Английская Википедия:Holtkamp Organ Company

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Шаблон:Short description The Holtkamp Organ Company of Cleveland, Ohio is America's oldest continuously operating pipe organ workshop. The company was founded in 1855 by Gottlieb Votteler.  The work produced by the shop has evolved over the years in terms of architectural style, sound, and mechanism. During this time the company has had a number of names, including: The Votteler Organ Company, The Votteler-Hettche Organ Company, The Votteler-Holtkamp-Sparling Organ Company, and finally in 1951, The Holtkamp Organ Company.

When Gottlieb Votteler opened his shop for building pipe organs in Cleveland in 1855 he built small instruments with mechanical keyaction and mechanical stop action.  During the Votteler-Hettche years, robust mechanical actions were replaced with tubular–pneumatic actions, transitioning to electro pneumatic actions in the Votteler-Holtkamp-Sparling years, and Holtkamp Organ years.  Currently the company builds electropneumatic, electric slider, and mechanical action.[1]

The Votteler's (1855–1903)

Файл:Gottlieb Votteler.jpg
Gottlieb Votteler, Original founder of the company.
Файл:Heinrich Votteler.jpg
Heinrich Votteler, son of Gottlieb

As with so many pipe organ builders, The Holtkamp Organ Company started small and local.  The founder, Gottlieb Votteler, trained as a general musical instrument builder in Reutlingen, Wittenburg, Germany.  He immigrated to The United States in 1847.  He eventually settled in Cleveland, Ohio and opened a shop for building pipe organs in 1855. After some time he was joined by his son, Heinrich.  They ran the company together until Gottlieb's death in 1894 (which was coincidentally also the year in which Walter Holtkamp Sr. was born). The instruments which they built were primarily one or two manual and pedal, some with divided keyboards.  Wind pressures were low, in the 3” range.  Visual design was neo-Gothic or neo-Classical.[1]

Notable Organs

Zoar Community Church
Completed 1873
Location Zoar, OH
Mechanical Key and Stop Action,

All Enclosed except 8' Diapson Wind Pressure: 2-7/8"

16' Subbass 30
Manual to Pedal Coupler
(Bass and Treble Chests with independent stop actions,

Split at C25)

16' Quintaton (Treble chest only) 32
8' Open Diapason 56
8' Stop Diapason 56
8' Dulciana 56
8' Violin (Treble chest only) 32
4' Principal 56
4' Flute 56
2' Piccolo 56
III Cornet (Treble Chest only) [2]
Rootstown Congressional Church
Completed 1896
Location Rootstown, OH
G.F. Votteler Job #116
Mechanical Key Action, Mechanical Stop Action

Compass: Manuals 58, Pedals 26

Pedal Organ
1. 16' Bourdon 26
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
Pedal Check
Great Organ
2. 8' Open Diapason 58
3. 8' Dulciana 46
4. 8' Melodia 46
8' Unison Bass 12
5. 4' Principal 58
Swell to Great 8'
Swell to Great 4'

(Mechanical/ Pneumatic)

Swell Organ
6. 8' Viola 61
7. 8' Stopped Diapason 61
8. 8' Salicional 58
8' Stopped Diapason Bass 12
9. 4' Fugara (Originally 8' Celeste) 61*
10. 2' Flautino (Originally 4' Harmonic Flute) 58*
* Altered in 1960s by Robert Wervey[3]

Henry Holtkamp (1903–1931)

Файл:Henry Holtkamp.jpg
Henry Holtkamp, Company President from 1903-1931

Heinrich Votteler ran the company until 1903 when he was joined by Heinrich “Henry” Holtkamp.  Henry was born in New Knoxville, Ohio.  He was a church organist and the owner of a parlor musical instrument store in St. Mary's, Ohio.  In his store he sold music boxes, harmoniums, pianos, and the occasional small pipe organ.  It is through these occasional small pipe organs that Heinrich and Henry may have known each other.  Also, at that time in Ohio, German was the primary immigrant group.  Most German immigrants also spoke their native tongue as their primary language.  It is not a stretch to imagine that Heinrich and Henry knew each other through a German “good old boy” network.

When Henry moved to Cleveland and began work at the shop, the company underwent a name change to The Votteler-Hettche Organ Company (1903 – 1914).  Ownership of the company was shared equally between Heinrich Votteler, Henry Holtkamp, and John Hettche, who was an investor knowledgeable regarding pipe organs.  At this time Mary Holtkamp, daughter of Henry, began working in the shop.  During this period, the robust mechanical action gave way to tubular pneumatic actions.  Specifications became more weighted towards 16’ and 8’ stops.  Wind pressures slowly climbed to the 4” range. Consoles became detached.  Visual design remained as previously, either neo-Gothic or neo-Classical.

In 1911 Henry was joined by Allan Gordon Sparling.  Mr. Sparling was a Canadian by birth, had extensive experience in organ building, and great skill in the new pneumatic technology that was becoming dominant in pipe organ building worldwide.  In 1914 the company underwent a second name change to The Votteler-Holtkamp-Sparling Organ Company.  In general, specifications had less and less upper work, and more 16’ and 8’ stops.  Brightness, when desired was for the most part provided by super couplers.  Wind pressures went up to a standard 5”, sometimes ranging higher to 8”.  The prevalent design style was still neo-Gothic or neo-Classical.[1]

Notable Organs

Crow River Lutheran Church
Файл:Crow River Lutheran Church.jpg
Completed 1907
Location Belgrade, MN
Votteler, Hettche Organ Company
Mechanical key and stop action

3" Wind Pressure

Pedal Organ
1. 16' Bourdon 30
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
Great Organ
2. 8' Open Diapason 61
3. 8' Melodia 61
4. 8' Dulciana 61
Swell to Great
Swell Organ
16' Bourdon (From #1 & #7)
5. 8' Viola 61
6. 8' Stopped Diapason 61
7. 4' Harmonic Flute 61
Tremolo throughout [4]
St. Alouysius
Completed 1925
Location Cleveland, OH
Job #1430

