Английская Википедия:Half diminished scale

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Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:Infobox musical scale

The half diminished scale is a seven-note musical scale. It is more commonly known as the Locrian Шаблон:Music2 scale[1] or the Aeolian Шаблон:Music5 scale, names that avoid confusion with the diminished scale and the half-diminished seventh chord (minor seventh, diminished fifth). It is the sixth mode of the ascending melodic minor scale.

<score sound="1"> {

\override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \relative c' {

 \clef treble \time 7/4
 c4^\markup { Half diminished scale on C } d es f ges aes bes c2

} }

</score> In the key of BШаблон:Music, the half-diminished scale built on C is associated with C[[Half-diminished seventh chord|m7Шаблон:Music5]], which functions as a ii[[Diminished seventh chord|Шаблон:Music7 chord]] in minor (see chord-scale system).



