Английская Википедия:Irdin Manha Formation

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Шаблон:Infobox rockunit

The Irdin Manha Formation is a geological formation from the Eocene located in Inner Mongolia, China, a few kilometres south of the Mongolian border.[1]

Fossil content



U.S. paleontologists Henry Fairfield Osborn and Roy C. Andrews discovered two premolars on the site in 1923, and assigned the specimen to the new genus Eudinoceras because he believed it to be related to "Dinoceras" (now known as Uintatherium). Within a decade, however, as more complete specimens were recovered, the animal was identified as a Mongolian relative to the North American pantodont Coryphodon. The expedition also lead to the discovery of the only known skull of Andrewsarchus.[2]


Artiodactyls reported from the Irdin Manha Formation
Genus Species Presence Material Notes Images
Achaenodontidae? An incomplete upper tooth (AMNH 20136).[3] Doubtfully assigned to the family.
Cf. Archaeomeryx, gen indet. Fragment of lower jaw (AMNH 20173).[3] A traguliform.
Andrewsarchus A. mongoliensis Around Telegraph Line Camp.[4] A large skull.[5] A relative of entelodonts formerly thought to be a mesonychid.
Файл:Em - Andrewsarchus mongoliensis - 1.jpg
Erlianhyus E. primitivus Irdin Manha, Erlian Basin, Nei Mongol.[6] A right upper maxilla with P3–M3 (IVPP V 28275).[6] A basal artiodactyl.
Gobiohyus G. orientalis Telegraph Line Camp.[7] Jaw elements.[3][7] A helohyid also found in the Ulan Shireh Formation.
G. pressidens Telegraph Line Camp.[7] Partial right rami.[3][7] A helohyid.
G. robustus Telegraph Line Camp.[7] Left ramus (AMNH 20246).[3][7] A helohyid.
Obotherium O. parvum Irdin Manha, Erlian Basin, Nei Mongol.[8] Teeth and lower jaws[8] A tapirulid.


Cimolestans reported from the Irdin Manha Formation
Genus Species Presence Material Notes Images
Eudinoceras E. mongoliensis 2 premolars & jaw elements.[2][3][9] A coryphodontid.


Dinoceratans reported from the Irdin Manha Formation
Genus Species Presence Material Notes Images
Gobiatherium G. mirificum 25 miles southwest from Iren Dabasu.[2] Skull, jaws & limb elements.[2] An uintatheriid.


Ferae reported from the Irdin Manha Formation
Genus Species Presence Material Notes Images
Miacis M. invictus Isolated upper molar (AMNH 20137).[3] A miacid.
Файл:Miacis restoration 2.jpg
Propterodon P. irdinensis Jaw fragments.[3] A hyaenodontid.
Sarkastodon S. mongoliensis About 25 miles southwest of Iren Dabasu.[10] Skull & jaws.[10] An oxyaenid.
Файл:Sarkastodon mongoliensis NT 2.jpg