Electropneumatic Key action and Stop Action

Great Organ
16' Bourdon 61
8' 1st Open Diapason 61
8' 2nd Open Diapason 61
8' Flute Major 61
8' Viol D'Gamba 61
8' Tibia 61
8' Gemshorn 61
4' Octave 61
2' Fifteenth 61
8' Tuba 61
Chimes 25
16' Swell to Great
8' Swell to Great
4' Swell to Great
16' Great to Great
8' Great to Great (Unison off)
4' Great to Great
16' Choir to Great
8' Choir to Great
4' Choir to Great
8' Cancel to Great
Great and Pedal Combinations "Visible"
Sforzando Piston
8' Reversible Piston Great to Pedal
Swell Organ
16' Lieblich Gedackt 85
8' Diapason 73
8' Stopped Diapason 73
8' Salicional 73
8' Vox Celeste 61
4' Flute D'Amour 73
2' Flautina 61
3R Cornet 61
8' Oboe 73
8' Vox Humana 61
16' Swell to Swell
8' Swell to Swell (Unison Off)
4' Swell to Swell
Swell and Pedal Combinations "Visible"
Swell to Pedal
Choir Organ
8' Concert Flute 73
8' Violin Diapason 73
8' Unda Maris 61
8' Dulciana 73
4' Quintadena 61
2' Piccolo 61
8' Clarinet 73
16' Swell to Choir
8' Swell to Choir
4' Swell to Choir
16' Choir to Choir
8' Choir to Choir (Unison Off)
4' Choir to Choir
Choir and Pedal Combinations "Visible"
Pedal Organ
16' Open Diapason 32
16' Bourdon 32
16' Lieblich Gedeckt 32
10-2/3' Nazard 32
8' Violin Cello 32
8' Flute 32
Chimes to Pedal
8' Great to Pedal
4' Great to Pedal
8' Swell to Pedal
4' Swell to Pedal
8' Choir Pedal
8' Cancel to Pedal
Master Pedal Toe Pistons
5-6 Interchangeable with Master Pistons under Great Manual
Pedal Movements
Crescendo Swell Expression
Great to Pedal Reversible Crescendo Pedal
Sforzando Reversible Choir Expression
Swell Tremolo Choir Tremolo
Vibrato Sforzando Indicator
Crescendo Indicator VHS Blower
Electric Generator[5]
St. Augustine Catholic Church
Файл:St. Augustine Catholic Church Holtkamp Organ.jpg
Completed 1925
Location Barberton, OH
Job #1449 Electropneumatic Key action and Stop Action
Great Organ
8' Diapason 73
8' Flute 73
8' Cello 73
8' 2nd Violin 73
8' Violunda 49
4' Octave 61
8' Horn 73
16' Swell to Great
8' Swell to Great
4' Swell to Great
16' Great to Great
8' Great to Great
4' Great to Great
Visible and Adjustable Combinations
Great And Pedal I II III
Swell Organ
8' Diapason 73
8' Stopped Diapason 73
8' Violin 73
8' Vox Angelica 49
4' Dolce 61
8' Corno 73
8' Echo Choir 61
16' Swell to Swell
8' Swell to Swell
4' Swell to Swell
Visible and Adjustable Combinations
Swell and Pedal I II III
Pedal Organ
16' Diapason 32
16' Bourdon 32
8' Great to Pedal
4' Great to Pedal
8' Swell to Pedal
Swell Pedal Tremelo
Crescendo Pedal Sforzando Pedal
Swell Pedal Great to Pedal
Part of Great Crescendo Indicator
Sforzando Indicator Electric Motor and Generator[6]
Gay Street Methodist Episcopal Church Lincoln Theatre Two Manual Console
Файл:Gay Street Methodist Episcopal Church.jpg
Файл:Lakewood Lincoln Theater Console.jpg
Файл:Two Manual Console, 1925.jpg

Walter Henry Holtkamp (1919–1962)

Файл:Walter Henry Holtkamp.jpg
Walter Henry Holtkamp, Company President from 1919-1962

In 1919 Walter Henry Holtkamp returned from Europe after two years in the Army during the First World War.  He joined the firm and began working side by side with his father. The company prospered and expanded its geographic range from the east coast to the Dakotas.  The late 1920s and early 1930s were difficult times for the shop, times that brought with them multiple challenges.  First was the great depression.  With the stock market crash of 1929 the optimism of the roaring twenties began to evaporate.  In March 1931 Henry Holtkamp died.  In June of that year Mary Holtkamp died.  Walter Holtkamp Sr. was left as the sole creative director of the firm.[7]

As the 1930s began the company was still building as many as twenty organs in a year.  By 1934 that number had dwindled to four.  It was at this point that Walter met Melville Smith.  Melville Smith had been hired as a professor of music theory at Western Reserve University in 1930.  Following his appointment, Smith journeyed to France to study with Nadia Boulanger, where through his association with Andre Marchal, Joseph Bonnet, and others in the Paris organ scene he became aware of and inspired by the music which was then being rediscovered, the organ music of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries.  It was through this association, and the association with Arthur Quimby, organist at the Cleveland Museum of Art that Walter's work began its movement away from a more orchestral oriented organ of the early 1930s, best suited to homophonic music, towards an instrument that would render clear polyphony.

Файл:Walter henry holtkamp sr.png
Walter Henry Holtkamp Sr.

This evolution began with a small experimental organ on which Smith and Quimby played the literature from the 17th and 18th centuries.  This was followed by the designing of a Rückpositiv division for the E. M. Skinner organ at the Cleveland Museum of Art.  This Rückpositiv was designed to be a foil to the Great, a secondary manual division of great color and transparency, and which could compete with the Great through its position, brightness, and differing timber.  This Rückpositiv division contained the following attributes: The chest had a quick and responsive action.  The voicing was transparent and colorful.  The pipework was exposed.  These were the basic concepts with which Walter would work, in diverse combination and configuration, for the remainder of his career.

