Английская Википедия:Hesperusbahnen

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Cover picture of piano score.

Hesperusbahnen (Hesperus’ Path) op. 279 is a Viennese Waltz composed by Josef Strauss.

This work was premiered in Musikverein on April 4 1870. Dedication destination was the vienna Artists Association „Hesperus (Venus)“. Song Title has two meanings of Venus′s orbit and Artists Association′s history.

Vienna newspaper Morgen-Post said on 6 April 1870, Шаблон:Quote

Josef had died suddenly in the three months after the premiere. Therefore, this waltz is called the „Josef Strauss’s last masterpiece“.


<score vorbis="1">

\relative c' {
 \new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff { \key c \minor \time 12/8
   \override TextScript #'Y-extent = #'(-0.5 . 3.5) bes'1. bes,4\pp\<( bes8 d4 f8\! g4\> f8 d4\! <bes f'>8) (bes'4\pp )f8( bes4) f8( bes4.~) bes4 r8 bes,4\<( bes8 ees4 g8\! c4\> bes8 g4\! <bes ees,>8) (ees4\p\<) bes8( ees4) bes8\!( ees4.~\>) ees4\! r8 c,4( c8\< e4 g8\! aes4\> g8 e4\! <c c'>8) (<g' g'>4\<) c8( <g g'>4) c8(\!(<g g'>4.~)_\markup { \italic poco cresc. } (<g g'>4~ r8
  \new Dynamics {
  \new Staff { \key c \minor \time 12/8 \clef bass
     { s1. s aes,8[ bes d] aes8[ bes d] aes8[ bes d] bes r r\sustainOff s1. ees,8[ g des'] ees,8[ g des'] ees,8[ g des'] ees, r r\sustainOff s1. e8[ g c] e,8[ g c] e,8[ g c] e, r r\sustainOff }
     { r1. \override TextScript #'Y-extent = #'(-0.5 . 3.5) <bes d aes'>1. bes\sustainOn <bes ees g>1. bes\sustainOn <bes e g> bes\sustainOn }


Vienna New Year's Concert

The advent of the Vienna New Year's Concertis as follows.


  • CD „The Best of Josef STRAUSS“ – [4] Hesperus-bahnen. Walzer (Hesperus’ Path. Waltz), Op. 279
  • CD „Josef Strauss (1827-1870) Edition Vol. 7“ – [10] Hesperus-bahnen. Walzer (Hesperus’ Path. Waltz), Op. 279

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