Glires reported from the Irdin Manha Formation
Genus Species Presence Material Notes Images
Advenimus A. burkei Near Camp Margetts.[11] Jaw elements.[11] A ctenodactyloid rodent.
Asiomys A. dawsoni Huheboerhe.[12] Fragment of right calcaneus (IVPP V24417).[12] An ischyromyid rodent.
Erenlagus E. anielae Huheboerhe.[13] Teeth.[13] A stem-lagomorph.
Gomphos G. shevyrevae Huheboerhe escarpment.[14] Teeth & foot elements.[14] A mimotonid.
Ischyromyidae genus indet. Species A Irdin Manha escarpment.[12] Right calcaneus (IVPP V24416).[12] Relatively large ischyromyid rodent, calcaneus comparable in size to that of a coypu or Asiatic brush-tailed porcupine.[12]
Species B Daoteyin Obo.[12] Right calcaneus (IVPP V24418).[12] Large ischyromyid rodent with calcaneus matching in length that of a coypu & similar in structure to that of Paramys.[12]
Mimolagus M. aurorae Irdin Manha escarpment.[15] Teeth & foot elements.[15] A large mimotonid.
Pappocricetodon P. neimongolensis Huheboerhe.[16] Teeth.[16] A cricetid rodent.
P. cf. P. zhongtiaensis Huheboerhe.[16] A left molar.[16] A cricetid rodent.
P. sp. Huheboerhe.[16] A right molar.[16] A cricetid rodent.
Paramyidae Paramyid spp. Teeth & jaws.[11] 3 sizes of paramyid rodents, possibly different species.
?Paramyid sp. Left jaw (AMNH 80801).[11] Possible small paramyid rodent.
Simplicimys S. bellus Huheboerhe.[17] Teeth.[17] A ctenodactyloid rodent also known from the Arshanto Formation.
Strenulagus S. solaris Irdin Manha and Huheboerhe localities.[18] Isolated cheek teeth, fragmentary upper incisors (dI2) and postcranial elements.[18] A stem-lagomorph also known from the Khaychin Formation.
Tamquammys T. fractus Huheboerhe.[17] Right maxilla (V17798).[17] A ctenodactyloid rodent.
T. wilsoni Teeth.[17] A ctenodactyloid rodent also known from the Arshanto & Nomogen formations.
Yongshengomys Y. extensus Huheboerhe.[17] Teeth.[17] A ctenodactyloid rodent.
Yuomys Y. huheboerhensis Huheboerhe.[17] Teeth.[17] A ctenodactyloid rodent.
Y. sp. A Huheboerhe.[17] A right molar (V17805).[17] A ctenodactyloid rodent.
Y. sp. B Huheboerhe.[17] A right molar (V17806).[17] A ctenodactyloid rodent.
Y. sp. C Huheboerhe.[17] A right molar (V17807).[17] A ctenodactyloid rodent.


Mesonychians reported from the Irdin Manha Formation
Genus Species Presence Material Notes Images
Hapalodectes ?H. auctus An upper molar or possibly premolar (AMNH 20130).[3] A hapalodectid.
H. serus Around Telegraph Line Camp.[4] Lower cheek tooth (AMNH 20172).[3][4] A hapalodectid.
Файл:Hapalodectes restoration Stanton Fink.png
Harpagolestes H. leei Huheboerhe & Daoteyin Obo.[19] Tooth elements.[19] A mesonychid.
Mesonychidae Gen. indet. AMNH 20132.[3] About the size of Harpagolestes uintensis.
Gen. indet. Isolated tooth (AMNH 20133).[3] About the size of Synoplotherium lanius.
Mongolonyx M. dolichognathus 7 miles west of Camp Margetts.[4] Jaw elements.[4] A large mesonychid.