Under the direction of Walter Holtkamp Sr., the company became famous as a pioneer of the Organ Reform Movement in the United States. So much so, that in 1949, while in the United States for a lecture at the University of Chicago, Albert Schweitzer visited Cleveland to play the Holtkamp Rückpositiv at the Cleveland Museum of Art, the only American instrument he requested play. "Bravo for the first Rückpositiv in America," Schweitzer had written to Walter Holtkamp from Günsbach, Alsace, May 22, 1934. "I congratulate."[1]

Notable Organs

Experimental Organ

(Our Lady of Peace)

Completed 1933
Location Cleveland,OH
Job #1578
Pedal Organ
1. 16' Bourdon 32
2. 10-2/3' Gross Quint 32
8' Principal Great
8' Rohr Flute Great
5-1/3' Quint 12
4' Flute D'Amour Great
4' Oboe Clarion Great
3. 8' Posaune(Late addition) 32
Great Organ
4. 8' Principal 61
5. 8' Rohrflute 61
6. 4' Flute D'Amour 61
7. 4' Oboe Clarion 61
Positive (Expressive)
8. 8' Flute 61
9. 4' Prestant 61
10. 4' Ludwigtone 61
11. 2-2/3' Nazard 61
12. 2' Gemshorn 61
13. 1-3/5' Tierce 61
14. 1' Piccolo 61
15. III Mixture 183
Tremulant [8]
Cleveland Museum of Art Ruckpositiv
Completed 1933
Location Cleveland, OH
1. 8' Bourdon 61
2. 4' Prestant 61
3. 4' Rohrflute 25-61 37
4. 2-2/3' Nazard 61
5. 2' Gemshorn 61
6. 1-3/5' Tierce 61
7. 1-1/3' Larigot 1-24 24
8. 1' Piccolo 1-24 24
9. III Fourniture 183[9]
St. John's Roman Catholic Church
Файл:St. Johns Roman Catholic Church.jpg
Completed 1934
Location Covington, KY
Job #1581 Electropneumatic Key & Stop Action
Great Organ
16' Quintaton 68
8' Diapason 68
8' Salicional 68
8' Ludwigtone 80
4' Prestant 68
Adjustable Combination Pistons
16' Swell to Great
8' Swell to Great
4' Great to Great
Swell Organ
8' Harmonic Flute 61
8' Gamba 61
4' Gemshorn 61
4' Oboe Clarion 61
2-2/3' Nazard 61
1-3/5' Tierce 61
III R Mixture 183
Adjustable Combination Pistons
16' Swell to Swell
Pedal Organ
16' Contra Bass 32
16' Quintaton From Great
8' Cello 32
8' Posaune 32
8' Great to Pedal
4' Great to Pedal
8' Swell to Pedal
Coupler Reversibles by Pistons
8' Swell to Great
8' Great to Pedal
8' Swell to Pedal
16' Swell to Great
Pedal Movements
8' Swell to Great Reversible
8' Great to Pedal Reversible
8' Swell to Pedal Reversible
Crescendo Pedal
Swell Expression Pedal Mechanical
16' Swell to Great Reversible
Electric Blower
Motor Generator Set for Action Current
Crescendo Indicator[10]
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Completed 1952
Location Cleveland Heights, OH
Job #1657

Electropneumatic Key & Stop Action

Pedal Organ
32' Compton Polyphone 1
32' Cornet 312
16' Principal 32
16' Soubbass 32
16' Quintadena Great
16' Cornet Extension
8' Octave 32
8' Gedackt 32
4' Choralbass 32
4' Nachthorn 32
3R Mixture 96
16' Posaune 32
8' Trumpet 32
4' Schalmey 32
Great Organ
16' Quintadena 61
8' Principal 61
8' Flute 61
8' Gedackt 61
4' Octave 61
4' Sptizflute 61
2-2/3' Quinte 61
2' Superoctave 61
4R Mixture 244
3R Scharf 183
8' Trumpet 61
Swell Organ- Enclosed
8' Rohrflute 61
8' Lieblich Gedackt 61
8' Gamba 61
8' Gamba Celeste 61
4' Octave Geigen 61
4' Bourdon 61
4' Aeoline 61
2' Flautino 61
3R Dolce Cornet 183
4R Plein Jeu 244
16' Basson 61
8' Fagott 61
4' Rohrschalmey 61
Positiv Organ
8' Copula 61
4' Praestant 61
4' Rohrflute 61
2-2/3' Nazard 61
2' Doublette 61
1-3/5' Tierce 61
3R Fourniture 183
8' Cromorne 61
Great to Pedal Piston and Pedal
Swell to Pedal Piston and Pedal
Positiv to Pedal Piston and Pedal
Swell to Great Piston and Pedal
Positiv to Great
Swell to Positiv
Combinations-Adjustable by Setterboard
Pedal 1-2-3-4-5-6
Great 1-2-3-4-5-6 Pistons & Toestuds
Swell 1-2-3-4-5-6 Pistons & Toestuds
Positiv 1-2-3-4-5-6
General 1-2-3-4-5-6-0 Pistons & Toestuds
Electric Clock Transparent Music Rack Backrest for Bench
Full Width Bench Crescendo Pedal Crescendo Indicator
Full Organ Reversible

Piston & Toestud

Full Organ Indicator Wheeled Carriage for Console
Electric Blower DC Generator Provision for One Extra Stop

in Each Direction[11]

MIT Chapel
Файл:MIT Chapel Cambridge.jpg
Completed 1955
Location Cambridge, MA
Job #1674

Electropneumatic Key & Stop Action

Pedal Organ
16' Quintadena 32
8' Gedackt 32
4' Choralbass 32
Great Organ
8' Copula 56
8' Dulciana 56
4' Principal 56
2' Hohlflute 56
3R Mixture 168
Positiv Organ
8' Quintadena 56
4' Rohrflote 56
2' Principal 56
2R Sesquialtera 112
Great to Pedal Positiv to Pedal Positiv to Great
Full Organ Pedal-


Electric Blower AC/DC Rectifier[12]
Portativ Organ
Файл:Cleveland Portative 1936.jpg
Completed 1935
Location Cleveland,OH
Job #1585, Mechanical Action
8' Quintadena 49
4' Prestant 49
III Cornet(Enclosed) 147
Notable Consoles
Fairmont Presbyterian Church Stop Tab Console, 1950s
Файл:1950s Stop Tab Console.jpg

Walter "Chick" Holtkamp Jr. (1956–1995)

