Английская Википедия:Historic Dáil constituencies

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Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:Use Hiberno-English Шаблон:Use dmy dates This page lists Dáil constituencies that have been used for elections to Dáil Éireann from the 1918 election to the next general election.

Overview of legislation and seat distribution

In the case of the First Dáil, the constituencies were created for the House of Commons of the United Kingdom; in the case of the Second Dáil, they were created for the Northern Ireland House of Commons and the House of Commons of Southern Ireland. Although only Sinn Féin members took their seats as TDs in the revolutionary period of Dáil Éireann, MPs from other parties were invited; on this basis, all constituencies used in 1918 and 1921 are included in this list of Dáil constituencies. From the Fourth Dáil on, they were adjusted by Irish legislation.

Alterations to constituencies take effect on the dissolution of the Dáil sitting when a revision is made; therefore, any by-elections take place according to the constituency boundaries in place at the previous election.

Period Legislation ×1 ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×6 ×7 ×8 ×9 Total C Total TDs Elections
1918–1921 Redistribution of Seats (Ireland) Act 1918 101 2               103 105 1918
1921–1922 Government of Ireland Act 1920     3 22 5 2 2 4   38 180 1921
1922–1923     3 16 4 2 1 2   28 128 1922
1923–1937 Electoral Act 1923     8 4 9   5 3 1 30 153 1923, June 1927, Sept. 1927, 1932, 1933
1937–1948 Electoral (Revision of Constituencies) Act 1935     15 8 8   3     34 138Шаблон:Efn 1937, 1938, 1943, 1944
1948–1961 Electoral (Amendment) Act 1947     22 9 9         40 147 1948, 1951, 1954, 1957
1961–1969 Electoral (Amendment) Act 1961     17 12 9         38 144 1961, 1965
1969–1977 Electoral (Amendment) Act 1969     26 14 2         42 144 1969, 1973
1977–1981 Electoral (Amendment) Act 1974     26 10 6         42 148 1977
1981–1987 Electoral (Amendment) Act 1980     13 13 15         41 166 1981, Feb. 1982, Nov. 1982
1987–1992 Electoral (Amendment) Act 1983     13 13 15         41 166 1987, 1989
1992–1997 Electoral (Amendment) Act 1990     12 15 14         41 166 1992
1997–2002 Electoral (Amendment) Act 1995     12 15 14         41 166 1997
2002–2007 Electoral (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 1998     16 12 14         42 166 2002
2007–2011 Electoral (Amendment) Act 2005     18 13 12         43 166 2007
2011–2016 Electoral (Amendment) Act 2009     17 15 11         43 166 2011
2016–2020 Electoral (Amendment) (Dáil Constituencies) Act 2013     13 16 11         40 158 2016
2020–date Electoral (Amendment) (Dáil Constituencies) Act 2017     9 17 13         39 160 2020


