Шаблон:Not a typo Шаблон:Not a typo
Lambda Λ λ ᴧ 𝚲 𝛌 𝛬 𝜆 𝜦 𝝀 𝝠 𝝺 𝞚 𝞴
Mu Μ μ µ 𝚳 𝛍 𝛭 𝜇 𝜧 𝝁 𝝡 𝝻 𝞛 𝞵
Nu Ν ν 𝚴 𝛎 𝛮 𝜈 𝜨 𝝂 𝝢 𝝼 𝞜 𝞶
Xi Ξ ξ 𝚵 𝛏 𝛯 𝜉 𝜩 𝝃 𝝣 𝝽 𝞝 𝞷
Omicron Ο ο 𝚶 𝛐 𝛰 𝜊 𝜪 𝝄 𝝤 𝝾 𝞞 𝞸
Pi Π π ϖ ᴨ 𝚷 𝛑 𝛡 𝛱 𝜋 𝜛 𝜫 𝝅 𝝕 𝝥 𝝿 𝞏 𝞟 𝞹 𝟉 Шаблон:Not a typo Шаблон:Unichar, Шаблон:Unichar
Rho Шаблон:Not a typo 𝚸 𝛒 𝛠 𝛲 𝜌 𝜚 𝜬 𝝆 𝝔 𝝦 𝞀 𝞎 𝞠 𝞺 𝟈
Sigma Σ σ ς Ϲ ϲ Ͻ ͻ Ͼ ͼ Ͽ ͽ 𝚺 𝛔 𝛓 𝛴 𝜎 𝜍 𝜮 𝝈 𝝇 𝝨 𝞂 𝞁 𝞢 𝞼 𝞻 Шаблон:Not a typo Шаблон:Unichar
Tau Τ τ 𝚻 𝛕 𝛵 𝜏 𝜯 𝝉 𝝩 𝞃 𝞣 𝞽
Upsilon Υ υ ϒ 𝚼 𝛖 𝛶 𝜐 𝜰 𝝊 𝝪 𝞄 𝞤 𝞾
Phi Φ φ ϕ 𝚽 𝛗 𝛟 𝛷 𝜑 𝜙 𝜱 𝝋 𝝓 𝝫 𝞅 𝞍 𝞥 𝞿 𝟇
Chi Χ χᵡᵪ☧ 𝚾 𝛘 𝛸 𝜒 𝜲 𝝌 𝝬 𝞆 𝞦 𝟀
Psi Ψ ψ ᴪ 𝚿 𝛙 𝛹 𝜓 𝜳 𝝍 𝝭 𝞇 𝞧 𝟁
Omega Ω ω ꭥ 𝛀 𝛚 𝛺 𝜔 𝜴 𝝎 𝝮 𝞈 𝞨 𝟂 ⍵ ⍹ Шаблон:Unichar, Шаблон:Unichar

Concepts represented by a Greek letter

Αα (alpha)

Шаблон:See also

Ββ (beta)

Шаблон:See also

Γγ (gamma)

Шаблон:See also

Δδ (delta)

Шаблон:See also

Εε (epsilon)

Шаблон:See also

Шаблон:Lang (digamma)

Шаблон:See also

  • Шаблон:Lang is sometimes used to represent the digamma function, though the Latin letter F (which is nearly identical) is usually substituted.
  • A hypothetical particle Ϝ speculated to be implicated in the 750 GeV diphoton excess, now known to be simply a statistical anomaly

Ζζ (zeta)

Шаблон:See also

Ηη (eta)

Шаблон:See also

Θθ (theta)

Шаблон:See also

Ιι (iota)

Шаблон:See also

Κκ (kappa)

Шаблон:See also

Λλ (lambda)

Шаблон:See also

Μμ (mu)

Шаблон:See also

Νν (nu)

Шаблон:See also

Ξξ (xi)

Шаблон:See also

Οο (omicron)

Шаблон:See also

Ππ (pi)

Шаблон:See also

Ρρ (rho)

Шаблон:See also

Σσς (sigma)

Шаблон:See also

Ττ (tau)

Шаблон:See also

ϒυ (upsilon)

Шаблон:See also

Φφ (phi)

Шаблон:See also

Note: The empty set symbol ∅ looks similar, but is unrelated to the Greek letter.

Χχ (chi)

Шаблон:See also

Ψψ (psi)

Шаблон:See also

Ωω (omega)

Шаблон:See also

See also



External links

Шаблон:Mathematical symbols notation language

  1. 1,0 1,1 Katzung & Trevor's Pharmacology Examination & Board Review (9th Edition.). Anthony J. Trevor, Bertram G. Katzung, Susan B. Masters Шаблон:ISBN. B. Opioid Peptides + 268 pp.
  2. Шаблон:Cite book
  3. Шаблон:Cite book
  4. Шаблон:Cite web
  5. Outline for Weeks 14&15, Astronomy 225 Spring 2008 Шаблон:Webarchive
  6. Шаблон:Cite book
  7. Шаблон:Cite web
  8. "A supergolden rectangle"