Файл:Walter holtkamp jr.jpg
Walter "Chick" Holtkamp Jr. , Company President from 1956-1995

Walter “Chick” Holtkamp joined the firm in 1956 after serving five years in the United States Navy.  Upon his father's death in 1962 he became president of the company.  Chick Holtkamp began his creative endeavors with work that reflected his father's.  The chest actions were mixed pitman and electro-pneumatic slider.  The visual designs were unenclosed, often with a strong horizontal element.  The scaling and voicing focused on clarity and the rendering of polyphony.  After taking over the shop in 1962 he began developing the chests and components necessary for building instruments with mechanical action.  This process came to first bloom 1967 at St. John Lutheran Church in Summit, NJ.  From this point on the shop built instruments with both mechanical and electro-pneumatic action as the situation required.  This combination continued until 1992.  At that time, in recognition of the cost of re-leathering electro-pneumatic actions Chick began developing his electric slider action.  This relied upon the tried-and-true slider chest design that the company had built for the past twenty-five years.[7] The tonal pallet of his work maintained its focus on the music and the rendering of polyphony. However, his particular emphasis gradually evolved to put greater emphasis on the free and singing quality of the voicing, and the organ's ability to lead the congregation.  This was accompanied by a gradual increase in the overall amount of fundamental.  As time passed the Positive gradually gave way to the Choir, all the while focusing on a blending, ensemble style of voicing which worked equally well with the congregation, choirs, and instrumentalists.

It was Chick's belief that the future of the pipe organ was not entirely in the past.  Taking a proactive approach, in 1983 Chick founded the Holtkamp/AGO Competition in Organ Composition to encourage composers to write for the instrument. Following this in 1987, Chick brought together many of the premier American improvisers for a meeting in New York City.  It was this meeting and the work that followed which gave rise to the first AGO Competition in Organ Improvisation at the 1990 National Convention in Boston, MA. Both competitions continue to this day.

In visual design Chick made a tremendous impact on American organ building.  His exposed designs, which were reminiscent of his father's work, had unmatched, three dimensional sculptural qualities.  Rather than stay with the tried and true, and in conjunction with the ever increasing demand for mechanical action organs, he began developing a style of encased organ design.[1]

Notable Organs

Randolph Macon Woman's College
Файл:Randolph Macon Woman's College.jpg
Completed 1969
Location Lynchburg, VA
Job #1846, Electropneumatic Key & Stop Action
Pedal Organ
16' Principal 32
16' Quintadena Great
16' Subbass 32
8' Octave 32
8' Flauto 32
4' Choralbass 32
3R Rauschbass 96
16' Posaune 32
8' Posaune 12
Great Organ
16' Quintadena 61
8' Principal 61
8' Gedackt 61
4' Octave 61
4' Spitzflote 61
2' Ottava 61
4R Mixture 244
8' Trumpet 61
Swell Organ
8' Gamba 61
8' Bourdon 61
8' Voix Celeste F-C 56
4' Principal 61
4' Fullflote 61
2' Gemshorn 61
1-1/3' Larigot 61
16' Dulzian 61
8' Fagott 61
4' Clairon 61
Positiv Organ
8' Copula 61
4' Rohrflote 61
2' Principal 61
2' Blockflote 61
2R Cornet 122
3R Fourniture 183
8' Cromorne 61
Great to Pedal
Positiv to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
4' Swell to Pedal
Swell to Great
Positiv to Great
Swell to Positiv
Combinations by Setterboard
General 1-2-3-4-5-6 Pistons and Toe Studs
Pedal 1-2-3-4 Toe Studs
Great 1-2-3-4 Pistons
Swell 1-2-3-4 Pistons
Positiv 1-2-3-4 Pistons
Swell Pedal Crescendo Pedal Crescendo Indicator Light
Full Organ Reversible-

Toe Stud

Full Organ

Indicator Light

General Cancel Piston
Organist's Bench with

Adjusting Blocks


Music Rack

Electric Blower and


AC/DC Action Current Rectifier[13]
The University of Alabama,

Moody Music Building Concert Hall

Completed 1987
Location Tuscaloosa, AL
Job #2005
Key Action Mechanical with Electric

Coupler Assist

Stop Action Electropneumatic
Pedal Organ
32' Subbass 12
16' Principal 32
16' Subbass 32
16' Quintadena 32
8' Octave 32
8' Openflute 32
4' Choralbass 32
4' Nachthorn 32
2' Hornlein 32
4R Rauschbass 2-2/3' 128
32' Basun 32
16' Posaune 32
16' Dulzian 32
8' Trumpet 32
4' Trumpet 32
Great Organ
16' Principalbass 61
8' Principal 61
8' Gemshorn 61
8' Rohrgedackt 61
4' Octave 61
4' Sptizflote 61
2-2/3' Quinte 61
2' Superoctave 61
1-3/5' Terz 61
4R Mixture 2' 244
3R Scharf 1/2' 183
16' Trumpetbass 61
8' Trumpet 61
Swell Organ (Enclosed)
16' Bourdon 61
8' Gamba 61
8' Gamba Celeste 61
8' Rohrflote 61
4' Geigen Principal 61
4' Harmonic Flute 61
2' Principal 61
1-1/3' Quinte 61
4R Mixture 244
3R Cymbal 1/3' 183
16' Fagott 61
8' Trompette 61
8' Oboe 61
4' Clairon 61
Positiv Organ
16' Pommer 61
8' Floten Principal 61
8' Bourdon 61
8' Quintadena 61
4' Praestant 61
4' Rohrpfeife 61
2-2/3' Nazard 61
2' Octave 61
2' Blockflote 61
1-3/5' Tierce 61
1-1/3' Larigot 61
4R Mixture 1-1/3' 98
8' Trumpet 61
8' Cromorne 61
Solo Organ (Enclosed)
8' Copula 61
4' Koppelflote 61
2' Doublette 61
1' Principal 61
5R Cornet TC 245
3R Zimbel 1/4' 183
16' Rankett 61
8' Vox Humana 61
4' Schalmey 61
Great to Pedal Reversible
Swell to Pedal Reversible
Positiv to Pedal Reversible
Solo to Pedal
Swell to Great
Positiv to Great
Solo to Great
Swell to Positiv
Combinations, A-B Control
Generals 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Piston & Toe Stud
Pedal 1-2-3-4-5-6 Toe Stud
Great 1-2-3-4-5-6 Piston
Swell 1-2-3-4-5-6 Piston
Positiv 1-2-3-4-5-6 Piston
Solo 1-2-3-4-5-6 Piston
Electric Blower AC/DC Rectifier Full Organ Reversible -

