Английская Википедия:Ihor Pavlyuk

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Ihor Pavlyuk (sometimes spelled as Ihor Pawlyuk, Igor Pavlyk, Igor Pavluk; Ukrainian: І́гор Зино́війович Павлю́к, Russian: Игорь Зиновьевич Павлюк, born 1 January 1967 in Rozhysche Raion, Ukrainian SSR) is a Ukrainian writer, translator and research worker.[1] Named People's Poet of Ukraine in 2020.[2]

He is the winner of a 2013 English PEN Award,[3][4] and the winner of the Switzerland Literary Prize 2021.[5][6] He also holds a doctorate in Social Communication.[7]

Ihor Pavlyuk is a member of the English PEN and member of the European Society of Authors.

Life and career

Ihor Pavlyuk was born in the Volyn region on January 1, 1967. His mother died ten days after giving birth to him. He was raised by his grandfather and grandmother on his mother's side, both of whom were migrant peasants (Operation Vistula) from the Helm region (now Poland). Ihor Pavlyuk's family on his father's side, also from Volyn, was repressed for participating in the national liberation struggle, sent to a special settlement at Kiselyovsk in 1947 and rehabilitated in 1991.[8][9]

He studied at the Saint Petersburg military engineering-technical university, which he left in order to pursue his career as a writer. As a result he was sentenced to a period of hard labour in the Taiga (Zabaykal'skiy region) but continued to write as best he could, driven by a nostalgia for his Ukrainian homeland, until he was freed when the Soviet Union fell. In 1992 Ihor Pavlyuk graduated from the Department of Journalism at Lviv University (he included in the list of the "100 Notable alumni of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv")[10] and worked as a correspondent of religious press and radio in Lviv.

He has participated in various international literary festivals, including Estonia, Georgia, Russia, Belarus, Germany, Italy, the United States,[11] Poland, Turkey, Ireland, Pakistan,[12] England,[13] Czech Republic, Switzerland, Austria.

Ihor Pavlyuk is presently a Leading Researcher at the Taras Shevchenko Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kyiv,[14] Professor of Ukrainian media at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv,[15] a member of the editorial boards of literary, art and scientific magazines: "Золота пектораль",[16] "Дзвін",[17] "Українська літературна газета",[18] "Вісник Львівського університету".[19]

Works of Ihor Pavlyuk have been translated into Russian, Belarusian, Polish, English, French, Chinese, Latvian, Bulgarian, Japanese, Italian,[20][21] and other languages and published in such magazines as "Acumen",[22] "The Apple Valley Review" (Volume 7, Number 2 (Fall 2012),[23] "Muddy River Poetry Review",[24] "Asymptote",[25] "Gold Dust" (Issue 23), "The Adirondack Review", "The Recusant",[26] "Metamorphoses", "Eurasia Review", "The world poets quarterly", "The Guardian",[27] "Critical Muslim" (2022),[28] "Spillwords press" (2023),[29] "Of Poets & Poetry" (2023),[30] Chinese magazines "Fleurs des lettres", «Foreign literature and art (外國文學藝術)»,[31] journal of Ukrainian poetry in English, Hindi and Ukrainian language “Uyava Chronicle” (A Trilingual Journal of Ukrainian Poetry)[32] and many others.

Ihor Pavlyuk is the protagonist of the film "Between Bug and God"[33] and film "Voice".[34]

The work of Ihor Pavlyuk is included in the official school curriculum with Ukrainian literature.[35]

The book of Ihor Pavlyuk "A Flight over the Black Sea" became the winning book within Writers in Translation competition by English PEN club.[36] Academia.edu has included book "A Flight over the Black Sea" in the authoritative list “The Greatest Great Books List Ever”.[37]

Ihor Pavlyuk is married. His wife Lyudmyla Pavlyuk is Associate Professor at Department of Journalism of Lviv University.[38] They have two adult daughters.

Selected publications (books)




  • Writer – Power – Press: historical and typological analysis (Митець – Влада – Преса: історико-типологічний аналіз), 1997, Шаблон:ISBN
  • Diagnostics and prognosis of lie: digressions in the theory of communication (Діагностика і прогностика брехні: екскурси в теорію комунікації), 2003, Шаблон:ISBN
  • There are writers in a press (Письменники у пресі), 2010, Шаблон:ISBN
  • Intimate breath of the era. Articles, reviews, interviews (1994-2010). — Volume 1. (Library of the magazine "Golden Pectoral") (Інтимне дихання епохи. Статті, рецензії, інтерв'ю (1994—2010 рр.). — Том 1.), 2017, Шаблон:ISBN.
  • Intimate breath of the era. Articles, reviews, interviews (2010—2015). — Volume 2. (Library of the magazine "Golden Pectoral") (Інтимне дихання епохи. Статті, рецензії, інтерв'ю (2010—2015 рр.). — Том 2.), 2017, Шаблон:ISBN.
  • Intimate breath of the era. Articles, reviews, interviews (1997—2017). — Volume 3. (Library of the magazine "Golden Pectoral") (Інтимне дихання епохи. Статті, рецензії, інтерв'ю (1997—2017 рр.). — Том 3.), 2017, Шаблон:ISBN.
  • Ukrainian literary journalism 1920-2000 s: Monograph (Українська письменницька публіцистика 1920-2000-х років: Монографія)[48] 2019, Шаблон:ISBN.
  • Stories of emotions: About texts and life texts of modern writers (Історії емоцій: Про тексти та життєтексти сучасних літераторів. – Львів, Світ, 2021. – 352 с.) Шаблон:ISBN.
  • Intimate breath of the era. Articles, interviews (2018—2021). — Volume 4. (Library of the magazine "Golden Pectoral") (Інтимне дихання епохи. Статті, інтерв'ю (2018—2021 рр.). — Том 4.), 2022, Шаблон:ISBN.

