Английская Википедия:(184212) 2004 PB112

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Шаблон:Use dmy dates Шаблон:Infobox planet

Шаблон:Mp, prov. designation: Шаблон:Mp, is a trans-Neptunian object from the scattered disc, approximately Шаблон:Convert in diameter, and in a rare high-order orbital resonance ratio (4:27) with Neptune. It was discovered on 13 August 2004, by American astronomer Marc Buie at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile.[1]

Orbit and classification

Шаблон:Mp orbits the Sun at a distance of 35.3–184.6 AU once every 1153 years and 2 months (421,205 days; semi-major axis of 109.97 AU). Its orbit has a high eccentricity of 0.68 and an inclination of 15° with respect to the ecliptic.[2] A first precovery was taken at Cerro Tololo in 2000, extending the body's observation arc by 4 years prior to its official discovery observation.[1]

Шаблон:Mp reached perihelion on 5 October 2011 (JD 2455839.806).[2] It has been classified as a highly unusual 4:27 resonant trans-Neptunian object,[3]Шаблон:Rp but also simply as a scattered disc object,[4] or SCATNEAR, respectively, by the Deep Ecliptic Survey.[5]

Numbering and naming

This minor planet was numbered (184212) by the Minor Planet Center on 20 April 2008 (Шаблон:Small).[6] Шаблон:As of, it has not been named.[1]

Physical characteristics

Based on a generic conversion from an absolute magnitude of 7.2, Шаблон:Mp measures between 100 and 220 kilometer in diameter.[7] Johnston's Archive estimates a mean-diameter of Шаблон:Convert assuming a typical albedo of 0.09.[4]



External links

Шаблон:Minor planets navigator Шаблон:Small Solar System bodies Шаблон:Authority control

  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 Ошибка цитирования Неверный тег <ref>; для сносок MPC-object не указан текст
  2. 2,0 2,1 Ошибка цитирования Неверный тег <ref>; для сносок jpldata не указан текст
  3. Ошибка цитирования Неверный тег <ref>; для сносок OSSNom не указан текст
  4. 4,0 4,1 Ошибка цитирования Неверный тег <ref>; для сносок johnstonsarchive-TNOs не указан текст
  5. Ошибка цитирования Неверный тег <ref>; для сносок Buie-DES не указан текст
  6. Ошибка цитирования Неверный тег <ref>; для сносок MPC-Circulars-Archive не указан текст
  7. Ошибка цитирования Неверный тег <ref>; для сносок h не указан текст