Английская Википедия:2008 in science

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Шаблон:Year nav topic5 Шаблон:Science year nav The year 2008 involved numerous significant scientific events and discoveries, some of which are listed below.

Events, discoveries and inventions


  • 2 January – Researchers report that just four months of hormonal therapy before and with standard external beam radiation therapy can slow cancer growth by as much as eight years – especially the development of bone metastases – and increase survival rates in older men with potentially aggressive prostate cancer.[1]
  • 3 January – Gene therapy can reduce long-term drinking among rodents “An ‘experiment of nature’ is observed in some individuals of East Asian origin, who are 66 to 99 percent protected against alcoholism,” explained Yedy Israel, professor of pharmacological and toxicological chemistry.[2]
  • 4 January – The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) jointly achieve a new milestone in scientific ballooning in Antarctica, by launching and operating three long-duration suborbital flights within a single southern hemisphere summer.[3]
  • 5 January – Designer Avery Holleman develops the concept of a Napkin PC, a device that uses e-paper and radio frequency (RF) technology to enable creative groups to collaborate more effectively.[4]
  • 7 January
    • Researchers identify a gene linked to cerebral venous thrombosis, a condition that causes blood clots in the veins of the brain that can lead to stroke. The condition is more common in young and middle-aged women.[5]
    • New research reveals that Pleistocene cave bears, a species which became extinct 20,000 years ago, ate both plants and animals and competed for food with the other contemporary animals, instead of being vegetarian as previously assumed.[6]
  • 8 January – SanDisk Corporation begins to sample 12-gigabyte (GB) microSDHC flash memory cards to major phone manufacturers for testing and evaluation.[7]
  • 10 January
  • 11 January – Biologists create baker's yeast capable of living to 800 in yeast years – a tenfold increase in longevity – without apparent side effects.[10]
  • 13 January
  • 14 January
    • An American scientist creates the darkest known material, around four times darker than the previous record holder.[14]
    • Scientists find that dinosaurs' growth and sexual maturation were surprisingly similar to that of mammals, even encompassing teenage pregnancy.[15]
  • 15 January
  • 16 January – NASA begins a collaboration with charities and universities to investigate the potential of carbon nanotubes to diagnose and treat brain tumors.[17]
  • 17 January – Duke University scientists use the brain activity of a monkey to control the real-time walking patterns of a robot halfway around the world.[18]
  • 19 January – The first evidence of a volcanic eruption from beneath Antarctica’s most rapidly changing ice sheet is published in the journal Nature Geoscience.[19]
  • 20 January – British space experts begin constructing an ion drive for a Mercury-bound spacecraft.[20]
  • 23 January – NASA's S-3 Viking aircraft returns to the agency's Glenn Research Center after extensive modifications to transform it from a carrier-based military aircraft to a state-of-the-art icing research aircraft.[21]
  • 24 January – Scientists develop a pill-sized medical camera that can be safely swallowed by patients, allowing illnesses to be diagnosed more quickly.[22]
  • 25 January
  • 28 January
    • Researchers confirm a genetic alteration that triggers prostate cancer in both mice and humans.[25]
    • Scientists build the world's first all-nanotube transistor radios.[26]


  • 1 February – Research from Vanderbilt University proves that the brain processes aggression as a reward, offering insights into the human preoccupation with violence.[27]
  • 4 February – American researchers demonstrate microneedles that can be used to efficiently transfer medicines into the bloodstream without the use of conventional syringes.[28]
  • 5 February – Two proteins studied by a University at Buffalo immunologist appear to have the potential to enhance the production of antibodies against a multitude of infectious agents.[29]
  • 7 February – An annular solar eclipse takes place.
  • Encyclopedia of Life website launched.[30]








  • 6 October – NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft makes the second of its three flybys of Mercury.
  • 7 October – 2008 TC3 becomes the first Earth-impacting meteoroid spotted and tracked prior to impact.



Abel Prize


Nobel Prize



Файл:Clarke sm.jpg
19 March 2008: Arthur C. Clarke, a British futurist and science fiction author, dies aged 90.

See also

