Английская Википедия:Hilja maitotyttö

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Шаблон:Infobox film

Hilja maitotyttö (English translation The Milkmaid) is a 1953 Finnish drama film directed by T. J. Särkkä, and starred Anneli Sauli, Saulo Haarla and Tauno Palo. A film is based on the 1913 short story "Hilja the Milkmaid" by Johannes Linnankoski.[1] When it premiered in Finland, the film caused a stir and controversy due to its eroticism and the rape scene included in the story; however, the erotic content guaranteed the sale of the film to a dozen other countries.[2]


The film's director is seen in a cameo role as a summer guest on the dance stage.[1]



External links


  1. 1,0 1,1 Шаблон:Cite web
  2. Pajukallio, Arto: Elokuvat. Helsingin Sanomat 4.7.2012, s. B 13.