List of constituencies

  • Constituencies which include all or part of two or more counties are attributed to the first county mentioned in the constituency name or (if none) the predominant county.
  • Constituency names are based upon those used in the Oireachtas database of former members, except that borough division names in 1918 and 1977 are not placed in brackets. These names are sometimes not identical to those used in electoral legislation, i.e. compass points always follow the county or borough name in the database.
  • In Irish legislation up to 1961, constituencies in the cities of Cork and Dublin (then known as county boroughs) were designated as borough constituencies. The official designation of borough and county constituencies under Irish electoral law ended in 1969. In UK legislation, relevant for the constituencies of the First and Second Dáil, it was also used to designate Belfast, Limerick, Londonderry and Waterford in 1918, and Belfast in 1921.
Constituency County or city Created Abolished Seats
Antrim Antrim 1921 1922 7
Antrim East Antrim 1918 1921 1
Antrim Mid Antrim 1918 1921 1
Antrim North Antrim 1918 1921 1
Antrim South Antrim 1918 1921 1
Armagh Armagh 1921 1922 4
Armagh Mid Armagh 1918 1921 1
Armagh North Armagh 1918 1921 1
Armagh South Armagh 1918 1921 1
Athlone–Longford Westmeath / Longford 1937 1948 3
Belfast Cromac Belfast 1918 1921 1
Belfast Duncairn Belfast 1918 1921 1
Belfast East Belfast 1921 1922 4
Belfast Falls Belfast 1918 1921 1
Belfast North Belfast 1921 1922 4
Belfast Ormeau Belfast 1918 1921 1
Belfast Pottinger Belfast 1918 1921 1
Belfast Shankill Belfast 1918 1921 1
Belfast South Belfast 1921 1922 4
Belfast St. Anne's Belfast 1918 1921 1
Belfast Victoria Belfast 1918 1921 1
Belfast West Belfast 1921 1922 4
Belfast Woodvale Belfast 1918 1921 1
County Carlow Carlow 1918 1921 1
Carlow–Kildare Carlow / Kildare 1937 1948 4
Carlow–KilkennyШаблон:Efn Carlow / Kilkenny 1921 1937 4,5
Carlow–Kilkenny Carlow / Kilkenny 1948   5
CavanШаблон:Efn Cavan 1921 1977 3,4,3
Cavan East Cavan 1918 1921 1
Cavan–MonaghanШаблон:Efn Cavan / Monaghan 1977   5,4,5
Cavan West Cavan 1918 1921 1
ClareШаблон:Efn Clare 1921   4,5,4,3,4
Clare East Clare 1918 1921 1
Clare–South Galway Clare / Galway 1969 1977 3
Clare West Clare 1918 1921 1
Cork BoroughШаблон:Efn Cork city 1921 1969 4,5,4,5
Cork City Cork city 1918 1921 2
Cork City Cork city 1977 1981 5
Cork City North-West Cork city 1969 1977 3
Cork City South-East Cork city 1969 1977 3
Cork East Cork 1918 1921 1
Cork East Cork 1923 1937 5
Cork East Cork 1948 1961 3
Cork East Cork 1981   4
Cork East and North East Cork 1921 1923 3
Cork Mid Cork 1918 1921 1
Cork MidШаблон:Efn Cork 1961 1981 4,5
Cork Mid, North, South,
South East and West
Cork 1921 1923 8
Cork North Cork 1918 1921 1
Cork NorthШаблон:Efn Cork 1923 1961 3,4,3
Cork North-CentralШаблон:Efn Cork city 1981   5,4
Cork North East Cork 1918 1921 1
Cork North-EastШаблон:Efn Cork 1961 1981 5,4
Cork North-West Cork 1981   3
Cork South Cork 1918 1921 1
Cork South Cork 1948 1961 3
Cork South-CentralШаблон:Efn Cork city 1981   5,4
Cork South East Cork 1918 1921 1
Cork South-East Cork 1937 1948 3
Cork South-West Cork 1961   3
Cork West Cork 1918 1921 1
Cork WestШаблон:Efn Cork 1923 1961 5,3
DonegalШаблон:Efn Donegal 1921 1937 6,8
Donegal Donegal 1977 1981 5
Donegal Donegal 2016   5
Donegal East Donegal 1918 1921 1
Donegal East Donegal 1937 1961 4
Donegal–Leitrim Donegal / Leitrim 1969 1977 3
Donegal North Donegal 1918 1921 1
Donegal North-East Donegal 1961 1977 3
Donegal North-East Donegal 1981 2016 3
Donegal South Donegal 1918 1921 1
Donegal South-West Donegal 1961 1969 3
Donegal South-West Donegal 1981 2016 3
Donegal West Donegal 1918 1921 1
