Английская Википедия:Hybridization in pines

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Both naturally and artificially occurring pine species (Pinus) can hybridize, combining their genetic material and sometimes creating hybrids that can be more or less vigorous than their parent species. An example of a naturally occurring hybrid pine is Pinus × sondereggeri, a naturally occurring cross between loblolly pine (P. taeda) and longleaf pine (P. palustris). An example of the many artificial hybrids is Pinus lambertiana × P. armandii.[1]

Subgenus Pinus

Includes both natural and artificial pine hybrids.

Subsection Pinus

  • Pinus × neilreichiana, Pinus nigra × P. sylvestris[4] – Neilreich pine (Austrian pine × Scots pine)

Subsection Ponderosae

  • Pinus ponderosa var. ponderosa × P. montezumae – Ponderosa pine (typical variety) × Montezuma pine
  • Pinus ponderosa var. scopulorum × P. montezumae – Rocky Mountain ponderosa pine × Montezuma pine
  • Pinus engelmannii × P. montezumaeApache pine × Montezuma pine
  • Pinus jeffreyi × P. montezumaeJeffrey pine × Montezuma pine
  • Pinus ponderosa var. ponderosa × P. engelmannii – Ponderosa pine (typical variety) × Apache pine
  • Pinus engelmannii × P. arizonica – Apache pine × Arizona pine
  • Pinus engelmannii × P. ponderosa var. scopulorum – Apache pine × Rocky Mountain ponderosa pine
  • Pinus jeffreyi × P. ponderosa var. ponderosa – Jeffrey pine × ponderosa pine (typical variety)
  • Pinus jeffreyi × P. ponderosa var. scopulorum – Jeffrey pine × Rocky Mountain ponderosa pine
  • Pinus jeffreyi × P. ponderosa var. washoensis – Jeffrey pine × Washoe pine
  • Pinus. ponderosa var. washoensis × P. ponderosa var. ponderosa – Washoe pine × ponderosa pine (typical variety)
  • Pinus. ponderosa var. washoensis × P. ponderosa var. scopulorum – Washoe pine × Rocky Mountain ponderosa pine
  • Pinus jeffreyi × P. coulteri – Jeffrey pine × Coulter pine

Subsection Contortae

  • Pinus × murraybanksiana, Pinus contorta var. murrayana × P. banksiana – Murraybanks pine (Sierra lodgepole pine × jack pine)
  • Pinus contorta var latifolia × P. banksiana – Rocky Mountain Lodgepole Pine × Jack Pine
  • Pinus virginiana × P. clausaVirginia pine × Sand pine

Subsection Australes

  • Pinus elliottii × P. palustrisSlash pine × longleaf pine
  • Pinus elliottii × P. taeda – Slash pine × loblolly pine
  • Pinus echinata × P. taeda – Shortleaf pine × loblolly pine
  • Pinus rigida × P. echinataPitch pine × shortleaf pine
  • Pinus x rigitaeda, Pinus rigida × P. taeda – Pitlolly pine (Pitch pine × loblolly pine)
  • Pinus rigida × P. serotina – Pitch pine × pond pine
  • Pinus patula × P. radiata – Mexican weeping pine × Monterey pine
  • Pinus attenuata × P. radiata – KMX pine (Knobcone pine × Monterey pine)
  • Pinus attenuata × P. muricata – Knobcone pine × bishop pine

Subgenus Strobus

Файл:Successful crosses between species of section Strobus.png
Successful crosses (hybrids) between species of section Strobus

Includes both natural and artificial pine hybrids. There have been external reports of pine hybrids in the subgenus Strobus.[5]

Subsection Cembroides

  • Pinus quadrifolia × P. monophylla – Parry pinyon × single-leaf pinyon
  • Pinus monophylla × P. edulis – Single-leaf pinyon × Colorado pinyon

Subsection Strobus

  • Pinus × hakkodensis, Pinus parviflora var. pentaphylla × P. pumila[8] – Hakkoda pine (Japanese white pine × Japanese stone pine)
  • Pinus × hunnewellii, Pinus parviflora × P. strobus[10] – Hunnewell's white pine (Japanese white pine × eastern white pine)
  • Pinus lambertiana × P. koraiensis – Sugar pine × Korean pine
  • Pinus monticola × P. flexilis – Western white pine × limber pine
  • Pinus monticola × P. peuce – Western white pine × Balkan pine
  • Pinus peuce × P. strobus – Balkan pine × eastern white pine
  • Pinus peuce × P. parviflora – Balkan pine × Japanese white pine
  • Pinus flexilis × P. strobus[11] – Limber pine × eastern white pine
  • Pinus flexilis × P. ayacahuite – Limber pine × Mexican white pine
  • Pinus ayacahuite × P. strobus – Mexican white pine × eastern white pine
  • Pinus × schwerinii, Pinus strobus × P. wallichiana – Schwerin's white pine (Eastern white pine × Himalayan pine)
  • Pinus monticola × P. wallichiana – Western white pine × Himalayan pine
  • Pinus albicaulis × P. flexilis – Whitebark pine × limber pine
  • Pinus sibirica × P. cembra – Siberian pine × Swiss stone pine
  • Pinus sibirica × P. koraiensis – Siberian pine × Korean pine
  • Pinus armandii × P. koraiensis[5] – Armand pine × Korean pine
  • Pinus strobus × P. ayacahuite[12] – Eastern white pine × Mexican white pine

