Английская Википедия:Encephalartos laurentianus

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Шаблон:Short description Шаблон:Speciesbox

Encephalartos laurentianus, commonly called the malele or Kwango giant cycad, is a species of cycad that is native to northern Angola and southern Congo (Zaire), mostly along the Kwango River.[1]


It is the largest of all cycads, with multiple stems both upright and prostrate, each as much as Шаблон:Convert in length,[2] and bearing a rosette of massive once-pinnate fronds up to 25 feet (eight meters) in length, Шаблон:Convert in width, and with a petiole or stalk up to Шаблон:Convert thick where it joins the stem or trunk. Each stem can be up to Шаблон:Convert in thickness.[3][4][5] This is also said to be the fastest growing cycad, producing up to five "flushes" (rosettes, or clusters) of leaves each year.[6] The species was discovered in 1902 by Louis Gentil.



External links



  1. Шаблон:Cite web
  2. Шаблон:Cite web
  3. ANNALES DU MUSEE DU CONGO Series 6 FLORE Vol. 1 (1904) p. 10.
  4. KEW BULLETIN Vol. 12 # 2 (1957) pp. 248-249.
  5. Douglas Goode, CYCADS OF AFRICA (Cape Town: Struik-Winchester, 1989) p. 240.
  6. Шаблон:Cite web