Donegal West Donegal 1937 1961 3
Down Down 1921 1922 8
Down East Down 1918 1921 1
Down Mid Down 1918 1921 1
Down North Down 1918 1921 1
Down South Down 1918 1921 1
Down West Down 1918 1921 1
Dublin Artane Dublin city 1977 1981 3
Dublin Ballyfermot Dublin city 1977 1981 3
Dublin Bay North Dublin city 2016   5
Dublin Bay South Dublin city 2016   4
Dublin Cabra Dublin city 1977 1981 3
Dublin Central Dublin city 1969 1977 4
Dublin CentralШаблон:Efn Dublin city 1981   5,4,3,4
Dublin Clontarf Dublin city 1918 1921 1
Dublin Clontarf Dublin city 1977 1981 3
Dublin College Green Dublin city 1918 1921 1
Dublin CountyШаблон:Efn Dublin 1921 1969 6,8,5,3,5
Dublin County Mid Dublin 1977 1981 3
Dublin County NorthШаблон:Efn Dublin 1969 1981 4,3
Dublin County South Dublin 1969 1981 3
Dublin County West Dublin 1977 1981 3
Dublin Fingal Fingal 2016   5
Dublin Finglas Dublin city 1977 1981 3
Dublin Harbour Dublin city 1918 1921 1
Dublin Mid Dublin city 1921 1923 4
Dublin Mid-WestШаблон:Efn South Dublin 2002   3,4
Dublin County North Dublin 1918 1921 1
Dublin North Dublin city 1923 1937 8
Dublin NorthШаблон:Efn Dublin 1981 2016 3,4
Dublin North-CentralШаблон:Efn Dublin city 1948 2016 3,4,3,4,3
Dublin North-EastШаблон:Efn Dublin city 1937 1977 3,5,4
Dublin North-EastШаблон:Efn Dublin city 1981 2016 4,3
Dublin North-West Dublin city 1921 1923 4
Dublin North-WestШаблон:Efn Dublin city 1937 1977 5,3,4
Dublin North-WestШаблон:Efn Dublin city 1981   4,3
Dublin Pembroke Dublin 1918 1921 1
Dublin Rathdown Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown 2016   3
Dublin Rathmines Dublin 1918 1921 1
Dublin Rathmines West Dublin city 1977 1981 3
Dublin County South Dublin 1918 1921 1
Dublin SouthШаблон:Efn Dublin city 1921 1948 4,7
Dublin South Dublin 1981 2016 5
Dublin South-CentralШаблон:Efn Dublin city 1948   5,4,3,5,4,5,4
Dublin South-EastШаблон:Efn Dublin city 1948 2016 3,4
Dublin South-WestШаблон:Efn Dublin city 1948 1977 5,4
Dublin South-WestШаблон:Efn Dublin (South Dublin) 1981   4,5,4,5
Dublin St. James's Dublin city 1918 1921 1
Dublin St. Michan's Dublin city 1918 1921 1
Dublin St. Patrick's Dublin city 1918 1921 1
Dublin St. Stephen's Green Dublin city 1918 1921 1
Dublin Townships Dublin city 1937 1948 3
Dublin UniversityШаблон:Efn Universities 1918 1937 2,4,3
Dublin WestШаблон:Efn Dublin 1981   5,4,3,4
Dún LaoghaireШаблон:Efn Dublin (Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown) 1977   4,5,4
Dún Laoghaire and RathdownШаблон:Efn Dublin 1948 1977 3,4
Fermanagh and Tyrone Fermanagh / Tyrone 1921 1922 8
Fermanagh North Fermanagh 1918 1921 1
Fermanagh South Fermanagh 1918 1921 1
GalwayШаблон:Efn Galway 1921 1937 7,9
Galway Connemara Galway 1918 1921 1
Galway East Galway 1918 1921 1
Galway East Galway 1937 1948 4
Galway East Galway 1961 1969 5
Galway EastШаблон:Efn Galway 1977   4,3,4,3
Galway North Galway 1918 1921 1
Galway North Galway 1948 1961 3
Galway North-East Galway 1969 1977 3
Galway South Galway 1918 1921 1
Galway South Galway 1948 1961 3
Galway WestШаблон:Efn Galway 1937   3,4,5
Kerry Kerry 1923 1937 7
Kerry Kerry 2016   5
Kerry East Kerry 1918 1921 1
Kerry–Limerick West Kerry / Limerick 1921 1923 8
Kerry North Kerry 1918 1921 1
Kerry NorthШаблон:Efn Kerry 1937 2011 4,3
Kerry North–West Limerick Kerry 2011 2016 3
Kerry South Kerry 1918 1921 1
Kerry South Kerry 1937 2016 3
Kerry West Kerry 1918 1921 1
Kildare Kildare 1923 1937 3
KildareШаблон:Efn Kildare 1948 1997 3,4,3,5
Kildare North Kildare 1918 1921 1
Kildare NorthШаблон:Efn Kildare 1997   3,4
Kildare South Kildare 1918 1921 1
Kildare SouthШаблон:Efn Kildare 1997   3,4
Kildare–Wicklow Kildare / Wicklow 1921 1923 5
Kilkenny Kilkenny 1937 1948 3
Kilkenny North Kilkenny 1918 1921 1
