Русская Википедия:Список произведений Мэри Шелли
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Дневники и письма
- Дневники Мэри Шелли, 1814–44. Ed. Paula R. Feldman and Diana Scott-Kilvert. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995. ISBN 0801850886.
- Письма Мэри Шелли. 3 vols. Ed. Betty T. Bennett. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980. ISBN 0801822750.
- Франкенштейн, или Современный Прометей / Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus (1818)
- Матильда / Mathilda (1819)
- Вальперга, или Жизнь и приключения Каструччо, князя Лукки / Valperga; or, The Life and Adventures of Castruccio, Prince of Lucca (1823)
- Последний человек / The Last Man (1826)
- Судьба Перкина Уорбека / The Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck (1830)
- Лодор / Lodore (1835)
- Фолкнер / Falkner (1837)
Записки путешественника
- История шестинедельного путешествия / History of Six Weeks' Tour through a Part of France, Switzerland, Germany, and Holland, with Letters Descriptive of a Sail round the Lake of Geneva, and of the Glaciers of Chamouni (1817)
- Прогулки в Германии и Италии / Rambles in Germany and Italy, in 1840, 1842, and 1843 (1844)
Детская литература
Статьи и обзоры
- —. "Madame D'Houtetôt". The Liberal 2 (1823): 67–83.
- —. "Giovanni Villani". The Liberal 2 (1823): 281–297.
- —. "Narrative of a Tour round the Lake of Geneva, and of an Excursion through the Valley of Chamouni". La Belle Assemblée, or Court and Fashionable Magazine NS 28 (1823): 14–19.
- —. "Recollections of Italy". The London Magazine 9 (1824): 21–26.
- —. "On Ghosts". The London Magazine 9 (1824): 253–256.
- —. "Defense of Velluti". The Examiner 958 (11 June 1826): 372–373.
- —. "The English in Italy". Westminster Review 6 (1826): 325–341.[1]
- —. "Review of The Italian Novelists". Westminster Review 7 (1827): 115–26.[2]
- —. "Illyrian Poems—Feudal Scenes". Westminster Review 10 (1829): 71–81.[3]
- —. "Modern Italy". Westminster Review 11 (1829): 127–140.[4]
- —. "Review of The Loves of the Poets". Westminster Review 11 (1829): 472–477.
- —. "Recollections of the Lake of Geneva". The Spirit and Manners of the Age 2 (1829): 913–920.
- —. "Review of Cloudesley; a Tale". Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 27 (1830): 711–716.
- —. "Review of 1572 Chronique du Temps de Charles IX—Par l'Auteur du Theatre de Clara Gazul". Westminster Review 13 (1830): 495–502.
- —. "Memoirs of William Godwin". William Godwin. Caleb Williams. London: Colburn and Bentley, 1831.
- —. "Review of Thomas Moore. The Life and Death of Lord Edward Fitzgerald". Westminster Review 16 (1831): 110–121.
- —. "Living Literary Characters, No. II. The Honourable Mrs. Norton". New Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal 1 (1831): 180–183.
- —. "Living Literary Characters, No. IV. James Fenimore Cooper". New Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal 1 (1831): 356–362.
- —. "Modern Italian Romances, I". Monthly Chronicle (November 1838): 415-28.[5]
- —. "Modern Italian Romances, II". Monthly Chronicle (December 1838): 547-57.[5]
Под редакциями
- ↑ Review of The English in Italy, Continental Adventures. A Novel, and Diary of an Ennuyée.
- ↑ Markley does not feel that there is enough evidence to fully attribute this review of Thomas Rocoe's The Italian Novelists (1825) to Mary Shelley.
- ↑ Review of Prosper Mérimée's La Guzla, ou Choir de Poesies Illyriques recueillies dans la Dalmatie, la Croatie et l'Herzegowine; and La Jaquerie; Feudal Scenes, followed by the Family of Carvajal, a Drama.
- ↑ Review of Italy as it is; and J. Simond's A Tour in Italy and Sicily.
- ↑ 5,0 5,1 Listed in Markley but not in Lyles.