Toe Stud

Full Organ Indicator Light Music Rack Light Pedalboard Light
Swell Pedal Solo Pedal Organ Bench with Adjusting

Crank Mechanism and Back

Wood Music Rack General Cancel Stop/Start Switch
Manual Keys- Plumwood Sharp Keys-


Stop Tablets- Cherrywood
On/Off in all Electric Coupler Assists[14]
All Souls Unitarian Church
Файл:All Souls Unitarian Church Holtkamp Organ.jpg
Completed 1989
Location New York, NY
Job #2016
Key Action Mechanical
Stop Action Electropheumatic
Pedal Organ
16' Principal 32
16' Subbass 32
10-2/3' Grossquinte 32
8' Octave 32
8' Flute 32
4' Choralbass 32
4R Rauschwerk 2-2/3' 128
16' Posaune 32
8' Trumpet 32
Great Organ
16' Pommer 61
8' Principal 61
8' Gedackt 61
4' Octave 61
4' Spitzflote 61
2' Superoctave 61
4R Mixture 1-1/3' 244
3R Scharf 2/3' 183
8' Trumpet 61
Swell Organ
8' Gamba 61
8' Voix Celeste 56
8' Rohrgedackt 61
4' Geigen Principal 61
4' Traverse Flute 61
2' Octavin 61
1-1/3' Larigot 61
4R Plein Jeu 1' 244
16' Dulzian 61
8' Oboe 61
4' Clarion 61
Choir Organ
8' Gemshorn 61
8' Copula 61
4' Praestant 61
4' Rohrflote 61
2-2/3' Nazard 61
2' Doublette 61
1-3/5' Tierce 61
3R Fourniture 1/2' 183
16' Vox Humana 61
8' Cromorne 61
4' Schalmey 61
Great to Pedal Reversible by Toe Stud
Swell to Pedal Reversible by Toe Stud
Choir to Pedal Reversible by Toe Stud
Swell to Great
Choir to Great
Swell to Choir
Combinations A-B Control
Generals 1-2-3-4-5-6 Pistons & Toe Studs
Pedal 1-2-3-4-5-6 Toe Studs
Great 1-2-3-4-5-6 Pistons
Swell 1-2-3-4-5-6 Pistons
Choir 1-2-3-4-5-6 Pistons
Blower AC/DC Rectifier Full Organ Indicator Light
Music Rack Light Pedalboard Light Swell Pedal
Choir Pedal Full Organ Reversible-

Toe Stud

Organ Bench with Adjusting

Crank Mechanism

Transparent Music Rack General Cancel Stop/Start Switch
Manual Keys- Plumwood Sharp Keys-


Stop Tablets- Cherrywood
Glocken Zimbel with 12 Bells[15]


F. Christian Holtkamp (1986–present)

Файл:Christian Holtkamp.jpg
Christian Holtkamp, Current President of Holtkamp Organ Company

F. Christian (Chris) Holtkamp joined the shop in 1987 and became president of the Holtkamp Organ Company in 1995 following the retirement of his father.  From the beginning of his time at the shop Chris continued the development of tonal and visual design begun by Chick.  His visual designs are entirely contextual, always taking great pains to match the visual design of the organ to the room in which it is installed.  In tonal design his instruments contain the same ensemble voicing of Walter and Chick, but the internal balance of each instrument has changed to have a more even balance from treble to bass.  This results in an ensemble which is full, rich, and embracing, without being overbearing.  The shop currently builds electric slider, electropneumatic, and tracker actions.[1]

Notable Organs

Pilgrim Christian Church
Файл:Pilgrim Christian Church.jpg
Completed 1992
Location Chardon,OH
Job #2039
Key Action Electric
Stop Action Electropneumatic
Pedal Organ
16' Subbass 32
8' Octave 32
8' Flute 12
4' Superoctave 12
16' Fagott 32
Great Organ
8' Principal 61
8' Gedackt 61
4' Octave 61
2' Doublette 61
IV Mixture 244
8' Trumpet 61
Swell Organ
8' Gamba 61
8' Voix Celeste 56
8' Bourdon 61
4' Koppelflote 61
2' Principal 61
8' Oboe 61
Swell to Swell 16'
Swell Unison Off
Great to Pedal Reversible by

Toe Stud

Swell to Pedal Reversible by

Toe Stud

Swell to Great 16'
Swell to Great
Combinations, 2 Levels of Memory
Generals 1-2-3-4 Piston & Toe Stud
Pedal 1-2-3-4 Toe Stud
Great 1-2-3-4 Piston
Swell 1-2-3-4 Piston
Electric Blower AC/DC Rectifier Full Organ Reversible-

Toe Stud

General Cancel Music Rack Light Pedalboard Light
Swell Pedal Organ Bench with Adjusting

