Русская Википедия:Список произведений Мэри Шелли

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Дневники и письма

  • Дневники Мэри Шелли, 1814–44. Ed. Paula R. Feldman and Diana Scott-Kilvert. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995. ISBN 0801850886.
  • Письма Мэри Шелли. 3 vols. Ed. Betty T. Bennett. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980. ISBN 0801822750.


Записки путешественника


Детская литература

Статьи и обзоры

  • —. "Madame D'Houtetôt". The Liberal 2 (1823): 67–83.
  • —. "Giovanni Villani". The Liberal 2 (1823): 281–297.
  • —. "Narrative of a Tour round the Lake of Geneva, and of an Excursion through the Valley of Chamouni". La Belle Assemblée, or Court and Fashionable Magazine NS 28 (1823): 14–19.
  • —. "Recollections of Italy". The London Magazine 9 (1824): 21–26.
  • —. "On Ghosts". The London Magazine 9 (1824): 253–256.
  • —. "Defense of Velluti". The Examiner 958 (11 June 1826): 372–373.
  • —. "The English in Italy". Westminster Review 6 (1826): 325–341.[1]
  • —. "Review of The Italian Novelists". Westminster Review 7 (1827): 115–26.[2]
  • —. "Illyrian Poems—Feudal Scenes". Westminster Review 10 (1829): 71–81.[3]
  • —. "Modern Italy". Westminster Review 11 (1829): 127–140.[4]
  • —. "Review of The Loves of the Poets". Westminster Review 11 (1829): 472–477.
  • —. "Recollections of the Lake of Geneva". The Spirit and Manners of the Age 2 (1829): 913–920.
  • —. "Review of Cloudesley; a Tale". Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 27 (1830): 711–716.
  • —. "Review of 1572 Chronique du Temps de Charles IX—Par l'Auteur du Theatre de Clara Gazul". Westminster Review 13 (1830): 495–502.
  • —. "Memoirs of William Godwin". William Godwin. Caleb Williams. London: Colburn and Bentley, 1831.
  • —. "Review of Thomas Moore. The Life and Death of Lord Edward Fitzgerald". Westminster Review 16 (1831): 110–121.
  • —. "Living Literary Characters, No. II. The Honourable Mrs. Norton". New Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal 1 (1831): 180–183.
  • —. "Living Literary Characters, No. IV. James Fenimore Cooper". New Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal 1 (1831): 356–362.
  • —. "Modern Italian Romances, I". Monthly Chronicle (November 1838): 415-28.[5]
  • —. "Modern Italian Romances, II". Monthly Chronicle (December 1838): 547-57.[5]


Под редакциями






Шаблон:Мэри Шелли

  1. Review of The English in Italy, Continental Adventures. A Novel, and Diary of an Ennuyée.
  2. Markley does not feel that there is enough evidence to fully attribute this review of Thomas Rocoe's The Italian Novelists (1825) to Mary Shelley.
  3. Review of Prosper Mérimée's La Guzla, ou Choir de Poesies Illyriques recueillies dans la Dalmatie, la Croatie et l'Herzegowine; and La Jaquerie; Feudal Scenes, followed by the Family of Carvajal, a Drama.
  4. Review of Italy as it is; and J. Simond's A Tour in Italy and Sicily.
  5. 5,0 5,1 Listed in Markley but not in Lyles.