Perissodactyls reported from the Irdin Manha Formation
Genus Species Presence Material Notes Images
Caenolophus C. proficiens Lower jaw & isolated teeth.[20] A rhinocerotoid.
Cooperia C. totadentata Telegraph Line Camp, 23 miles southeast of Iren Dabasu.[21] Front of skull (AMNH 20116).[21] Generic name preoccupied, renamed Forstercooperia.
Desmatotherium D. fissum Upper jaw fragment.[20] A helaletid.
D. mongoliense Irdin Manha escarpment, Duheminboerhe, Huheboerhe & Chaganboerhe.[22] Parts of 10 individuals.[20][23] A helaletid also found in the Mergen Formation.
Forstercooperia F. totadentata Telegraph Line Camp, 23 miles southeast of Iren Dabasu.[21] Front of skull (AMNH 20116).[21] A paraceratheriid, originally named Cooperia.
Файл:Forstercooperia totadentata.jpg
F. ulanshirehensis Irdin Manha site.[24] Jaw elements.[24] A paraceratheriid also known from the Ulan Shireh Formation.
Gnathotitan G. berkeyi Irdin Manha.[25] Jaw elements.[25] A brontothere.
Lophialetes L. expeditus Jaw elements.[20] A lophialetid.
L. minutus Upper molar.[20] A lophialetid.
Metatelmatherium M. cristatum Camp Margetts.[25] Skull & lower jaw (AMNH 26411).[25] A brontothere.
M. parvum Irdin Manha.[25] Fragment of left lower jaw (AMNH 20168).[25] A brontothere.
Microtitan M. mongoliensis Jaw elements.[25] A brontothere.
Pappaceras P. confluens Upper gray clays & Camp Margetts area.[26] Skull & jaw elements.[26] A paraceratheriid.
Paracolodon P. fissus Duheminboerhe & Daoteyin Obo.[22] Skull elements & teeth.[22] A helaletid.
Protitan P. bellus Spring Camp, East Mesa, Shara Murun region.[25] Palatal side of skull (AMNH 26104).[25] A brontothere.
P. grangeri Skull elements.[25] A brontothere.
P. minor Camp Margetts.[25] Skull elements.[25] A brontothere.
P. obliquidens Irdin Manha.[25] Part of left maxilla (AMNH 20125).[25] A brontothere.
P. robustus Irdin Manha.[25] Jaw elements & teeth.[25] A brontothere.
Protitanotherium P. mongoliense Lower jaw & foot bones (AMNH 18653).[23] Moved to the genus Rhinotitan.[25]
Файл:Rhinotitan-Paleozoological Museum of China.jpg
Rhinotitan R. mongoliensis Lower jaw & foot bones (AMNH 18653).[23] A brontothere originally reported as a species of Protitanotherium.
Файл:3D model of Rhinotitan mongoliensis.png
Rostriamynodon R. grangeri East of Camp Margetts.[27] Complete skull & mandible (AMNH 107635).[27] An amynodontid.
Teleolophus T. medius Teeth & jaws.[20]


Primates reported from the Irdin Manha Formation
Genus Species Presence Material Notes Images
Tarkops T. mckennai Huheboerhe.[28] Incomplete left lower jaw (IVPP V16424).[28] An omomyid.



Birds reported from the Irdin Manha Formation
Genus Species Presence Material Notes Images
Buteoninae Chimney Butte.[29] Left coracoid (AMNH FR 2941).[29] Specimen reassigned to Eogrus? sp.
Eogrus E. aeola Chimney Butte.[29] Right metatarsus (AMNH 2936).[29] An eogruid.
E.? sp. Chimney Butte.[29] Left coracoid (AMNH FR 2941).[29] Formerly thought to represent a buteonine, now thought to be an eogruid.[30]
Telecrex T. grangeri Chimney Butte, Shara Murun region.[29][31] An incomplete right femur (AMNH 2942).[29][31] A guineafowl, formerly thought to be a rail.


Crocodilians reported from the Irdin Manha Formation
Genus Species Presence Material Notes Images
Asiatosuchus A. grangeri 25 miles southwest of Iren Dabasu.[32] Portions of at least 2 individuals.[32] A crocodyloid.


Testudines reported from the Irdin Manha Formation
Genus Species Presence Material Notes Images
"Adocus" "A". orientalis Telegraph Line Camp.[33][34] Anterior half of plastron (AMNH 6356).[33][34] An adocid.
Amyda? A.? johnsoni Telegraph Line Camp.[34] Two-thirds of a carapace (AMNH 6357) & many carapace fragments (AMNH 6359).[34] A softshell turtle.
Trionychidae Indeterminate Telegraph Line Camp.[34] Several kinds of sculptured fragments (AMNH 6360).[34] Remains of softshell turtles.


Fish reported from the Irdin Manha Formation
Genus Species Presence Material Notes Images
Pappichthys P. mongoliensis Telegraph Line Camp.[35] Vertebrae.[36] Specimens now believed to represent Siluriformes.
Siluriformes Indeterminate Telegraph Line Camp, Chahar Province.[35] 5 vertebrae (AMNH 8535).[35] A catfish likely related to ictalurids. Formerly assigned to Pappichthys mongoliensis.

See also




  1. Шаблон:Paleodb. Retrieved July 2013.
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