Crank Mechanism

Transparent Music


Stop/Start Switch Manual Natural Keys-


Manual Sharp Keys-


Pedal Natural Keys-


Pedal Sharp Keys-


Stop Tablets -


Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Файл:Bethlehem Lutheran Church Holtkamp Organ.jpg
Completed 1999
Location Aberdeen, SD
Job #2073
Key Action Electric Pulldown
Stop Action Electric Solenoid
Unit Chests Electropneumatic
Pedal Organ
32' Untersatz(1-12 Electronic) 0
1. 16' Principal 32
16' Violone Bass Great
2. 16' Subbass 32
16' Hohlflute Bass Swell
16' Quinadena Bass Choir
3. 8' Octave 32
8' Flute 12
4' Superoctave 12
4. 4' Nachthorn 32
5. IV Rauschbass 128
32' Posaune Bass 12
6. 16' Posaune 32
8' Octave Posaune 12
8' Festival Trumpet Choir
Great Organ
7. 16' Violone Bass 61
8. 8' Principal 61
8' Violone 12
9. 8' Harmonic Flute 61
10. 8' Rohrflute 61
11. 4' Octave 61
12. 4' Openflute 61
13. II Superoctave 61
14. 2' Super Octave 61
15. V Mixture 305
16. 8' Trumpet 61
16' Festival Trumpet Choir
8' Festival Trumpet Choir
Swell Organ
16' Hohlflute 12
17. 8' Gamba 61
18. 8' Voix Celeste 56
19. 8' Hohlflute 61
20. 4' Octave Geigen 61
21. 4' Harmonic Flute 61
22. 2' Piccolo 61
23. 1-1/3' Larigot 61
24. IV Fourniture 244
25. 16' Clarinet 61
26. 8' Trompette 61
27. 8' Oboe 61
8' Festival Trumpet Choir
Choir Organ (Prepared)
16' Festival Trumpet 0
28. 8' Festival Trumpet 61
Great to Pedal 8' Reversible by

Piston & Toe Stud

Swell to Pedal 8' Reversible by

Piston & Toe Stud

Choir to Pedal 8' Reversible by

Piston & Toe Stud

Swell to Great 8'
Choir to Great 8'
Swell to Choir 8'
Generals 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 Piston & Toe Stud
Pedal 1-2-3-4-5-6 Toe Stud
Great 1-2-3-4-5-6 Piston
Swell 1-2-3-4-5-6 Piston
Choir 1-2-3-4-5-6 Piston
Set Piston
General Cancel Piston
Full Organ Reversible Piston & Toe Stud
Console Details
Holtkamp Stop Tab


Manual Natural Keys-


Manual Sharp Keys-


Pedal Natural Keys-


Pedal Sharp Keys-


Stop Tabs-

American Cherry

Organ Bench with

Adjusting Crank Mechanism

Swell Expression Pedal Choir Expression Pedal
Crescendo Pedal Full Organ Indicator Light Music Rack Light
Pedal Board Light Console on Movable Dolley
Mechanical Electrical Details
Electrical Control System by SSL with 32 Levels of Memory, Keyed Start/Stop

Switch Located on Console, Electric Blower, AC/DC Rectifiers[17]

John Knox Presbyterian Church
Файл:John Kox Presbyterian Church.jpg
Completed 2000
Location Greenville,SC
Key Action Electric Slider
Stop Action Electric Solenoid
Unit Chests Electropneumatic
Pedal Organ
32' Bourdon (Electronic 12 Tones) 0
1. 16' Principal 32
16' Violone Bass Great
2. 16' Subbass 32
3. 8' Octave 32
8' Flute 12
4' Super Octave 12
4. 16' Posaune 32
8' Octave Posaune 12
8' Festival Trumpet Great
Great Organ
16' Violone Bass 12
5. 8' Principal 61
6. 8' Violone 61
7. 8' Harmonic Flute 61
8. 8' Rohrflute 61
9. 4' Octave 61
10. 4' Openflute 61
11. 2' Superoctave 61
12. V Mixture 305
13. 8' Trumpet 61
16' Festival Trumpet 0
14. 8' Festival Trumpet 61
Swell Organ (Enclosed)
16' Bourdon Bass 12
15. 8' Geigen Principal 61
16. 8' Gamba 61
17. 8' Voix Celeste 56
18. 8' Bourdon 61
19. 4' Octave Geigen 61
20. 4' Traverse Flute 61
21. 2' Piccolo 61
22. V Plein Jeu 305
23. 16' Bassun 61
24. 8' Trompette 61
25. 8' Oboe 61
Choir Organ (Enclosed)
26. 8' Flute Principal 61
27. 8' Flute D'Amour 61
28. 8' Celeste D'Aeterna 56
29. 4' Praestant 61
30. 4' Nachthorn 61
31. 2-2/3' Nazard 61
32. 2' Doublette 61
33. 1-3/5' Tierce 61
34. IV Scharf 244
35. 8' Clarinet 61
16' Festival Trumpet Great
8' Festival Trumpet Great
Great to Pedal Reversible by Toe Stud & Piston
Swell to Pedal Reversible by Toe Stud & Piston
Choir to Pedal Reversible by Toe Stud & Piston
Swell to Great
Choir to Great
Swell to Great
Choir to Pedal 4'
Generals 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Piston & Toe Stud
Pedal 1-2-3-4-5-6 Toe Stud
Great 1-2-3-4-5-6 Piston
Swell 1-2-3-4-5-6 Piston
Console Details
Electric Blower AC/DC Rectifier Start/Stop Switch
Full Organ

Indicator Light

Full Organ Reversible-

Toe Stud & Piston

General Cancel
Music Rack Light Pedalboard Light Crescendo Pedal
Swell Pedal Choir Pedal MIDI Pedal
Organ Bench with

Adjusting Crank Mechanism

Manual Natural Keys-


Manual Sharp Keys-


Pedal Natural Keys-


Pedal Sharp Keys-


Console on Movable


Electrical Details
Electric Control System by Solid State Logic, Multi System with 25 Levels of

Memory, MIDI In, Out, & Thru with Record/Playback Capability[18]