Kilkenny South Kilkenny 1918 1921 1
King's County King's 1918 1921 1
Laois Laois 2016 2020 3
Laois–OffalyШаблон:EfnШаблон:Efn Laois / Offaly 1921 2016 4,5
Laois–Offaly Laois / Offaly 2020   5
Leitrim Leitrim 1918 1921 1
Leitrim Leitrim 1937 1948 3
Leitrim–Roscommon North Leitrim / Roscommon 1921 1923 4
Leitrim–Sligo Leitrim / Sligo 1923 1937 7
Limerick Limerick 1923 1948 7
Limerick Limerick 2011 2016 3
Limerick City Limerick city 1918 1921 1
Limerick City Limerick 2011   4
Limerick City–Limerick East Limerick 1921 1923 4
Limerick County Limerick 2016   3
Limerick East Limerick 1918 1921 1
Limerick EastШаблон:Efn Limerick 1948 2011 4,5
Limerick West Limerick 1918 1921 1
Limerick West Limerick 1948 2011 3
Londonderry Londonderry 1921 1922 5
Londonderry City Derry city 1918 1921 1
Londonderry North Londonderry 1918 1921 1
Londonderry South Londonderry 1918 1921 1
Longford Longford 1918 1921 1
Longford–Roscommon Longford / Roscommon 1992 2007 4
Longford–WestmeathШаблон:Efn Longford / Westmeath 1921 1937 4,5
Longford–WestmeathШаблон:Efn Longford / Westmeath 1948 1992 5,4
Longford–Westmeath Longford / Westmeath 2007   4
Louth Louth 1918 1921 1
LouthШаблон:Efn Louth 1923   3,4,5
Louth–Meath Louth / Meath 1921 1923 5
MayoШаблон:Efn Mayo 1997   5,4
Mayo East Mayo 1918 1921 1
Mayo East Mayo 1969 1997 3
Mayo North Mayo 1918 1921 1
Mayo NorthШаблон:Efn Mayo 1923 1969 4,3
Mayo North and West Mayo 1921 1923 4
Mayo South Mayo 1918 1921 1
Mayo SouthШаблон:Efn Mayo 1923 1969 5,4
Mayo South–Roscommon South Mayo / Roscommon 1921 1923 4
Mayo West Mayo 1918 1921 1
Mayo West Mayo 1969 1997 3
Meath Meath 1923 1937 3
MeathШаблон:Efn Meath 1948 2007 3,4,5
Meath East Meath 2007   3
Meath North Meath 1918 1921 1
Meath South Meath 1918 1921 1
Meath West Meath 2007   3
Meath–Westmeath Meath / Westmeath 1937 1948 5
Monaghan Monaghan 1921 1977 3
Monaghan North Monaghan 1918 1921 1
Monaghan South Monaghan 1918 1921 1
National UniversityШаблон:Efn Universities 1918 1937 1,4,3
Offaly Offaly 2016 2020 3
Queen's County Queen's 1918 1921 1
Queen's University of Belfast Universities 1918 1921 1
Queen's University of Belfast Universities 1921 1922 4
RoscommonШаблон:Efn Roscommon 1923 1969 4,3,4
RoscommonШаблон:Efn Roscommon 1981 1992 3
Roscommon–Galway Roscommon / Galway 2016   3
Roscommon–Leitrim Roscommon / Leitrim 1969 1981 3
Roscommon–South Leitrim Roscommon / Leitrim 2007 2016 3
Roscommon North Roscommon 1918 1921 1
Roscommon South Roscommon 1918 1921 1
Sligo Sligo 1937 1948 3
Sligo–LeitrimШаблон:Efn Sligo / Leitrim 1948 2007 5,4,3,4
Sligo–Leitrim Sligo / Leitrim 2016   4
Sligo–North Leitrim Sligo / Leitrim 2007 2016 3
Sligo–Mayo East Sligo / Mayo 1921 1923 5
Sligo North Sligo 1918 1921 1
Sligo South Sligo 1918 1921 1
Tipperary Tipperary 2016   5
Tipperary North Tipperary 1948 2016 3
Tipperary East Tipperary 1918 1921 1
Tipperary Mid Tipperary 1918 1921 1
Tipperary Mid, North and South Tipperary 1921 1923 4
Tipperary North Tipperary 1918 1921 1
Tipperary North Tipperary 1948 2016 3
Tipperary South Tipperary 1918 1921 1
Tipperary SouthШаблон:Efn Tipperary 1948 2016 4,3,4,3
Tyrone North East Tyrone 1918 1921 1
Tyrone North West Tyrone 1918 1921 1
Tyrone South Tyrone 1918 1921 1
WaterfordШаблон:Efn Waterford 1923   4,3,4
Waterford City Waterford city 1918 1921 1
Waterford County Waterford 1918 1921 1
Waterford–Tipperary East Waterford / Tipperary 1921 1923 5
Westmeath Westmeath 1918 1921 1
Westmeath Westmeath 1992 2007 3
WexfordШаблон:Efn Wexford 1921   4,5,4,5
Wexford North Wexford 1918 1921 1
Wexford South Wexford 1918 1921 1
WicklowШаблон:Efn Wicklow 1923   3,4,5
Wicklow East Wicklow 1918 1921 1
Wicklow West Wicklow 1918 1921 1


See also




External links

Шаблон:Constituency Law Ireland