Book for children

  • The Flying Cauldron (Літаючий казан: п’єса), 2003, Шаблон:ISBN
  • Flute: Poems for Schoolchildren ("School Library") (Сопілка: вірші для школярів) («Шкільна бібліотека»), 2017, Шаблон:ISBN.


Файл:Switzerland Literary Prize 2021.jpg
Switzerland Literary Prize

See also



External links

Шаблон:Wikiquote Шаблон:Commons category

Шаблон:Authority control

  1. Шаблон:Cite web
  2. Шаблон:Cite web
  3. 3,0 3,1 Шаблон:Cite web
  4. Шаблон:Cite web
  5. 5,0 5,1 Switzerland Literary Prize
  6. Switzerland Literary Prize: tutto pronto per la premiazione del 25 settembre 2021
  7. Шаблон:Cite web
  8. Ігор Павлюк: «Шкода, що моя вітчизна − не вітчизна моїх дітей»
  9. Ігор Павлюк: «Був я таким собі другом Мауглі − Івасиком Телесиком...»
  10. 100 Notable alumni of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
  11. Шаблон:Cite web
  12. Шаблон:Cite web
  13. Шаблон:Cite web
  14. Ihor Pavlyuk
  15. Ihor Pavlyuk
  16. Золота пектораль. Редколегія
  17. Шаблон:Cite web
  18. Українська літературна газета. Редколегія
  19. Вісник Львівського університету. Редакційна колегія Шаблон:Webarchive
  20. Шаблон:Cite web
  21. CLARINETTI SOLARI, Antologia della poesia ucraina
  22. acumen poetry prosa reviews
  23. Horses in Masks
  24. Шаблон:Cite web
  25. Mussel
  26. Ihor Pavlyuk. From Polissya
  27. Poem of the week: The Bread of Childhood by Ihor Pavlyuk
  28. Five Poems
  29. Well
  30. Ukrainian Poet Ihor Pavlyuk. Joe Cavanaugh chats with celebrated poet Ihor Pavlyuk about poetry and the Ukraine
  31. 第一章 冈瓦那村 1. 与魔鬼神秘相遇
  32. Ihor Pavlyuk. We, a Poem by Ihor Pavlyuk. Translated from Ukrainian into English and Hindi by Kalpna Singh-Chitnis
  33. Ihor Pavlyuk: "Between Bug and God"
  34. Film about Ukrainian poet Ihor Pavlyuk
  35. Ukrainian literature. Reprint. 8th grade
  36. The best of the World Bookshelf
  37. The Greatest Great Books List Ever
  38. Lyudmyla Pavlyuk. Former Fulbright-Kennan Research Scholar; Associate Professor, Department of Journalism, Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Ukraine. Kennan Cable No. 79: Russia is Looting Ukraine’s Breadbasket… Again
  39. Ihor Pavlyuk. A Flight Over the Black Sea (2014)
  40. Ihor Pavlyuk. The Pilgrim (Ukrainian Edition)
  41. Ihor Pavlyuk. Arthania: Selected poems
  42. Arthania: Selected Poems - eBook
  43. Ihor Pavlyuk. Arthania: Selected poems
  44. Ihor Pavlyuk. Arthania: Selected poems
  45. Mo Yan. Ihor Pavlyuk's literature is not just for fun
  46. Ігор Павлюк. Танець Мамая
  47. Богоєднання. Записки поета Ігоря Павлюка: Книга перша
  48. Ігор Павлюк. Українська письменницька публіцистика 1920-2000-х років
  49. Нові багнети в полку Залізних Мамаїв
  50. Названо лауреатов Международной литературной премии им. Г. Сковороды "Сад божественных песен"
  51. Названо лауреатів Міжнародної літературної премії імені Миколи Гоголя «Тріумф» за 2018 рік
  52. Klitschko presented a prestigious art award to outstanding artists of the capital (photo)
  53. Василь Кузан. Першим лауреатом премії імені Дмитра Креміня став Ігор Павлюк