Cathedral of St. Louis King of France
Completed 2006
Location New Orleans, LA
Pedal Organ
32' Resultant
1. 16' Contra Bass 32
16' Montre Great
2. 16' Soubasse 32
16' Bourdon Swell
16' Quintaten Pos.
8' Huitieme 12
8' Soubasse 12
8' Bourdon Swell
5-1/3' Gross Quinte 7
3. 4' Prestant 32
4' Soubasse 12
4. 4' Cor de Nuit 32
2' Cor de Nuit 12
5. IV Grand Fourniture 128
6. 32' Contra Bombarde 32
16' Bombarde 12
16' Trompette Swell
8' Trompette Swell
4' Clarion Swell
16' Tuba Harmonique Great
8' Tuba Harmonique Great
8' Trompette-en-Chamade Great
Great Organ
7. 16' Montre 61
8. 8' Montre I 61
9. 8' Montre II 61
10. 8' Flute Harmonic 61
11. 8' Bourdon de Cambon 61
12. 4' Octave 61
13. 4' Flute en Fusee 61
14. 2-2/3' Quint 61
15. 2' Superoctave 61
16. 2' Flute 61
17. V Grand Cornet TC 245
18. IV Mixture 305
19. III Fourniture 215
20. 16' Tuba Harmonique 61
8' Tuba Harmonique 12
21. 8' Trumpet 61
22. 8' Trompette-en-Chamade 61
Recit Organ
23. 16' Bourdon 61
24. 8' Montre I 61
25. 8' Montre II 45
26. 8' Viola de Gamba 61
27. 8' Viola Celeste 56
8' Bourdon 12
28. 4' Octave Geigen 61
29. 4' Flute Triangulaire 61
30. 2-2/3' Nazard 61
31. II Cornet TC 98
32. 2' Piccolo 61
33. 1-1/3' Larigot 61
34. IV Plein Jeu 244
35. III Cymbal 183
36. 16' Trompette 61
8' Trompette 12
37. 8' Oboe 61
38. 4' Clarion du Roi 61
16' Recit to Recit
4' Recit to Recit
Positif Expressive
39. 16' Quintaten 61
40. 8' Montre 61
41. 8' Viola Douce 61
42. 8' Viola Celeste 49
43. 8' Cor de Nuit 61
8' Quintaten 12
44. 4' Prestant 61
45 4' Flute a Cheminee 61
46. 2-2/3' Nazard 61
47. 2' Doublette 61
48. 2' Quarte do Nazard 61
49. 1-3/5' Tierce 61
50. IV
51. III-IV Cymbal 215
52. 8' Trumpet 61
53. 8' Cromorne 61
16' Tuba Harmonique Great
8' Tuba Harmonique Great
8' Trumpette-en-Chamade Great
Great to Pedal 8'
Great to Pedal 8' 4'
Choir to Pedal 8'
Swell to Great 16' 8'
Choir to Great 16' 8'
Swell to Choir 16' 8'
Great to Pedal Toe Stud & Thumb Piston
Swell to Pedal Toe Stud & Thumb Piston
Choir to Pedal Toe Stud & Thumb Piston
Generals 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12 Piston & Toe Stud
Pedal 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 Toe Piston
Great 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 Piston
Swell 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 Piston
Choir 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 Piston
Start/Stop Switch Full Organ - Toe Stud & Piston Full Organ Indicator Light
General Cancel Swell Pedal Choir Pedal
Crescendo Pedal Music Rack Light Pedalboard Light
Organ Bench with Adjusting

Crank Mechanism & Backrest

Manual Natural Keys-


Manual Sharp Keys-


Pedal Natural Keys- Maple Pedal Sharp Keys- Rosewood Console on Internal Casters
Multiplex Capture System with 25 Layers of Memory[19]
St. Olaf College
Файл:St Olaf College.jpg
Completed 2006
Location Northfield, MN
Pedal Organ
32' Violon Bass Great
1. 32' Bourdon Bass (1-12 Electronic) 56
2. 16' Open Wood(1-12 Electronic) 97
3. 16' Diapason 32
16' Violone Great
16' Bourdon 32
16' Lieblichgedackt Swell
16' Quintaton Choir
8' Open Wood 12
4. 8' Octave 32
8' Violone Great
8' Nachthorn 12
8' Flute 12
5. 4' Choralbass 32
6. 4' Nachthorn 32
2' Nachthorn 12
7. IV Mixture 2-2/3' 128
32' Trombone Bass 12
8. 16' Trombone 32
16' Bombarde Bombarde
16' Bassoon Swell
16' Clarinet Choir
8' Tuba Harmonique Bombarde
8' Bombarde Bombarde
9. 8' Trumpet 32
8' Bassoon Swell
4' Bombarde Bombarde
4' Trumpet 12
Bombarde on Pedal
Great Organ
10. 16' Violone 61
11. 8' Diapason 61
8' Violone 12
12. 8' Dulciana 61
13. 8' Harmonic Flute 61
14. 8' Chimney Flute 61
15. 4' Octave 61
16. 4' Openflute 61
17. 2-2/3' Quint 61
18. 2' Fifteenth 61
19. 1-3/5' Terz 61
20. IV Mixture 2' 244
16' Bombarde Bombarde
8' Tuba Harmonique Bombarde
8' Bombarde Bombarde
21. 8' Trumpet 61
Great 16'
Great Unison Off
Bombarde on Great
Swell Organ
22. 16' Lieblichgedackt 61
23. 8' Geigen Diapason 61
24. 8' Gamba 61
25. 8' Vox Celeste 61
26. 8' Hohlflute 61
8' Lieblichgedackt 12
27. 4' Octave Geigen 61
28. 4' Traverse Flute 61
29. II Cornet TC 98
30. 2' Octavin 61
31. II-III Mixture Graves 2-2/3' 171
32. IV Plein Jeu 1' 244
33. 16' Bassoon 1-12-1/2 Length 61
34. 8' Trompette 61
35. 8' Hautbois 61
36. 8' Vox Humana 61
37. 4' Clairon 61
Swell 16'
Swell Unison Off
Swell 4'
Bombarde on Swell
Choir Organ
38. 16' Quintaton 61
39. 8' Principal 61
40. 8' Voce Humana F6 56
41. 8' Bourdon 61
8' Quintaton 12
42. 8' Erzahler 61
43. 8' Erzahler Celeste 61
44. 4' Octave 61
45. 4' Rohrflute 61
46. 2-2/3' Nazard 61
47. 2' Principal 61
48. 2' Nachthorn 61
49. 1-3/5' Tierce 61
50. 1-1/3' Larigot 61
51. IV Scharf 1-1/3' 244
52. 16' Bass Clarinet 61
8' Tuba Harmonique Bomb.
53. 8' English Horn 61
8' Clarinet 12
Choir 16'
Choir Unison Off
Choir 4'
Bombarde on Choir
Bombarde Organ
16' Open Wood

(From Pedal 16' Open Wood)

8' Open Diapason

(From Pedal 16' Open Wood)

8' Nachthorn

(From Pedal 8' Nachthorn)

8' Stopped Flute

(From Pedal 16' Bourdon)

4' Open Diapason

(From Pedal 16' Open Wood)

