Английская Википедия:.google

Материал из Онлайн справочника
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Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:About Шаблон:Infobox top level domain

.google is a brand top-level domain (TLD) used in the Domain Name System (DNS) of the Internet. Created in 2014, it is operated by Alphabet Inc., Google's parent company.[1] It is notable as one of the first gTLDs associated with a specific brand.[1] The company's first usage of the TLD was with com.google, an April Fools' Day joke website that hosted a horizontally mirrored version of Google Search.[2] The domain currently hosts multiple Alphabet Inc. products and services, and plans exist to move other Alphabet properties to .google as well.[3]

Google also owns a number of other top-level domains, including .goog[4] (for sites such as Шаблон:URL and Шаблон:URL), .gmail[5] (a Brand TLD relating to its Gmail service), .gle[6] (for shortened URLs such as goo.gle and forms.gle), .chrome[7] (for sites such as apps.chrome and the target server of hosted Chrome Apps such as calculator.apps.chrome) and .youtube[8] (for sites such as about.youtube and blog.youtube).

The .chrome, .gle, .gmail, .google, and .youtube TLDs have all been included in the HSTS preload-list; as a result, popular web browsers will only connect to a webpage in one of those domains using HTTPS.



External links

Шаблон:GTLD Шаблон:Google LLC

Шаблон:Google-stub Шаблон:Compu-domain-stub