Hamelin Island lies north of Cape Hamelin, just out to sea from the former Hamelin Bay Jetty, on Hamelin Bay, on the south west coast of Western Australia, about 7 km north of Cape Leeuwin.
The location of the island, and its protection of part of the anchorage from prevailing weather and winds was observed very early in the twentieth century.[1]
A Western Mail (Western Australia) Christmas edition of 1930 has a photograph of the island, and calls it Rabbit Island.[2] Which relates to the 22 July 1911 article cited above - Leeuwin Land, which stated that:
The Hamelin Bay was the site of many wrecks, however less have occurred on the island. One was in December 1933 of the fishing boat Toba.[3] In July 2016, a storm caused a lone sailor to strike rocks in the bay, causing the sailor to abandon ship on a small tender to seek shelter on the island.[4]
In 1935 the Island automatic light was planned and proposed, to assist navigators in the area of Cape Leeuwin for a successful negotiation of the journey rounding at the Leeuwin area.[5]
The automatic light was constructed in 1937 - 1938.[6][7][8]
The light house was re-located in 1967, to higher ground behind Cape Hamelin on the mainland.