4' Nachthorn

(From Pedal 8' Nachthorn)

2' Open Diapason

(From Pedal 16' Open Wood)

16' Tuba Harmonique 0
54. 16' Bombarde (W.P. 7") 61
16' Festival Trumpet 0
55. 8' Tuba Harmonique (W.P. 20") 61
8' Festival Trumpet Gallery
8' Bombarde 12
Gallery Organ
Pedal/Great Disposition
56. 16' Principal 73
57. 16' Gemshorn 97
58. 8' Pommer 73
59. 4' Octave 61
60. IV Mixture 244
61. 8' Festival Trumpet 61
Pedal/Great Specification
Pedal Organ
16' Principal #1
16' Gemshorn #2
8' Octave #1
8' Gemshorn #2
8' Pommer #3
4' Super Octave #1
16' Bassoon/Oboe Swell
8' Festival Trumpet #6
Great Organ
8' Principal #1
8' Gemshorn #2
8' Pommer #3
4' Octave #4
4' Pommer #3
2' Gemshorn #2
IV Mixture #5
8' Festival Trumpet #6
Swell Organ
62. 8' Rohrflute 61
63. 8' Gamba 61
64. 8' Voix Celeste 61
65. 4' Spitzflute 61
66. 2' Principal 61
16' Festival Trumpet #6
67. 16' Bassoon/Oboe 61
8' Festival Trumpet #6
8' Bassoon/Oboe 12
Swell 4'
Swell Unison Off
Great to Pedal 8' Reversible by Piston

& Toe Lever

Swell to Pedal 8' Reversible by Piston

& Toe Lever

Swell to Pedal 4'
Choir to Pedal 8' Reversible by Piston

& Toe Lever

Choir to Pedal 4'
Gallery Great to Pedal 8'
Gallery Great to Pedal 4'
Gallery Swell to Pedal 8'
Gallery Swell to Pedal 4'
Swell to Great 16'
Swell to Great 8' Reversible by Piston
Swell to Great 4'
Choir to Great 16'
Choir to Great 8' Reversible by Piston
Choir to Great 4'
Gallery Swell to Great 8'
Gallery Swell to Great 4'
Choir to Swell 8'
Swell to Choir 16'
Swell to Choir 8' Reversible by Piston
Swell to Choir 4'
All Swells to Swell
Gallery Swell/ MIDI Selector
Gallery Console Off (Not effected by home console cancel)
Consoles Independent (Not effected by home console cancel)
Generals 1-2-3-4-5-6 Piston & Toe Stud
7-8-9-10-11-12 Piston & Toe Stud
13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20 Piston
Pedal 1-2-3-4-5-6 Toe Stud
Great 1-2-3-4-5-6 Piston
Swell 1-2-3-4-5-6 Piston
Choir 1-2-3-4-5-6 Piston
Bombarde 1-2-3-4 Piston
Gallery 1-2-3-4-5-6 Piston
Console Details
Custom Designed Three Manual

English Console with Internal Casters

Manual Natural Keys- Ivory Manual Sharp Keys-


Pedal Natural Keys- Maple Pedal Sharp Keys- Rosewood Drawknobs- Rosewood
Extra wide Organ Bench with

Adjusting Crank Mechanism

Transparent Music Rack Music Rack Light from

Above Music Rack

Coupler Rail Light in Music Rack Lip

or from above Coupler Rail

Pedalboard Light Cancel Swell Epression


Choir Expression Pedal Gallery Swell/ MIDI Expression


Crescendo Pedal
Gallery Console Cancel- Piston Next - Piston and Toe Stud Previous- Piston
Full Organ Reversible - Piston

and Toe Lever

Full Organ Indicator Light Manual Transfer
Mechanical/ Electrical Details
Electrical Control System with 99 Levels of Memory, MIDI In, Out, And Thru with Playback
6 H.P. Slow Speed Electric Primary Organ Blower
3 H.P. Slow Speed High Pressure Blower
1 H.P. 20" Booster Blower
Swell and Choir motors to be two 8 Stage Wiffletrees
Four Solid State Rectifiers
Start/Stop switches wall mounted in accessible locations[20]
Hungars Episcopal Church
Файл:Hungars Episcopal Church.jpg
Completed 2013
Location Machipongo, VA
Pedal Organ
1. 16' Bourdon 32
2. 8' Violone 32
8' Octave Bourdon 12
4' Principal 12
16' Bassoon Swell
Great Organ
3. 8' Diapason 61
4. 8' Rohrbourdon 61
5. 4' Prestant 61
6. 2' Fifteenth 61
Great 16'
Great Unison Off
Great 4'
Swell Organ
7. 8' Viola 61
8. 8' Viola Celeste 49
9. 8' Openflute 61
10. 4' Harmonic Flute 61
11. III Cornet TC 147
12. II-IV Petite Plein Jeu 208
13. 16' Bassoon 12
8' Bassoon 61
Swell 16'
Swell Unison Off
Swell 4'
Great to Pedal 8' Reversible by Toe

Stud & Piston

Swell to Pedal 8' Reversible by Toe

Stud & Piston

Swell to Pedal 4'
Swell to Great 16'
Swell to Great 8'
Swell to Great 4'
Generals 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Piston & Toe Stud
Set Piston
General Cancel Piston
Full Organ Reversible Piston & Toe Stud
Console Details
Terraced Drawknob Console Manual Natural Keys: Bone Manual Sharp Keys:


Pedal Natural Keys: Maple Pedal Sharp Keys: Ebony Drawknobs:

Macassar Ebony

Organ Bench with Adjusting

Crank Mechanism

Music Rack Light Pedalboard Light
Swell Expression Pedal Crescendo Pedal
Mechanical/ Electrical Details
Compass: Manuals 61 Notes, Pedals 32 Notes
Key Action: Electric Slider
Stop Action: Electric Solenoid
Unit Chests: Electropneumatic
SSoS Combination Action and Relay with 10 Levels of Memory
1 H.P. Blower
16 Stage Peterson Swell Expression Motor
Keyed Start/ Stop Switch Located on Console[21]
Cathedral Of St. Louis King of France

See also



External links

Шаблон:Commons category